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<p style="text-align:justify;">Madhutailika basti is one of the commonly practiced therapy in various clinical conditions. The chief ingredients of this [[Basti|basti]] are madhu (honey) and taila (oil). It is also known as padahina basti, yukta ratha basti and siddha basti. It is specially indicated for tender persons like children, aged persons. It possesses both properties like expelling [[Dosha|dosha]] (doshanirharana) as well as nourishing (brimhana). There are no such contraindications for madhutailika basti. Also, it is devoid of any kind of restrictions during its administration. It has wide spectrum of action such as vrishya (aphrodisiac), varnya (improves complexion) and balya (improves strength). It can be used in [[Meda dhatu|meda dhatu]] dushti vikara like medoroga (dyslipidemia) and [[Prameha Nidana|prameha]] (obstinate urinary diseases including diabetes). [Su.Sa. Chiktsa Sthana 35/3-4]
Madhutailika basti is one of the commonly practiced therapy in various clinical conditions. The chief ingredients of this [[Basti|basti]] are madhu (honey) and taila (oil). It is also known as padahina basti, yukta ratha basti and siddha basti. It is specially indicated for tender persons like children, aged persons. It possesses both properties like expelling [[Dosha|dosha]] (doshanirharana) as well as nourishing (brimhana). There are no such contraindications for madhutailika basti. Also, it is devoid of any kind of restrictions during its administration. It has wide spectrum of action such as vrishya (aphrodisiac), varnya (improves complexion) and balya (improves strength). It can be used in [[Meda dhatu|meda dhatu]] dushti vikara like medoroga (dyslipidemia) and [[Prameha Nidana|prameha]] (obstinate urinary diseases including diabetes). [Su.Sa. Chiktsa Sthana 35/3-4]