− | Sexual intercourse within the same clan causes ''adharma'', thus contraindicated in ''dharmashastra'' (CK on CS.Sa.2/3). Hence ''atulyagotra'' implies non-consanguineous cohabitation. The term ''rajakshaya'' implies menstrual (bleeding) phase, which is of three days and during this period sexual intercourse is contraindicated (CK on CS.Sa.2/3). Post-menstrual phase is considered to be an appropriate time to conceive. This period is referred as ''ritu'' and the duration is expressly described in the texts (SS.Sa.2/33, Sa.3/6; AS.Sa.1/40; AH.Sa.1/27; KS.Sa.5/5, Manu.3/46-47). It is also observed that the first three days and the 16th day of ''ritukala'' is not suitable for conception (Dal.SS.Sa3/6). Analyzing the above facts, it could be stated that ''rajah-kshayante'' referred here is the post menstrual ovulatory phase and is from the 4th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle. | + | Sexual intercourse within the same clan causes ''adharma'', thus contraindicated in ''dharmashastra''. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] Hence ''atulyagotra'' implies non-consanguineous cohabitation. The term ''rajakshaya'' implies menstrual (bleeding) phase, which is of three days and during this period sexual intercourse is contraindicated. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] Post-menstrual phase is considered to be an appropriate time to conceive. This period is referred as ''ritu'' and the duration is expressly described in the texts. [Su.Sa.Shaira Sthana 2/33], [Su.Sa.Shaira Sthana 3/6]; [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/40]; [A.H.Sharira Sthana 1/27]; [K.Sa.Shaira Sthana 5/5],[Manu.3/46-47] It is also observed that the first three days and the 16th day of ''ritukala'' is not suitable for conception. [Dalhana on Su.Sa.Sharira Sthana 3/6] Analyzing the above facts, it could be stated that ''rajah-kshayante'' referred here is the post menstrual ovulatory phase and is from the 4th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle. |
− | The influence of psychic component is very important to conceive and is described in many ways. A lonely place (''rahovisrishta'') is advised because any hindrance to the act affects emission of semen during coitus (CK on CS.Sa.2/3). A positive, healthy state of mind (''saumanasya'') is said to be the best state to conceive (CS.Su.25/40). If the woman thinks about an animal during coitus, the progeny takes the character of that animal (CS.Sa.2/25, 8/14; SS.Sa.2/46; AS. Su.13/3, Sa.1/53, AH.Sa.1/31). Similarly, proper methods for sex (''mithuna'') are indicated and it is advised not to follow wrong methods (CK on CS.Sa.2/3).Normal and abnormal postures (CS.Sa.8/6,58, AS.Sa.1/58-59), contraindication of coitus for both male and female along with their effects (CS.Sa.8/6, SS.Sa.10/56, Ci.24/110-123, AS.Sa.1/21,58; BP.Pur.3/26,5/300-302; BhS.Su.7/5-7) are found in many places. Four ''mahabhutas'' and six sources are the constituents of the ''sukshma-beeja'' which is taken with word ''shukra'' (CK on CS.Sa.2/3) viz. the sperm. (3) | + | The influence of psychic component is very important to conceive and is described in many ways. A lonely place (''rahovisrishta'') is advised because any hindrance to the act affects emission of semen during coitus. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] A positive, healthy state of mind (''saumanasya'') is said to be the best state to conceive. [Cha.Sa.[[Sutra Sthana]].25/40). If the woman thinks about an animal during coitus, the progeny takes the character of that animal. [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/25], [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 8/14]; [Su.Sa.Sharira Sthana 2/46]; [A.S.Sutra Sthana 13/2],[A.S.Sharira Sthana.1/53], [A.H.Sharira Sthana 1/30] Similarly, proper methods for sex (''mithuna'') are indicated and it is advised not to follow wrong methods. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] Normal and abnormal postures [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]]8/6],[Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]]8/58], [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/58-59], contraindication of coitus for both male and female along with their effects [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 8/6], [Su.Sa.Sharira Sthana 10/56], [Su.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 24/110-123], [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/21],[A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/58]; [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/21],[B.P. Purvakandam 3/26][B.P. Purvakandam 5/300-02]; [Bh.Sa.Sutra Sthana 7/5-7] are found in many places. Four ''mahabhutas'' and six sources are the constituents of the ''sukshma-beeja'' which is taken with word ''shukra'' [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana 2/3] viz. the sperm. (3) |