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viṣamaṁ duḥkhaśayyāyāṁ maithunāt kupitō'nilaḥ||35||  
viṣamaṁ duḥkhaśayyāyāṁ maithunāt kupitō'nilaḥ||35||  
garbhāśayasya yōnyāśca mukhaṁ viṣṭambhayēt striyāḥ|  
garbhāśayasya yōnyāśca mukhaṁ viṣṭambhayēt striyāḥ|  
asaṁvr̥tamukhī sārtī [1] rūkṣaphēnāsravāhinī||36||  
asaṁvr̥tamukhī sārtī [1] rūkṣaphēnāsravāhinī||36||  
māṁsōtsannā mahāyōniḥ parvavaṅkṣaṇaśūlinī|37|
māṁsōtsannā mahāyōniḥ parvavaṅkṣaṇaśūlinī|37|
viShamaM duHkhashayyAyAM maithunAt kupito~anilaH||35||  
viShamaM duHkhashayyAyAM maithunAt kupito~anilaH||35||  
garbhAshayasya yonyAshca mukhaM viShTambhayet striyAH|  
garbhAshayasya yonyAshca mukhaM viShTambhayet striyAH|  
asaMvRutamukhI sArtI [1] rUkShaphenAsravAhinI||36||  
asaMvRutamukhI sArtI [1] rUkShaphenAsravAhinI||36||  
mAMsotsannA mahAyoniH parvava~gkShaNashUlinI|37|
mAMsotsannA mahAyoniH parvava~gkShaNashUlinI|37|
If coitus is performed on uneven and uncomfortable bed, the vitiated vata dilates the orifices of uterus and vagina. By this, vaginal opening is  unclosed, painful and rough, frothy menstrual blood comes out. There is muscular protuberance in the vagina and there is associated pain in the joints and groin. This is known as mahayoni. (35-37)
If coitus is performed on uneven and uncomfortable bed, the vitiated ''vata'' dilates the orifices of uterus and vagina. By this, vaginal opening is  unclosed, painful and rough, frothy menstrual blood comes out. There is muscular protuberance in the vagina and there is associated pain in the joints and groin. This is known as ''mahayoni''. [35-37]
Consequences of yonivyapat:
इत्येतैर्लक्षणैः प्रोक्ता विंशतिर्योनिजा गदाः ||३७||  
==== Consequences of ''yonivyapat'' ====
इत्येतैर्लक्षणैः प्रोक्ता विंशतिर्योनिजा गदाः ||३७||
न शुक्रं धारयत्येभिर्दोषैर्योनिरुपद्रुता |  
न शुक्रं धारयत्येभिर्दोषैर्योनिरुपद्रुता |  
तस्माद्गर्भं न गृह्णाति स्त्री गच्छत्यामयान् बहून् ||३८||  
तस्माद्गर्भं न गृह्णाति स्त्री गच्छत्यामयान् बहून् ||३८||  
गुल्मार्शःप्रदरादींश्च वाताद्यैश्चातिपीडनम् |३९|
गुल्मार्शःप्रदरादींश्च वाताद्यैश्चातिपीडनम् |३९|
ityētairlakṣaṇaiḥ prōktā viṁśatiryōnijā gadāḥ||37||  
ityētairlakṣaṇaiḥ prōktā viṁśatiryōnijā gadāḥ||37||  
na śukraṁ dhārayatyēbhirdōṣairyōnirupadrutā|  
na śukraṁ dhārayatyēbhirdōṣairyōnirupadrutā|  
tasmādgarbhaṁ na gr̥hṇāti strī gacchatyāmayān bahūn||38||  
tasmādgarbhaṁ na gr̥hṇāti strī gacchatyāmayān bahūn||38||  
gulmārśaḥpradarādīṁśca vātādyaiścātipīḍanam|39|  
gulmārśaḥpradarādīṁśca vātādyaiścātipīḍanam|39|  
ityetairlakShaNaiH proktA viMshatiryonijA gadAH||37||  
ityetairlakShaNaiH proktA viMshatiryonijA gadAH||37||  
na shukraM dhArayatyebhirdoShairyonirupadrutA|  
na shukraM dhArayatyebhirdoShairyonirupadrutA|  
tasmAdgarbhaM na gRuhNAti strI gacchatyAmayAn bahUn||38||  
tasmAdgarbhaM na gRuhNAti strI gacchatyAmayAn bahUn||38||  
gulmArshaHpradarAdIMshca vAtAdyaishcAtipIDanam|39|
gulmArshaHpradarAdIMshca vAtAdyaishcAtipIDanam|39|
Thus, the twenty female gynaecological disorders (disorders of the genital tract) have been described based upon clinical features. The affected Yoni (uterus) due to these defects is unable to hold the semen (sperm). So, woman does not conceive and suffers from gulma, piles, heavy bleeding and gets afflicted with various disorders of vata, pitta and kapha. (37-39)
Dosha dominance in yonivyapat:
Thus, the twenty female gynecological disorders (disorders of the genital tract) have been described based upon clinical features. The affected ''yoni'' (uterus) due to these defects is unable to hold the semen (sperm). So, woman does not conceive and suffers from ''gulma'', piles, heavy bleeding and gets afflicted with various disorders of ''vata, pitta'' and ''kapha''. [37-39]
==== ''Dosha'' dominance in ''yonivyapat'' ====
आसां षोडश यास्त्वन्त्या आद्ये द्वे पित्तदोषजे ||३९||  
आसां षोडश यास्त्वन्त्या आद्ये द्वे पित्तदोषजे ||३९||  
परिप्लुता वामिनी च वातपित्तात्मिके मते |  
परिप्लुता वामिनी च वातपित्तात्मिके मते |