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हर्षमूर्जं मुदं पुष्टिमारोग्यं पौरुषं परम् [१] |  
हर्षमूर्जं मुदं पुष्टिमारोग्यं पौरुषं परम् [१] |  
युक्त्या पीतं करोत्याशु मद्यं सुखमदप्रदम् ||६१||  
युक्त्या पीतं करोत्याशु मद्यं सुखमदप्रदम् ||६१||  
रोचनं दीपनं हृद्यं स्वरवर्णप्रसादनम् |  
रोचनं दीपनं हृद्यं स्वरवर्णप्रसादनम् |  
प्रीणनं बृंहणं बल्यं भयशोकश्रमापहम् ||६२||  
प्रीणनं बृंहणं बल्यं भयशोकश्रमापहम् ||६२||  
स्वापनं नष्टनिद्राणां मूकानां वाग्विबोधनम् |  
स्वापनं नष्टनिद्राणां मूकानां वाग्विबोधनम् |  
बोधनं चातिनिद्राणां विबद्धानां विबन्धनुत् ||६३||  
बोधनं चातिनिद्राणां विबद्धानां विबन्धनुत् ||६३||  
वधबन्धपरिक्लेशदुःखानां चाप्यबोधनम् |  
वधबन्धपरिक्लेशदुःखानां चाप्यबोधनम् |  
मद्योत्थानां च रोगाणां मद्यमेव प्रबाधकम् ||६४||  
मद्योत्थानां च रोगाणां मद्यमेव प्रबाधकम् ||६४||  
रतिर्विषयसंयोगे प्रीतिसंयोगवर्धनम् |  
रतिर्विषयसंयोगे प्रीतिसंयोगवर्धनम् |  
अपि प्रवयसां मद्यमुत्सवामोदकारकम् ||६५||  
अपि प्रवयसां मद्यमुत्सवामोदकारकम् ||६५||  
पञ्चस्वर्थेषु कान्तेषु या रतिः प्रथमे मदे |  
पञ्चस्वर्थेषु कान्तेषु या रतिः प्रथमे मदे |  
यूनां वा स्थविराणां वा तस्य नास्त्युपमा भुवि ||६६||  
यूनां वा स्थविराणां वा तस्य नास्त्युपमा भुवि ||६६||
बहुदुःखहतस्यास्य शोकेनोपहतस्य च |  
बहुदुःखहतस्यास्य शोकेनोपहतस्य च |  
विश्रामो जीवलोकस्य मद्यं युक्त्या निषेवितम् ||६७|| harṣamūrjaṁ mudaṁ puṣṭimārōgyaṁ pauruṣaṁ param [1] |  
विश्रामो जीवलोकस्य मद्यं युक्त्या निषेवितम् ||६७||  
harṣamūrjaṁ mudaṁ puṣṭimārōgyaṁ pauruṣaṁ param [1] |  
yuktyā pītaṁ karōtyāśu madyaṁ sukhamadapradam||61||  
yuktyā pītaṁ karōtyāśu madyaṁ sukhamadapradam||61||  
rōcanaṁ dīpanaṁ hr̥dyaṁ svaravarṇaprasādanam|  
rōcanaṁ dīpanaṁ hr̥dyaṁ svaravarṇaprasādanam|  
prīṇanaṁ br̥ṁhaṇaṁ balyaṁ bhayaśōkaśramāpaham||62||  
prīṇanaṁ br̥ṁhaṇaṁ balyaṁ bhayaśōkaśramāpaham||62||  
svāpanaṁ naṣṭanidrāṇāṁ mūkānāṁ vāgvibōdhanam|  
svāpanaṁ naṣṭanidrāṇāṁ mūkānāṁ vāgvibōdhanam|  
bōdhanaṁ cātinidrāṇāṁ vibaddhānāṁ vibandhanut||63||  
bōdhanaṁ cātinidrāṇāṁ vibaddhānāṁ vibandhanut||63||  
vadhabandhapariklēśaduḥkhānāṁ cāpyabōdhanam|  
vadhabandhapariklēśaduḥkhānāṁ cāpyabōdhanam|  
madyōtthānāṁ ca rōgāṇāṁ madyamēva prabādhakam||64||  
madyōtthānāṁ ca rōgāṇāṁ madyamēva prabādhakam||64||  
ratirviṣayasaṁyōgē prītisaṁyōgavardhanam|  
ratirviṣayasaṁyōgē prītisaṁyōgavardhanam|  
api pravayasāṁ madyamutsavāmōdakārakam||65||  
api pravayasāṁ madyamutsavāmōdakārakam||65||
pañcasvarthēṣu kāntēṣu yā ratiḥ prathamē madē|  
pañcasvarthēṣu kāntēṣu yā ratiḥ prathamē madē|  
yūnāṁ vā sthavirāṇāṁ vā tasya nāstyupamā bhuvi||66||  
yūnāṁ vā sthavirāṇāṁ vā tasya nāstyupamā bhuvi||66||  
bahuduḥkhahatasyāsya śōkēnōpahatasya ca|  
bahuduḥkhahatasyāsya śōkēnōpahatasya ca|  
viśrāmō jīvalōkasya madyaṁ yuktyā niṣēvitam||67||  
viśrāmō jīvalōkasya madyaṁ yuktyā niṣēvitam||67||  
harShamUrjaM mudaM puShTimArogyaM pauruShaM param [1] |  
harShamUrjaM mudaM puShTimArogyaM pauruShaM param [1] |  
yuktyA pItaM karotyAshu madyaM sukhamadapradam ||61||
yuktyA pItaM karotyAshu madyaM sukhamadapradam ||61||
rocanaM dIpanaM hRudyaM svaravarNaprasAdanam |  
rocanaM dIpanaM hRudyaM svaravarNaprasAdanam |  
prINanaM bRuMhaNaM balyaM bhayashokashramApaham ||62||  
prINanaM bRuMhaNaM balyaM bhayashokashramApaham ||62||  
svApanaM naShTanidrANAM mUkAnAM vAgvibodhanam |  
svApanaM naShTanidrANAM mUkAnAM vAgvibodhanam |  
bodhanaM cAtinidrANAM vibaddhAnAM vibandhanut ||63||  
bodhanaM cAtinidrANAM vibaddhAnAM vibandhanut ||63||  
vadhabandhaparikleshaduHkhAnAM cApyabodhanam |  
vadhabandhaparikleshaduHkhAnAM cApyabodhanam |  
madyotthAnAM ca rogANAM madyameva prabAdhakam ||64||  
madyotthAnAM ca rogANAM madyameva prabAdhakam ||64||
ratirviShayasaMyoge prItisaMyogavardhanam |  
ratirviShayasaMyoge prItisaMyogavardhanam |  
api pravayasAM madyamutsavAmodakArakam ||65||  
api pravayasAM madyamutsavAmodakArakam ||65||  
pa~jcasvartheShu kAnteShu yA ratiH prathame made |  
pa~jcasvartheShu kAnteShu yA ratiH prathame made |  
yUnAM vA sthavirANAM vA tasya nAstyupamA bhuvi ||66||  
yUnAM vA sthavirANAM vA tasya nAstyupamA bhuvi ||66||  
bahuduHkhahatasyAsya shokenopahatasya ca |  
bahuduHkhahatasyAsya shokenopahatasya ca |  
vishrAmo jIvalokasya madyaM yuktyA niShevitam ||67||
vishrAmo jIvalokasya madyaM yuktyA niShevitam ||67||
The liquor when consumed sensibly, instantaneously leads to the best of cheerfulness, energy, joy, nourishment, strength. The liquor gives happiness and excitement.
The liquor when consumed sensibly, instantaneously leads to the best of cheerfulness, energy, joy, nourishment, strength. The liquor gives happiness and excitement.
The liquor is charming, appetizing, pleasing & improving voice and complexion; appeasing, nourishing, strengthening, and pacifier of phobia, grief and exhaustion.   
The liquor is charming, appetizing, pleasing and improving voice and complexion; appeasing, nourishing, strengthening, and pacifier of phobia, grief and exhaustion.   
It makes sleep to those who have the sleeplessness, stimulates voice of the speechless, awakens the excess sleepy, releases obstruction in the constipated. It also anesthetizes those with capital punishment or imprisonment, in pain and sorrow.
It makes sleep to those who have the sleeplessness, stimulates voice of the speechless, awakens the excess sleepy, releases obstruction in the constipated. It also anesthetizes those with capital punishment or imprisonment, in pain and sorrow.
The diseases caused by the (intoxication of) liquor can even be kept away with the liquor.
The diseases caused by the (intoxication of) liquor can even be kept away with the liquor.
The liquor raises the wish and joy for pleasant desire for sexual relations, enhances the affectionate relation, even in elderly.
The liquor raises the wish and joy for pleasant desire for sexual relations, enhances the affectionate relation, even in elderly.
The excitement enjoyed in the first stage of intoxication with respect to the five senses by the youth or elderly is the unique in the world.
The excitement enjoyed in the first stage of intoxication with respect to the five senses by the youth or elderly is the unique in the world.
The liquor use astutely for the relaxation by the people will help those who are inflicted with intense pain and deep sorrow.(61-67)
The liquor use astutely for the relaxation by the people will help those who are inflicted with intense pain and deep sorrow.[61-67]
अन्नपानवयोव्याधिबलकालत्रिकाणि षट् |  
अन्नपानवयोव्याधिबलकालत्रिकाणि षट् |  
त्रीन्दोषांस्त्रिविधं सत्त्वं ज्ञात्वा मद्यं पिबेत्सदा ||६८||  
त्रीन्दोषांस्त्रिविधं सत्त्वं ज्ञात्वा मद्यं पिबेत्सदा ||६८||  
तेषां त्रिकाणामष्टानां योजना युक्तिरुच्यते |  
तेषां त्रिकाणामष्टानां योजना युक्तिरुच्यते |  
यया युक्त्या पिबन्मद्यं मद्यदोषैर्न युज्यते ||६९||  
यया युक्त्या पिबन्मद्यं मद्यदोषैर्न युज्यते ||६९||  
मद्यस्य च गुणान् सर्वान् यथोक्तान् स समश्नुते |  
मद्यस्य च गुणान् सर्वान् यथोक्तान् स समश्नुते |  
धर्मार्थयोरपीडायै नरः सत्त्वगुणोच्छ्रितः ||७०||  
धर्मार्थयोरपीडायै नरः सत्त्वगुणोच्छ्रितः ||७०||  
सत्त्वानि तु प्रबुध्यन्ते प्रायशः प्रथमे मदे |  
सत्त्वानि तु प्रबुध्यन्ते प्रायशः प्रथमे मदे |  
द्वितीयेऽव्यक्ततां यान्ति मध्ये चोत्तममध्ययोः ||७१||  
द्वितीयेऽव्यक्ततां यान्ति मध्ये चोत्तममध्ययोः ||७१||  
सस्यसम्बोधकं वर्षं, हेमप्रकृतिदर्शकः |  
सस्यसम्बोधकं वर्षं, हेमप्रकृतिदर्शकः |  
हुताशः, सर्वसत्त्वानां मद्यं तूभयकारकम् ||७२||  
हुताशः, सर्वसत्त्वानां मद्यं तूभयकारकम् ||७२||  
प्रधानावरमध्यानां रूपाणां [१] व्यक्तिदर्शकः |  
प्रधानावरमध्यानां रूपाणां [१] व्यक्तिदर्शकः |  
यथाऽग्निरेवं सत्त्वानां मद्यं प्रकृतिदर्शकम् ||७३||  
यथाऽग्निरेवं सत्त्वानां मद्यं प्रकृतिदर्शकम् ||७३||  
annapānavayōvyādhibalakālatrikāṇi ṣaṭ|  
annapānavayōvyādhibalakālatrikāṇi ṣaṭ|  
trīndōṣāṁstrividhaṁ sattvaṁ jñātvā madyaṁ pibētsadā||68||  
trīndōṣāṁstrividhaṁ sattvaṁ jñātvā madyaṁ pibētsadā||68||  
tēṣāṁ trikāṇāmaṣṭānāṁ yōjanā yuktirucyatē|  
tēṣāṁ trikāṇāmaṣṭānāṁ yōjanā yuktirucyatē|  
yayā yuktyā pibanmadyaṁ madyadōṣairna yujyatē||69||  
yayā yuktyā pibanmadyaṁ madyadōṣairna yujyatē||69||  
madyasya ca guṇān sarvān yathōktān sa samaśnutē|  
madyasya ca guṇān sarvān yathōktān sa samaśnutē|  
dharmārthayōrapīḍāyai naraḥ sattvaguṇōcchritaḥ||70||  
dharmārthayōrapīḍāyai naraḥ sattvaguṇōcchritaḥ||70||  
sattvāni tu prabudhyantē prāyaśaḥ prathamē madē|  
sattvāni tu prabudhyantē prāyaśaḥ prathamē madē|  
dvitīyē'vyaktatāṁ yānti madhyē cōttamamadhyayōḥ||71||  
dvitīyē'vyaktatāṁ yānti madhyē cōttamamadhyayōḥ||71||  
sasyasambōdhakaṁ varṣaṁ, hēmaprakr̥tidarśakaḥ|  
sasyasambōdhakaṁ varṣaṁ, hēmaprakr̥tidarśakaḥ|  
hutāśaḥ, sarvasattvānāṁ madyaṁ tūbhayakārakam||72||  
hutāśaḥ, sarvasattvānāṁ madyaṁ tūbhayakārakam||72||  
pradhānāvaramadhyānāṁ rūpāṇāṁ [1] vyaktidarśakaḥ|  
pradhānāvaramadhyānāṁ rūpāṇāṁ [1] vyaktidarśakaḥ|  
yathā'gnirēvaṁ sattvānāṁ madyaṁ prakr̥tidarśakam||73||
yathā'gnirēvaṁ sattvānāṁ madyaṁ prakr̥tidarśakam||73||
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annapAnavayovyAdhibalakAlatrikANi ShaT |  
annapAnavayovyAdhibalakAlatrikANi ShaT |  
trIndoShAMstrividhaM sattvaM j~jAtvA madyaM pibetsadA ||68||  
trIndoShAMstrividhaM sattvaM j~jAtvA madyaM pibetsadA ||68||  
teShAM trikANAmaShTAnAM yojanA yuktirucyate |  
teShAM trikANAmaShTAnAM yojanA yuktirucyate |  
yayA yuktyA pibanmadyaM madyadoShairna yujyate ||69||  
yayA yuktyA pibanmadyaM madyadoShairna yujyate ||69||  
madyasya ca guNAn sarvAn yathoktAn sa samashnute |  
madyasya ca guNAn sarvAn yathoktAn sa samashnute |  
dharmArthayorapIDAyai naraH sattvaguNocchritaH ||70||  
dharmArthayorapIDAyai naraH sattvaguNocchritaH ||70||  
sattvAni tu prabudhyante prAyashaH prathame made |  
sattvAni tu prabudhyante prAyashaH prathame made |  
dvitIye~avyaktatAM yAnti madhye cottamamadhyayoH ||71||  
dvitIye~avyaktatAM yAnti madhye cottamamadhyayoH ||71||  
sasyasambodhakaM varShaM, hemaprakRutidarshakaH |  
sasyasambodhakaM varShaM, hemaprakRutidarshakaH |  
hutAshaH, sarvasattvAnAM madyaM tUbhayakArakam ||72||  
hutAshaH, sarvasattvAnAM madyaM tUbhayakArakam ||72||  
pradhAnAvaramadhyAnAM rUpANAM [1] vyaktidarshakaH |  
pradhAnAvaramadhyAnAM rUpANAM [1] vyaktidarshakaH |  
yathA~agnirevaM sattvAnAM madyaM prakRutidarshakam ||73||
yathA~agnirevaM sattvAnAM madyaM prakRutidarshakam ||73||
The liquor shall always be consumed with understanding of six triads of the food, drink, age, disease, strength, and time; as well as tridosha and three psyches (described in earlier chapters).
Sensible planning of the eight triads is called as yukti, for consumption of liquor without causing any disorders.
The liquor shall always be consumed with understanding of six triads of the food, drink, age, disease, strength, and time; as well as ''tridosha'' and three psyches (described in earlier chapters).
The person predominant in sattva quality enjoys all the advantages of the liquor without affecting the observance of the virtue and the wealth.
Sensible planning of the eight triads is called as ''yukti'', for consumption of liquor without causing any disorders.
The person predominant in ''sattva'' quality enjoys all the advantages of the liquor without affecting the observance of the virtue and the wealth.
Generally, the psyches are stimulated in the first stage of intoxication, during the second stage the psyches descends towards the subconscious level and in the last stage gets in  complete loss of consciousness.
Generally, the psyches are stimulated in the first stage of intoxication, during the second stage the psyches descends towards the subconscious level and in the last stage gets in  complete loss of consciousness.
The rain stimulates growth of the crops and fire exposes the nature of the gold. The liquor in humans performs both the functions. Superior, average and inferior is the types of human character, similar to the fire; the liquor expresses the nature of psyche of the human.(68-73)
Behaviour of persons of different psyche after consumption of madya:
The rain stimulates growth of the crops and fire exposes the nature of the gold. The liquor in humans performs both the functions. Superior, average and inferior is the types of human character, similar to the fire; the liquor expresses the nature of psyche of the human.[68-73]
==== Behavior of persons of different psyche after consumption of ''madya'' ====
सुगन्धिमाल्यगन्धर्वं सुप्रणीतममाकुलम् |  
सुगन्धिमाल्यगन्धर्वं सुप्रणीतममाकुलम् |  
मिष्टान्नपानविशदं सदा मधुरसङ्कथम् ||७४||  
मिष्टान्नपानविशदं सदा मधुरसङ्कथम् ||७४||  
सुखप्रपानं [१] सुमदं हर्षप्रीतिविवर्धनम् |  
सुखप्रपानं [१] सुमदं हर्षप्रीतिविवर्धनम् |  
स्वन्तं सात्त्विकमापानं न चोत्तममदप्रदम् ||७५||  
स्वन्तं सात्त्विकमापानं न चोत्तममदप्रदम् ||७५||  
वैगुण्यं सहसा यान्ति मद्यदोषैर्न सात्त्विकाः |  
वैगुण्यं सहसा यान्ति मद्यदोषैर्न सात्त्विकाः |  
मद्यं हि बलवत्सत्त्वं गृह्णाति सहसा न तु [२] ||७६||  
मद्यं हि बलवत्सत्त्वं गृह्णाति सहसा न तु [२] ||७६||  
सौम्यासौम्यकथाप्रायं विशदाविशदं क्षणात् |  
सौम्यासौम्यकथाप्रायं विशदाविशदं क्षणात् |  
चित्रं राजसमापन्नं प्रायेणास्वन्तकाकुलम् ||७७||  
चित्रं राजसमापन्नं प्रायेणास्वन्तकाकुलम् ||७७||  
हर्षप्रीतिकथापेतमतुष्टं पानभोजने |  
हर्षप्रीतिकथापेतमतुष्टं पानभोजने |  
सम्मोहक्रोधनिद्रान्तमापानं तामसं स्मृतम् ||७८||  
सम्मोहक्रोधनिद्रान्तमापानं तामसं स्मृतम् ||७८||  
आपाने सात्त्विकान् बुद्ध्वा तथा राजसतामसान् |  
आपाने सात्त्विकान् बुद्ध्वा तथा राजसतामसान् |  
जह्यात्सहायान् यैः पीत्वा मद्यदोषानुपाश्नुते ||७९||
जह्यात्सहायान् यैः पीत्वा मद्यदोषानुपाश्नुते ||७९||
sugandhimālyagandharvaṁ supraṇītamamākulam|  
sugandhimālyagandharvaṁ supraṇītamamākulam|  
miṣṭānnapānaviśadaṁ sadā madhurasaṅkatham||74||  
miṣṭānnapānaviśadaṁ sadā madhurasaṅkatham||74||  
sukhaprapānaṁ [1] sumadaṁ harṣaprītivivardhanam|  
sukhaprapānaṁ [1] sumadaṁ harṣaprītivivardhanam|  
svantaṁ sāttvikamāpānaṁ na cōttamamadapradam||75||  
svantaṁ sāttvikamāpānaṁ na cōttamamadapradam||75||  
vaiguṇyaṁ sahasā yānti madyadōṣairna sāttvikāḥ|  
vaiguṇyaṁ sahasā yānti madyadōṣairna sāttvikāḥ|  
madyaṁ hi balavatsattvaṁ gr̥hṇāti sahasā na tu [2] ||76||  
madyaṁ hi balavatsattvaṁ gr̥hṇāti sahasā na tu [2] ||76||  
saumyāsaumyakathāprāyaṁ viśadāviśadaṁ kṣaṇāt|  
saumyāsaumyakathāprāyaṁ viśadāviśadaṁ kṣaṇāt|  
citraṁ rājasamāpannaṁ prāyēṇāsvantakākulam||77||  
citraṁ rājasamāpannaṁ prāyēṇāsvantakākulam||77||  
harṣaprītikathāpētamatuṣṭaṁ pānabhōjanē|  
harṣaprītikathāpētamatuṣṭaṁ pānabhōjanē|  
sammōhakrōdhanidrāntamāpānaṁ tāmasaṁ smr̥tam||78||  
sammōhakrōdhanidrāntamāpānaṁ tāmasaṁ smr̥tam||78||  
āpānē sāttvikān buddhvā tathā rājasatāmasān|  
āpānē sāttvikān buddhvā tathā rājasatāmasān|  
jahyātsahāyān yaiḥ pītvā madyadōṣānupāśnutē||79||  
jahyātsahāyān yaiḥ pītvā madyadōṣānupāśnutē||79||  
Line 795: Line 856:  
sugandhimAlyagandharvaM supraNItamamAkulam |  
sugandhimAlyagandharvaM supraNItamamAkulam |  
miShTAnnapAnavishadaM sadA madhurasa~gkatham ||74||  
miShTAnnapAnavishadaM sadA madhurasa~gkatham ||74||  
sukhaprapAnaM [1] sumadaM harShaprItivivardhanam |  
sukhaprapAnaM [1] sumadaM harShaprItivivardhanam |  
svantaM sAttvikamApAnaM na cottamamadapradam ||75||  
svantaM sAttvikamApAnaM na cottamamadapradam ||75||  
vaiguNyaM sahasA yAnti madyadoShairna sAttvikAH |  
vaiguNyaM sahasA yAnti madyadoShairna sAttvikAH |  
madyaM hi balavatsattvaM gRuhNAti sahasA na tu [2] ||76||  
madyaM hi balavatsattvaM gRuhNAti sahasA na tu [2] ||76||  
saumyAsaumyakathAprAyaM vishadAvishadaM kShaNAt |  
saumyAsaumyakathAprAyaM vishadAvishadaM kShaNAt |  
citraM rAjasamApannaM prAyeNAsvantakAkulam ||77||  
citraM rAjasamApannaM prAyeNAsvantakAkulam ||77||  
harShaprItikathApetamatuShTaM pAnabhojane |  
harShaprItikathApetamatuShTaM pAnabhojane |  
sammohakrodhanidrAntamApAnaM tAmasaM smRutam ||78||
sammohakrodhanidrAntamApAnaM tAmasaM smRutam ||78||
ApAne sAttvikAn buddhvA tathA rAjasatAmasAn |  
ApAne sAttvikAn buddhvA tathA rAjasatAmasAn |  
jahyAtsahAyAn yaiH pItvA madyadoShAnupAshnute ||79||
jahyAtsahAyAn yaiH pItvA madyadoShAnupAshnute ||79||
Aromatic flowers, garlands, music, good company, with delicious food and drink, clean and engaged in favorite conversation, with relaxed drinking, joyful, delighted, and contribution to desired intoxication, promoting exhilaration, pleasure, and not indulging third stage of the intoxication is known as sattvika drinking.
Generally, defectiveness does not occur with the drinking of liquor in satvika way. Usually, intoxicating effects do not take the person with strong sattva towards defectiveness.
Aromatic flowers, garlands, music, good company, with delicious food and drink, clean and engaged in favorite conversation, with relaxed drinking, joyful, delighted, and contribution to desired intoxication, promoting exhilaration, pleasure, and not indulging third stage of the intoxication is known as ''sattvika'' drinking.
The rajasa way of drinking is perhaps with momentary kind or unkind talks, clean or unclean, with varied colors and teeming with the bad ailments.  
The tamasa way of drinking is devoid of exhilaration, pleasure and gossip; dissatisfied with food and end up with excessive daze, rage and sleepiness.
Generally, defectiveness does not occur with the drinking of liquor in ''sattvika'' way. Usually, intoxicating effects do not take the person with strong ''sattva'' towards defectiveness.
While drinking, one should know the people following satvika, rajasika and tamasika way of drinking and try to be at distance from such companions due to whom one may suffer by bad effects of liquor consumption.(74-79)
The ''rajas'' way of drinking is perhaps with momentary kind or unkind talks, clean or unclean, with varied colors and teeming with the bad ailments.  
The ''tamas'' way of drinking is devoid of exhilaration, pleasure and gossip; dissatisfied with food and end up with excessive daze, rage and sleepiness.
While drinking, one should know the people following ''sattvika, rajasika'' and ''tamasika'' way of drinking and try to be at distance from such companions due to whom one may suffer by bad effects of liquor consumption.[74-79]
सुखशीलाः सुसम्भाषाः सुमुखाः सम्मताः सताम् |  
सुखशीलाः सुसम्भाषाः सुमुखाः सम्मताः सताम् |  
कलास्वबाह्या विशदा विषयप्रवणाश्च ये ||८०||  
कलास्वबाह्या विशदा विषयप्रवणाश्च ये ||८०||  
परस्परविधेया ये येषामैक्यं सुहृत्तया |  
परस्परविधेया ये येषामैक्यं सुहृत्तया |  
प्रहर्षप्रीतिमाधुर्यैरापानं वर्धयन्ति ये ||८१||  
प्रहर्षप्रीतिमाधुर्यैरापानं वर्धयन्ति ये ||८१||  
उत्सवादुत्सवतरं येषामन्योन्यदर्शनम् |  
उत्सवादुत्सवतरं येषामन्योन्यदर्शनम् |  
ते सहायाः सुखाः पाने तैः पिबन्सह मोदते ||८२||  
ते सहायाः सुखाः पाने तैः पिबन्सह मोदते ||८२||  
रूपगन्धरसस्पर्शैः शब्दैश्चापि मनोरमैः |  
रूपगन्धरसस्पर्शैः शब्दैश्चापि मनोरमैः |  
पिबन्ति सुसहाया ये ते वै सुकृतिभिः समाः ||८३||  
पिबन्ति सुसहाया ये ते वै सुकृतिभिः समाः ||८३||  
पञ्चभिर्विषयैरिष्टैरुपेतैर्मनसः [१] प्रियैः |  
पञ्चभिर्विषयैरिष्टैरुपेतैर्मनसः [१] प्रियैः |  
देशे काले पिबेन्मद्यं प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना ||८४||  
देशे काले पिबेन्मद्यं प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना ||८४||  
स्थिरसत्त्वशरीरा ये पूर्वान्ना मद्यपान्वयाः |  
स्थिरसत्त्वशरीरा ये पूर्वान्ना मद्यपान्वयाः |  
बहुमद्योचिता ये च माद्यन्ति सहसा न ते ||८५||  
बहुमद्योचिता ये च माद्यन्ति सहसा न ते ||८५||  
क्षुत्पिपासापरीताश्च [२] दुर्बला वातपैत्तिकाः |  
क्षुत्पिपासापरीताश्च [२] दुर्बला वातपैत्तिकाः |  
रूक्षाल्पप्रमिताहारा विष्टब्धाः सत्त्वदुर्बलाः ||८६||  
रूक्षाल्पप्रमिताहारा विष्टब्धाः सत्त्वदुर्बलाः ||८६||  
क्रोधिनोऽनुचिताः क्षीणाः परिश्रान्ता मदक्षताः |  
क्रोधिनोऽनुचिताः क्षीणाः परिश्रान्ता मदक्षताः |  
स्वल्पेनापि मदं शीघ्रं यान्ति मद्येन मानवाः ||८७|| sukhaśīlāḥ susambhāṣāḥ sumukhāḥ sammatāḥ satām|  
स्वल्पेनापि मदं शीघ्रं यान्ति मद्येन मानवाः ||८७||  
sukhaśīlāḥ susambhāṣāḥ sumukhāḥ sammatāḥ satām|  
kalāsvabāhyā viśadā viṣayapravaṇāśca yē||80||  
kalāsvabāhyā viśadā viṣayapravaṇāśca yē||80||  
parasparavidhēyā yē yēṣāmaikyaṁ suhr̥ttayā|  
parasparavidhēyā yē yēṣāmaikyaṁ suhr̥ttayā|  
praharṣaprītimādhuryairāpānaṁ vardhayanti yē||81||  
praharṣaprītimādhuryairāpānaṁ vardhayanti yē||81||  
utsavādutsavataraṁ yēṣāmanyōnyadarśanam|  
utsavādutsavataraṁ yēṣāmanyōnyadarśanam|  
tē sahāyāḥ sukhāḥ pānē taiḥ pibansaha mōdatē||82||  
tē sahāyāḥ sukhāḥ pānē taiḥ pibansaha mōdatē||82||  
rūpagandharasasparśaiḥ śabdaiścāpi manōramaiḥ|  
rūpagandharasasparśaiḥ śabdaiścāpi manōramaiḥ|  
pibanti susahāyā yē tē vai sukr̥tibhiḥ samāḥ||83||  
pibanti susahāyā yē tē vai sukr̥tibhiḥ samāḥ||83||  
pañcabhirviṣayairiṣṭairupētairmanasaḥ [1] priyaiḥ|  
pañcabhirviṣayairiṣṭairupētairmanasaḥ [1] priyaiḥ|  
dēśē kālē pibēnmadyaṁ prahr̥ṣṭēnāntarātmanā||84||  
dēśē kālē pibēnmadyaṁ prahr̥ṣṭēnāntarātmanā||84||  
sthirasattvaśarīrā yē pūrvānnā madyapānvayāḥ|  
sthirasattvaśarīrā yē pūrvānnā madyapānvayāḥ|  
bahumadyōcitā yē ca mādyanti sahasā na tē||85||  
bahumadyōcitā yē ca mādyanti sahasā na tē||85||  
kṣutpipāsāparītāśca [2] durbalā vātapaittikāḥ|  
kṣutpipāsāparītāśca [2] durbalā vātapaittikāḥ|  
rūkṣālpapramitāhārā viṣṭabdhāḥ sattvadurbalāḥ||86||  
rūkṣālpapramitāhārā viṣṭabdhāḥ sattvadurbalāḥ||86||  
krōdhinō'nucitāḥ kṣīṇāḥ pariśrāntā madakṣatāḥ|  
krōdhinō'nucitāḥ kṣīṇāḥ pariśrāntā madakṣatāḥ|  
svalpēnāpi madaṁ śīghraṁ yānti madyēna mānavāḥ||87||  
svalpēnāpi madaṁ śīghraṁ yānti madyēna mānavāḥ||87||  
Line 845: Line 932:  
sukhashIlAH susambhAShAH sumukhAH sammatAH satAm |  
sukhashIlAH susambhAShAH sumukhAH sammatAH satAm |  
kalAsvabAhyA vishadA viShayapravaNAshca ye ||80||  
kalAsvabAhyA vishadA viShayapravaNAshca ye ||80||  
parasparavidheyA ye yeShAmaikyaM suhRuttayA |  
parasparavidheyA ye yeShAmaikyaM suhRuttayA |  
praharShaprItimAdhuryairApAnaM vardhayanti ye ||81||  
praharShaprItimAdhuryairApAnaM vardhayanti ye ||81||  
utsavAdutsavataraM yeShAmanyonyadarshanam |  
utsavAdutsavataraM yeShAmanyonyadarshanam |  
te sahAyAH sukhAH pAne taiH pibansaha modate ||82||  
te sahAyAH sukhAH pAne taiH pibansaha modate ||82||  
rUpagandharasasparshaiH shabdaishcApi manoramaiH |  
rUpagandharasasparshaiH shabdaishcApi manoramaiH |  
pibanti susahAyA ye te vai sukRutibhiH samAH ||83||  
pibanti susahAyA ye te vai sukRutibhiH samAH ||83||  
pa~jcabhirviShayairiShTairupetairmanasaH [1] priyaiH |  
pa~jcabhirviShayairiShTairupetairmanasaH [1] priyaiH |  
deshe kAle pibenmadyaM prahRuShTenAntarAtmanA ||84||  
deshe kAle pibenmadyaM prahRuShTenAntarAtmanA ||84||  
sthirasattvasharIrA ye pUrvAnnA madyapAnvayAH |  
sthirasattvasharIrA ye pUrvAnnA madyapAnvayAH |  
bahumadyocitA ye ca mAdyanti sahasA na te ||85||  
bahumadyocitA ye ca mAdyanti sahasA na te ||85||  
kShutpipAsAparItAshca [2] durbalA vAtapaittikAH |  
kShutpipAsAparItAshca [2] durbalA vAtapaittikAH |  
rUkShAlpapramitAhArA viShTabdhAH sattvadurbalAH ||86||  
rUkShAlpapramitAhArA viShTabdhAH sattvadurbalAH ||86|
krodhino~anucitAH kShINAH parishrAntA madakShatAH |  
krodhino~anucitAH kShINAH parishrAntA madakShatAH |  
svalpenApi madaM shIghraM yAnti madyena mAnavAH ||87||
svalpenApi madaM shIghraM yAnti madyena mAnavAH ||87||
Those companions are delightful in drinking who are of fair character, talk reasonably, good in appearance, well recognized, not inconversant in arts, neat, adopting the subject matter, mutually submissive, friendly, enjoying merrily more than a festival upon meeting; with them one feel glad to drink.
Those companions are delightful in drinking who are of fair character, talk reasonably, good in appearance, well recognized, fhave some appreciation for arts, neat, adopting the subject matter, mutually submissive, friendly, enjoying merrily more than a festival upon meeting; with them one feel glad to drink.
Those are fortunate who drink with the delighted appearance, aroma, taste, touch and (musical) sound with good companions.
Those are fortunate who drink with the delighted appearance, aroma, taste, touch and (musical) sound with good companions.
One should drink with the properly positioned five senses, mind and in accordance to the place, time, thrilled with delight, satisfying the soul within.
One should drink with the properly positioned five senses, mind and in accordance to the place, time, thrilled with delight, satisfying the soul within.
Those with the stable psyche and body, consumed food in advance, lineage of drunkards and regular drunkard; do not get intoxicated suddenly.
Those with the stable psyche and body, consumed food in advance, lineage of drunkards and regular drunkard; do not get intoxicated suddenly.
The person who are suffering with hunger and thirst, weak, predominant with vata & pitta, consuming arid, less and deficient food, harden stool, weak in psyche, wrong in getting angry, emaciated, exhausted, sore due to the intoxication, gets instantly  affected by even smaller quantity of the liquor.(80-87)
Etiology and clinical features of vata dominant madatyaya:
The person who are suffering with hunger and thirst, weak, predominant with ''vata'' and ''pitta'', consuming arid, less and deficient food, harden stool, weak in psyche, wrong in getting angry, emaciated, exhausted, sore due to the intoxication, gets instantly  affected by even smaller quantity of the liquor.[80-87]
==== Etiology and clinical features of vata dominant madatyaya ====
ऊर्ध्वं मदात्ययस्यातः सम्भवं स्वस्वलक्षणम् |  
ऊर्ध्वं मदात्ययस्यातः सम्भवं स्वस्वलक्षणम् |  
अग्निवेश! चिकित्सां च प्रवक्ष्यामि यथाक्रमम् ||८८||  
अग्निवेश! चिकित्सां च प्रवक्ष्यामि यथाक्रमम् ||८८||