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=== Pre-requisites for conception (Verse 3) ===
=== Pre-requisites for conception (Verse 3) ===
Sexual intercourse within the same clan causes ''adharma'', thus contraindicated in ''dharmashastra'' (CK on CS.Sa.2/3). Hence ''atulyagotra'' implies non-consanguineous cohabitation. The term ''rajakshaya'' implies menstrual (bleeding) phase, which is of three days and during this period sexual intercourse is contraindicated (CK on CS.Sa.2/3). Post-menstrual phase is considered to be an appropriate time to conceive. This period is referred as ''ritu'' and the duration is expressly described in the texts (SS.Sa.2/33, Sa.3/6; AS.Sa.1/40; AH.Sa.1/27; KS.Sa.5/5, Manu.3/46-47). It is also observed that the first three days and the 16th day of ''ritukala'' is not suitable for conception (Dal.SS.Sa3/6). Analyzing the above facts, it could be stated that ''rajah-kshayante'' referred here is the post menstrual ovulatory phase and is from the 4th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle.
Sexual intercourse within the same clan causes ''adharma'', thus contraindicated in ''dharmashastra''. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] Hence ''atulyagotra'' implies non-consanguineous cohabitation. The term ''rajakshaya'' implies menstrual (bleeding) phase, which is of three days and during this period sexual intercourse is contraindicated. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] Post-menstrual phase is considered to be an appropriate time to conceive. This period is referred as ''ritu'' and the duration is expressly described in the texts. [Su.Sa.Shaira Sthana 2/33], [Su.Sa.Shaira Sthana 3/6]; [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/40]; [A.H.Sharira Sthana 1/27]; [K.Sa.Shaira Sthana 5/5],[Manu.3/46-47] It is also observed that the first three days and the 16th day of ''ritukala'' is not suitable for conception. [Dalhana on Su.Sa.Sharira Sthana 3/6] Analyzing the above facts, it could be stated that ''rajah-kshayante'' referred here is the post menstrual ovulatory phase and is from the 4th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle.
The influence of psychic component is very important to conceive and is described in many ways. A lonely place (''rahovisrishta'') is advised because any hindrance to the act affects emission of semen during coitus (CK on CS.Sa.2/3). A positive, healthy state of mind (''saumanasya'') is said to be the best state to conceive (CS.Su.25/40). If the woman thinks about an animal during coitus, the progeny takes the character of that animal (CS.Sa.2/25, 8/14; SS.Sa.2/46; AS. Su.13/3, Sa.1/53, AH.Sa.1/31). Similarly, proper methods for sex (''mithuna'') are indicated and it is advised not to follow wrong methods (CK on CS.Sa.2/3).Normal and abnormal postures (CS.Sa.8/6,58, AS.Sa.1/58-59), contraindication of coitus for both male and female along with their effects (CS.Sa.8/6, SS.Sa.10/56, Ci.24/110-123, AS.Sa.1/21,58; BP.Pur.3/26,5/300-302; BhS.Su.7/5-7) are found in many places. Four ''mahabhutas'' and six sources are the constituents of the ''sukshma-beeja'' which is taken with word ''shukra'' (CK on CS.Sa.2/3) viz. the sperm. (3)
The influence of psychic component is very important to conceive and is described in many ways. A lonely place (''rahovisrishta'') is advised because any hindrance to the act affects emission of semen during coitus. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] A positive, healthy state of mind (''saumanasya'') is said to be the best state to conceive. [Cha.Sa.[[Sutra Sthana]].25/40). If the woman thinks about an animal during coitus, the progeny takes the character of that animal. [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/25], [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 8/14]; [Su.Sa.Sharira Sthana 2/46]; [A.S.Sutra Sthana 13/2],[A.S.Sharira Sthana.1/53], [A.H.Sharira Sthana 1/30] Similarly, proper methods for sex (''mithuna'') are indicated and it is advised not to follow wrong methods. [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 2/3] Normal and abnormal postures [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]]8/6],[Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]]8/58], [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/58-59], contraindication of coitus for both male and female along with their effects [Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana]] 8/6], [Su.Sa.Sharira Sthana 10/56], [Su.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 24/110-123], [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/21],[A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/58]; [A.S.Sharira Sthana 1/21],[B.P. Purvakandam 3/26][B.P. Purvakandam 5/300-02]; [Bh.Sa.Sutra Sthana 7/5-7] are found in many places. Four ''mahabhutas'' and six sources are the constituents of the ''sukshma-beeja'' which is taken with word ''shukra'' [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.[[Sharira Sthana 2/3] viz. the sperm. (3)
=== Description of ''shukra'' (Verse 4-6) ===
=== Description of ''shukra'' (Verse 4-6) ===
