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Chikitsaprabhritiya Adhyaya is the last chapter of the Kalpana Chatushka tetrad and describes the traits of a physician proficient in therapeutics, besides the consequences of appropriate as well as incorrect administration of therapeutic procedures, along with corrective interventions wherever applicable. This chapter also describes various indications for therapeutic intervention and their benefits, and questions and answers related the applicability of svabhavaparamvada (i.e. theory of natural destruction of causative factors of disease).
Chikitsaprabhritiya Adhyaya is the last chapter of the Kalpana Chatushka tetrad and describes the traits of a physician proficient in therapeutics, besides the consequences of appropriate as well as incorrect administration of therapeutic procedures, along with corrective interventions wherever applicable. This chapter also describes various indications for therapeutic intervention and their benefits, and questions and answers related the applicability of svabhavaparamvada (i.e. theory of natural destruction of causative factors of disease).
=== Chapter 17. Diseases of three vital organs including Head and other conditions - [[Kiyanta Shiraseeya Adhyaya]] ===
This is the first chapter of Roga Chatushka(tetrad on disease information) dealing with description related to diseases of the trimarma (three vital organs – the head, heart, and the urinary bladder (basti)). The etiopathogenesis of these diseases is detailed. Various diseases are caused due to permutations and combinations of dosha imbalances. The chapter describes signs of depletion of dhatu and mala. It also highlights the disorders of oja as well as madhumeha (diabetes mellitus), and carbuncles produced as its complications. This chapter also describes various types of dosha gati (movements of dosha). The comprehensive information about principles of basic Ayurvedic pathology is included in the chapter.
=== Chapter 18.Three Types of Swellings and other conditions - [[Trishothiya Adhyaya]] ====
The preceding chapter (Kiyanta Shiraseeya) provided details on diseases of the vital organs with signs of swellings. This Trishothiya Adhyaya of Roga Chatushka (tetrad on diseases) describes various kinds of swellings/distension as well as causative factors for endogenous and exogenous swellings/distensions, their locations in the body and their modes of treatment. Further,the pathophysiology of various diseases along with their specific diagnostic criteria have been described in the chapter.
=== Chapter 19. Numerical Classification of Diseases - [[Ashtodariya Adhyaya]] ===
In continuation of the previous chapter, this chapter delves into classifications of various diseases. Diseases have been broadly classified here into two groups – one comprising of diseases manifesting as a result of involvement of two or more doshas (Samanyaja Vyadhi), while the other focusing on diseases caused due to a single dosha (Nanatmaja Vyadhi). Forty-eight diseases have been enlisted with their types from diagnostic perspective in this chapter. The role of doshas in etiopathogenesis of the diseases, difference between the exogenous and endogenous diseases and their coexistence has also been described. In modern medicine, classification and knowledge of these diseases differs. Some diseases described in this chapter can be exactly correlated with diseases of modern medicine whereas some cannot be.
=== Chapter 20. Dosha specific classification of diseases - [[ Maharoga Adhyaya ]] ===
This chapter focuses on diseases caused due to one vitiated dosha. Considering the fact that there are three distinct one-dosha families of diseases, and various exogenous (agantuja) diseases, there could be as many as eighty variants due to a vitiated vata, forty due to pitta, and twenty due to kapha. Any effective diagnosis or treatment of these diseases would need a detailed study of the doshas, their locations and characteristics. This has been provided in this chapter.
=== Chapter 21. Eight Undesirable Physical Constitutions - [[ Ashtauninditiya Adhyaya ]] ===
The Ashtauninditiyam is the first chapter of the Yojana Chatushka (tetrad on management protocol) within the Sutra Sthana. It deals with the interrelationships of diseases and drugs that depend upon the physical constitution of an individual. This chapter talks about eight undesirable physical constitutions that require special attention during any course of treatment and then focuses on features that are extreme and undesirable - morbid obesity and extreme emaciation. The reader of this chapter would expect to learn about these two conditions, their causative factors, signs and symptoms, and ways of effective management. A special emphasis has also been given to the merits of sleep, qualities or characteristics that define a “good sleep” and the demerits of sleep related disorders.
=== Chapter 22. Reduction and nourishing therapies - [[ Langhanabrimhaniya Adhyaya ]] ===
The courses of treatment for the sthula (obese) and the krisha (too thin/skinny/emaciated), and of various other diseases form the basis of Ayurvedic therapeutics and is the theme of the present chapter. Ayurvedic therapeutics are reducing (Apatarpana) or nourishing (Santarpana), and are of six types: Langhana (reduction), Brimhana (nourishing), Rukshana (drying), Stambhana (astringent/styptic), Snehana (oleation), and Swedana (sudation). Besides providing insights into these therapeutic measures, this chapter also describes specific qualities of these therapeutic procedures and their indications in detail. Finally, the reader would also expect to learn about features of optimally administered techniques while understanding the consequences of their over and under-application.