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The word “Satmya” literally refers to habit, suitability, wholesomeness, that agreeable to nature or natural constitution etc.  Understanding the concept of “Satmya” is vital for preserving the healthy status of body. It is equally important for a physician for planning the treatment protocol for a particular patient suffering from particular disease.
==Etymology and derivation==
Sātmya (सात्म्य).—a. Wholesome, agreeable to nature.
-tmyaḥ 1)Suitablenes.
2) Habit, habitation, diet.
-tmyam = सरूपता (sarūpatā) q. v.; नृपाश्चैद्यादयः सात्म्यं हरेस्तच्चिन्तया ययुः (nṛpāścaidyādayaḥ sātmyaṃ harestaccintayā yayuḥ) Bhāg. 7.1.4.<ref>Available from
==Contextual meanings==
The term Satmya denotes different meanings in different contexts.
*Suitable habitat
*Wholesome diet and lifestyle
*Natural wholesome disposition of coexistence
*Habitual Use
== Categories of Satmya ==
Satmya can be classified in terms of various aspects for better understanding and applicability in the field of health care.
*One among the 6 factors contributing to the physical and psychological development of a fetus
*Wholesome diet and regimens particular to a person
*Suitability as per the geographical area
*Suitability according to Season
*Wholesome for a particular disease condition
*Agreeable to natural constitution
*Acquired  adaptation due to habitual use
== References in [[Charak Samhita]] ==
In Charak Samhita, the term Satmya appears 83 times in Moola Shlokas and 64 times in Vyakhya by Chakrapani. The contextual meanings and application & categorization, of the term with references are listed in table 1 and table 2 and as described below.
Satmya is mentioned as one among the six factors which contribute to the origin and development of an organism. (Cha.Sa.Sharira Sthana.3/14).
The domains of contribution of Satmya includes ''arogya'' (the state of freedom from diseases), ''analasya'' (freedom from laziness),''alolupatva'' (freedom from greed), clarity of senses, excellence of voice and fertility and optimum libido.[Cha.Sa.Sharira Sthana 3/11]
While explaining ''Agrya'' (Superior entities), Acharya Charaka mentioned that Wholesome diet and regimen (''Yatha satmya cheshtbhyavahara'') or eating and working in conformity to one’s constitution, is the best or superior “ worth adopting regimen” or best among good practices (''sevyanam'').[Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 25/40]
Asatmya sevana especially in terms of diet (adopting unwholesome regimen) is mentioned as the causative factor of a number of diseases.
In general the diet and lifestyle opposite to the qualities of the habitat of the individual and of the causative factors of the diseases prevalent in the location, can be adapted to preserve health.[Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana. 6/50]
Satmya is also included in the ten factors to be examined in a patient before planning a treatment for a particular disease condition.[Cha.Sa. Vimana Sthana 8/94]
===Desha Satmya (suitability and adaptation in a particular geographical area)===
It is observed that people living in a particular geographical area are adopting a common trend in dietetics and regimens. It may be depending on the availability of substances and suitability to the particular environment in that particular area. In Charaka Samhita, the references are available regarding the diet of people living in different geographical areas in India. It is said that any food substance which is habituated to a particular person in a particular geographical area, even if they are not conducive or not wholesome to body and mind, it should not be withdrawn instantaneously. If any unwholesome food is prohibited instantly the person may not be benefited from it. [Cha. Sa.chikitsa Sthana 30/315-319]
===Ritu Satmya (Seasonal adaptations)===
A person who knows the Ritusatmya (seasonal adaptations), i.e., getting accustomed to suitable changes in diet and lifestyle according to seasons, and practices such habits accordingly), leads a healthy, long life. [Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 6/3]
===Vyadhi Satmya===
Certain diet or regimen are explained as suitable for a disease condition which is proven as effective in the management of the particular disease condition by its nature. An excellent example is Yavagu( rice gruel) in Jwara( fever) [Cha.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 3/153]
===Prakruti Satmya===
The inherent adaptation in an individual to certain substences, actions etc according to the natural constitution. It is said that the wholesome habits and life style of the couple before and during conception and the wholesome diet and regimen of the mother during antenatal period influences the formation, growth and development of the fetus which result in the formation of the Sahaja Satmya (adaptation by birth) in an individual.[Cha.Sa.Sharira Sthana 3/11]
===Swabhava Satmya===
Certain substances are said to be wholesome by its nature itself. For example, milk especially human breast milk is mentioned as universal wholesome substance. [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 27/224]
===Oka Satmya ( Habituation developed by practice)===
This is the most important concept of Satmya which is having a wide range of therapeutic utility. This is an acquired type of Satmya due to repeated or habitual use of a particular substance or following a particular regimen for a long time. By repeated use, the person get adapted to a substance/ regimen which may or may not be conductive to health in general. But, for that particular person, it becomes suitable and it may not cause any harmful effect or it may not disturb his healthy status. Medicines must be administered along with the food which is satmya(wholesome) to the patient . Medicines given with satmya food nourish the body quickly and do not create much untoward effects. The physician treating the patients simply with recepies, without consideration of desha, kala etc.,may commit mistakes.
It is categorized into three. ie, Pravara(Superior), Avara(inferior) and  Madhyama(intermediate).
A seven fold classification based on the use of six individual Rasas (tastes) and the combination of all tastes (sarvarasa) in diet is also given.
Relation between different concepts of Satmya
The role of Satmya in an individual begins right from the formation of embryo, its development, the adaptations developed in an individual by birth as well as the acquired adaptations in terms of diet and life style influenced by the geographical area, seasons and habitual use of some substances and regimens/practices. These determine the healthy as well as diseased states of an individual. One should follow the rules of Satmya to preserve and maintain his health. And if one get diseased the physician should consider Satmya as an important contributing factor while examining an patient, diagnosing and treating the disease. And the factor Satmya influences the ability of a couple to procreate a healthy progeny and the effect of Satmya reflects in the next generation also.
Importance of Knowledge of Satmya
• Status of Health depends upon the inherent as well as acquired adaptations of an individual
• Diet and lifestyle opposite to the qualities of the habitat of the individual and of the causative factors of the diseases prevalent in the location will prevent the occurrence of  diseases.
• While planning the treatment for an individual suffering from a particular disease, one should select the drug/ procedure/dietary modification etc as per the individual suitability as well as the disease suitability.
Current Researches
Table 1: The contextual meanings and application of the term Satmya with references
SL. No As a Factor to be consider before planning the treatment of a disease Preventive Aspect/ for preserving healthy status “Asatmya” as a Nidana (causative factor) for Disease As a factor contributing to the formation,growth and development of fetus
1 Chapter 15 verse 5 Chapter 7 verse 41 Chapter 17 verse 91
2 Chapter 15 verse 17 Chapter 25 verse 40 Chapter 26 verse 91
3 Chapter 26 verse 106
4 Chapter 27 verse 347
5 Chapter 1 verse 28
6 Chapter 1 verse 3 Chapter 3 verse 6
7 Chapter 2 verse 13 Chapter 7 verse 12
8 Chapter 4 verse 8
9 Chapter 8 verse 94
10 Chapter 8 verse 130
11 Chapter 6 verse 7 Chapter 3 verse 3
12 Chapter 6 verse 13 Chapter 3 verse 4
13 Chapter 8 verse 32 Chapter 3 verse 11
14 Chapter 4 verse 14
15 Chapter 4 verse 32
16 Chapter 1 part 1 verse 28 Chapter 1 part 2 verse 3
17 Chapter 1 part 2 verse 8 Chapter 14 verse 9
18 Chapter 1 part 2 verse19 Chapter 14 verse 42
19 Chapter 1 part 3 verse Chapter 16 verse 7
20 Chapter 2 part 1 verse 45 Chapter 18 verse 24
21 Chapter 3 verse 156 Chapter 19 verse 4
22 Chapter 8 verse 69 Chapter 19 verse 8
23 Chapter 9 verse 88 Chapter 25 verse 33
24 Chapter 11verse 94 Chapter 30 verse 163
25 Chapter 12 verse 20 Chapter 30 verse 183
26 Chapter 16 verse 76 Chapter 30 verse 232
27 Chapter 19 verse 24
28 Chapter 19 verse 50
29 Chapter 20 verse 44
30 Chapter 28 verse 249
31 Chapter 30 verse 293
32 Chapter 1 verse 6
Table 2: The categorization of the term Satmya with references
Sl.No Desha Satmya Purusha Satmya Kalasatmya/Ritu Satmya Vyadhi Satmya Prakruti /Sahaja Satmya Swabhava Satmya Oka Satmya
1 Chapter 6 verse 50 Chapter 6 verse 3 Chapter 6 verse 50 Chapter 1 verse109 Chapter 6 verse 49
2 Chapter 22 verse 25
3 Chapter 25 verse 40
4 Chapter 27 verse 224
5. Chapter 1 verse 40 Chapter 3 verse 5 Chapter 1 verse 20
6. Chapter 1 verse 22 Chapter 1 verse 19
7 Chapter 1 verse 22
8 Chapter 1 verse 27
9 Chapter 8 verse 93
10 Chapter 8 verse 118
11 Chapter 30 verse 315 Chapter 30 verse 315 Chapter 3 verse 153 Chapter 26 verse 293 Chapter 24 verse 119
12 Chapter 3 verse 319
13 Chapter 22 verse 61
