| ''Vata'' dominant ''prameha'' is already described to be incurable (''asadhya''). Again repeating the statement regarding its incurability implies that the presence of several symptoms including the grayish and reddish coloration of urine right from the origin of disease is incurable; and if these signs and symptoms appear at later stage, then the condition is incurable. In the latter type, attributes of ''majja'' etc., need not to be present. Alternatively, it can be explained that when at a later stage, any type of ''prameha'' gets associated with ''vayu'' and characterized by grayish and reddish coloration of urine, and then it also becomes incurable. In addition when ''kaphaja'' and ''pittaja'' types of ''prameha'' are associated with the passage of ''majja'' etc., in the urine, they become incurable. It is stated, “All types of ''prameha'', if not treated in time, leads to ''madhumeha'' and become incurable” (Sushruta : Nidana 6). | | ''Vata'' dominant ''prameha'' is already described to be incurable (''asadhya''). Again repeating the statement regarding its incurability implies that the presence of several symptoms including the grayish and reddish coloration of urine right from the origin of disease is incurable; and if these signs and symptoms appear at later stage, then the condition is incurable. In the latter type, attributes of ''majja'' etc., need not to be present. Alternatively, it can be explained that when at a later stage, any type of ''prameha'' gets associated with ''vayu'' and characterized by grayish and reddish coloration of urine, and then it also becomes incurable. In addition when ''kaphaja'' and ''pittaja'' types of ''prameha'' are associated with the passage of ''majja'' etc., in the urine, they become incurable. It is stated, “All types of ''prameha'', if not treated in time, leads to ''madhumeha'' and become incurable” (Sushruta : Nidana 6). |