*[[Jwara]] [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/139] can be treated with only fasting (langhana) [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]] 8/31] if it is associated with toxic metabolic waste ([[ama]]) or during the predominance of [[kapha]] or [[kapha]] and [[pitta]] [[dosha]]. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/284] The [[kapha]] predominant stage of chronic intermittent pattern of [[jwara]] can also be managed through reducing (langhana) therapies. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/295] The patients who are unsuitable for oleation and purificatory therapies are treated by langhana therapies. [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana 39/99]<ref name=Susruta/> | *[[Jwara]] [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/139] can be treated with only fasting (langhana) [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]] 8/31] if it is associated with toxic metabolic waste ([[ama]]) or during the predominance of [[kapha]] or [[kapha]] and [[pitta]] [[dosha]]. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/284] The [[kapha]] predominant stage of chronic intermittent pattern of [[jwara]] can also be managed through reducing (langhana) therapies. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/295] The patients who are unsuitable for oleation and purificatory therapies are treated by langhana therapies. [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana 39/99]<ref name=Susruta/> |