When a person with provoked ''dosha'' indulges in excessive intake of sesame, milk, molasses,takes meals even when previous meal has not properly digested, eats putrefied or promiscuous food, and/or takes incompatible diet - it causes pathological discharges of ''rakta, kapha'' and ''māmsa'', wherein parasites are produced, leading to ''krimija shiroroga'' with dreadful symptoms [27-28] | When a person with provoked ''dosha'' indulges in excessive intake of sesame, milk, molasses,takes meals even when previous meal has not properly digested, eats putrefied or promiscuous food, and/or takes incompatible diet - it causes pathological discharges of ''rakta, kapha'' and ''māmsa'', wherein parasites are produced, leading to ''krimija shiroroga'' with dreadful symptoms [27-28] |