• While treating the conditions like dhatukshaya or dhatuvrudhi, the principles of “samanya and vishesha” are applied.For example, the mamsa dhatu get increased predominantly with the consumption of meat, rakta by rakta, meda by fat, vasa by muscle fat, asthi by tarunasthi(cartilage), shukra by shukra(semen) and garbha(fetus) by ama garbha, like egg. [Cha. Sa.Sharirasthana 6/10] | • While treating the conditions like dhatukshaya or dhatuvrudhi, the principles of “samanya and vishesha” are applied.For example, the mamsa dhatu get increased predominantly with the consumption of meat, rakta by rakta, meda by fat, vasa by muscle fat, asthi by tarunasthi(cartilage), shukra by shukra(semen) and garbha(fetus) by ama garbha, like egg. [Cha. Sa.Sharirasthana 6/10] |