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(A decoction of) mustā (Cyperus rotundus Linn.), ativiṣā (Aconitum heterophyllum wall.), kuṣṭha (Saussurea lappa C.B.Clarke.), nata (Valeriana wallichii DC.), dāru (Cedrus deodara Roxb.) and vacā (Acorus calamus Linn.) is recommended to a patient with loss of appetite, passing sāma stool (containing āma) smelling like a dead (decomposing) body and with abdominal pain. (19)
(A decoction of) mustā (Cyperus rotundus Linn.), ativiṣā (Aconitum heterophyllum wall.), kuṣṭha (Saussurea lappa C.B.Clarke.), nata (Valeriana wallichii DC.), dāru (Cedrus deodara Roxb.) and vacā (Acorus calamus Linn.) is recommended to a patient with loss of appetite, passing sāma stool (containing āma) smelling like a dead (decomposing) body and with abdominal pain. (19)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea):
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) ====
शकृद्वातमसृक् पित्तं कफं वा योऽतिसार्यते|  
शकृद्वातमसृक् पित्तं कफं वा योऽतिसार्यते|  
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When a patient has pakva atisāra (without undigested material) passing śakṛt (stool), vāta, asṛk (blood), pitta or kapha then basti prepared with a specific group of medicines acting against each of these pathologies is best measure. (20)
When a patient has pakva atisāra (without undigested material) passing śakṛt (stool), vāta, asṛk (blood), pitta or kapha then basti prepared with a specific group of medicines acting against each of these pathologies is best measure. (20)
Six types of atisara and its common complications:
==== Six types of atisara and its common complications ====
षण्णामेषां द्विसंसर्गात् त्रिंशद्भेदा भवन्ति तु|  
षण्णामेषां द्विसंसर्गात् त्रिंशद्भेदा भवन्ति तु|  
केवलैः सह षट्त्रिंशद्विद्यात् सोपद्रवानपि||२१||
केवलैः सह षट्त्रिंशद्विद्यात् सोपद्रवानपि||२१||
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These six types of atisāra may have thirty variants as a result of mutual combination of two morbid factors. Together with basic six, they constitute thirtysix, which manifest along with their complications. Śūla (abdominal pain), pravāhikā (dysentery), ādhmāna (abdominal distension) parikarti (anal pain), aruchi (distaste for food), jwara (fever), tṛṣṇā (thirst), uṣṇatva (feeling of heat), dāha (burning sensation) and mūrcchā (syncope) are its complications (upadrava). (21-22)
These six types of atisāra may have thirty variants as a result of mutual combination of two morbid factors. Together with basic six, they constitute thirtysix, which manifest along with their complications. Śūla (abdominal pain), pravāhikā (dysentery), ādhmāna (abdominal distension) parikarti (anal pain), aruchi (distaste for food), jwara (fever), tṛṣṇā (thirst), uṣṇatva (feeling of heat), dāha (burning sensation) and mūrcchā (syncope) are its complications (upadrava). (21-22)
Treatment of ama-atisara ( diarrhea with improper digestion):
==== Treatment of ama-atisara ( diarrhea with improper digestion) ====
तत्रामेऽन्तरपानं स्यात् व्योषाम्ललवणैर्युतम्|  
तत्रामेऽन्तरपानं स्यात् व्योषाम्ललवणैर्युतम्|  
पाचनं शस्यते बस्तिरामे हि प्रतिषिध्यते||२३||
पाचनं शस्यते बस्तिरामे हि प्रतिषिध्यते||२३||
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In case of āmātisāra, a drink having pācana action added with trikaṭu (a group of three pungent drugs viz. rhizome of Zingiber officinalis Roxb.; fruits of Piper nigrum Linn. and Piper longum Linn.), amla (sour) and lavaṇa (salty) substances is recommended. Bastis are contraindicated in āma condition. (23)
In case of āmātisāra, a drink having pācana action added with trikaṭu (a group of three pungent drugs viz. rhizome of Zingiber officinalis Roxb.; fruits of Piper nigrum Linn. and Piper longum Linn.), amla (sour) and lavaṇa (salty) substances is recommended. Bastis are contraindicated in āma condition. (23)
Treatment of shakrita-atisara and vata atisara( diarrhea with excess stools and vata):
==== Treatment of shakrita-atisara and vata atisara( diarrhea with excess stools and vata) ====
वातघ्नैर्ग्राहिवर्गीयैर्बस्तिः शकृति शस्यते |
वातघ्नैर्ग्राहिवर्गीयैर्बस्तिः शकृति शस्यते |
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In śakṛtatisāra (atisāra in which only stool is passed), basti with vātaghna and grāhī category of medicines is recommended. In vāta related atisāra, snēhabasti with svādu (sweet), amla (sour) and lavaṇa (salty) substances is acclaimed. (24)
In śakṛtatisāra (atisāra in which only stool is passed), basti with vātaghna and grāhī category of medicines is recommended. In vāta related atisāra, snēhabasti with svādu (sweet), amla (sour) and lavaṇa (salty) substances is acclaimed. (24)
Treatment of rakta atisara, pitta atisara and kapha atisara (diarrhea with blood, pitta and kapha):
==== Treatment of rakta atisara, pitta atisara and kapha atisara (diarrhea with blood, pitta and kapha) ====
रक्ते रक्तेन, पित्ते तु कषायस्वादुतिक्तकैः|  
रक्ते रक्तेन, पित्ते तु कषायस्वादुतिक्तकैः|  
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In raktātisāra (diarrhea with blood) basti with blood, in pittātisāra basti with kaṣāya (astringent), madhura (sweet) and tikta (bitter) substances and in kaphātisāra with kaṣāya (astringent), kaṭu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) substances is to be administered. (25)
In raktātisāra (diarrhea with blood) basti with blood, in pittātisāra basti with kaṣāya (astringent), madhura (sweet) and tikta (bitter) substances and in kaphātisāra with kaṣāya (astringent), kaṭu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) substances is to be administered. (25)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with shakrita-ama and vata:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with shakrita-ama and vata ====
शकृता वायुना वाऽऽमे तेन वर्चस्यथानिले|  
शकृता वायुना वाऽऽमे तेन वर्चस्यथानिले|  
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In the conditions where āma is associated with śakṛt (stool) or vāta, or śakṛt (stool) or vāta is associated with āma a drink, prepared with vyōṣa (a group of three pungent drugs, commonly known as trikaṭu, viz. rhizome of Zingiber officinalis Roxb.; fruits of Piper nigrum Linn. and Piper longum Linn.), sour and salty substances, is recommended. (26)
In the conditions where āma is associated with śakṛt (stool) or vāta, or śakṛt (stool) or vāta is associated with āma a drink, prepared with vyōṣa (a group of three pungent drugs, commonly known as trikaṭu, viz. rhizome of Zingiber officinalis Roxb.; fruits of Piper nigrum Linn. and Piper longum Linn.), sour and salty substances, is recommended. (26)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with pitta-rakta and ama:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with pitta-rakta and ama ====
पित्तेनामेऽसृजा वाऽपि तयोरामेन वा पुनः|  
पित्तेनामेऽसृजा वाऽपि तयोरामेन वा पुनः|  
संसृष्टयोर्भवेत् पानं सव्योषस्वादुतिक्तकम्||२७||
संसृष्टयोर्भवेत् पानं सव्योषस्वादुतिक्तकम्||२७||
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If there is association of āma with pitta or rakta or of both separately with āma then a drink with trikaṭu, sweet and bitter substances is indicated. (27)
If there is association of āma with pitta or rakta or of both separately with āma then a drink with trikaṭu, sweet and bitter substances is indicated. (27)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea)mixed with kapha-ama:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea)mixed with kapha-ama ====
तथाऽऽमे कफसंसृष्टे  कषायव्योषतिक्तकम्|  
तथाऽऽमे कफसंसृष्टे  कषायव्योषतिक्तकम्|  
आमेन तु कफे व्योषकषायलवणैर्युतम्||२८||  
आमेन तु कफे व्योषकषायलवणैर्युतम्||२८||  
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If āma is associated with kapha, a basti containing kaṣāya (astringent), trikaṭu and bitter substances and when kapha is associated with āma, a basti containing trikaṭu, kaṣāya (astringent) and salty substances is recommended. (28)  
If āma is associated with kapha, a basti containing kaṣāya (astringent), trikaṭu and bitter substances and when kapha is associated with āma, a basti containing trikaṭu, kaṣāya (astringent) and salty substances is recommended. (28)  
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with pitta-vata-shakrita:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with pitta-vata-shakrita ====
वातेन विशि पित्ते वा विट्पित्ताभ्यां  तथाऽनिले|  
वातेन विशि पित्ते वा विट्पित्ताभ्यां  तथाऽनिले|  
मधुराम्लकषायः स्यात् संसृष्टे बस्तिरुत्तमः||२९||
मधुराम्लकषायः स्यात् संसृष्टे बस्तिरुत्तमः||२९||
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When stool or pitta is associated with vāta or vāta is associated with stool and pitta, a basti with sweet, sour and astringent substances, is excellent. (29)
When stool or pitta is associated with vāta or vāta is associated with stool and pitta, a basti with sweet, sour and astringent substances, is excellent. (29)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with pitta-rakta-shakrita:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with pitta-rakta-shakrita ====
शकृच्छोणितयोः पित्तशकृतो रक्तपित्तयोः|  
शकृच्छोणितयोः पित्तशकृतो रक्तपित्तयोः|  
बस्तिरन्योन्यसंसर्गे कषायस्वादुतिक्तकः||३०||  
बस्तिरन्योन्यसंसर्गे कषायस्वादुतिक्तकः||३०||  
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In case of morbid mutual associations of pitta with stool and rakta, as well as stool with rakta and pitta, basti with astringent, sweet and bitter ingredients. (30)
In case of morbid mutual associations of pitta with stool and rakta, as well as stool with rakta and pitta, basti with astringent, sweet and bitter ingredients. (30)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with kapa-rakta-pitta-shakrita:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with kapa-rakta-pitta-shakrita ====
कफेन विशि पित्ते वा कफे विट्पित्तशोणितैः|  
कफेन विशि पित्ते वा कफे विट्पित्तशोणितैः|  
व्योषतिक्तकषायः स्यात् संसृष्टे बस्तिरुत्तमः||३१||  
व्योषतिक्तकषायः स्यात् संसृष्टे बस्तिरुत्तमः||३१||  
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In case of similar associations of kapha with stool or pitta; or of stool or pitta or rakta with kapha, a basti with trikaṭu, bitter and kaṣāya ingredients is to be recommended. (31)
In case of similar associations of kapha with stool or pitta; or of stool or pitta or rakta with kapha, a basti with trikaṭu, bitter and kaṣāya ingredients is to be recommended. (31)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with vata-kapha-shakrita and rakta-kapha:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with vata-kapha-shakrita and rakta-kapha ====
स्याद्बस्तिर्व्योषतिक्ताम्लः संसृष्टे वायुना कफे|  
स्याद्बस्तिर्व्योषतिक्ताम्लः संसृष्टे वायुना कफे|  
मधुरव्योषतिक्तस्तु रक्ते कफविमूर्च्छिते||३२||  
मधुरव्योषतिक्तस्तु रक्ते कफविमूर्च्छिते||३२||  
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In atisāra where kapha is associated with vāta, basti with trikaṭu, bitter and sour ingredients, and if rakta is associated with kapha then with sweet, trikaṭu and bitter is recommended. (32)
In atisāra where kapha is associated with vāta, basti with trikaṭu, bitter and sour ingredients, and if rakta is associated with kapha then with sweet, trikaṭu and bitter is recommended. (32)
Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with kapha- vata -shakrita and vata-pitta:
==== Treatment of atisara (diarrhea) mixed with kapha- vata -shakrita and vata-pitta ====
मारुते कफसंसृष्टे व्योषाम्ललवणो भवेत्|  
मारुते कफसंसृष्टे व्योषाम्ललवणो भवेत्|  
बस्तिर्वातेन पित्ते  तु कार्यः स्वाद्वम्लतिक्तकः||३३||
बस्तिर्वातेन पित्ते  तु कार्यः स्वाद्वम्लतिक्तकः||३३||
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If vāta is accompanied by kapha, a basti with trikaṭu, sour and salty ingredients; and when pitta is associated with vāta, basti with sweet, sour and bitter substances is to be administered. (33)  
If vāta is accompanied by kapha, a basti with trikaṭu, sour and salty ingredients; and when pitta is associated with vāta, basti with sweet, sour and bitter substances is to be administered. (33)  
Treatment for conditions due to samsarga (combination of dosha):
==== Treatment for conditions due to samsarga (combination of dosha) ====
त्रिचतुःपञ्चसंसर्गानेवमेव विकल्पयेत्|  
त्रिचतुःपञ्चसंसर्गानेवमेव विकल्पयेत्|  
युक्तिश्चैषातिसारोक्ता सर्वरोगेष्वपि स्मृता||३४||
युक्तिश्चैषातिसारोक्ता सर्वरोगेष्वपि स्मृता||३४||
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In atisāra, if all six pathological components are simultaneously involved, a pāchana (causing or promoting digestion or transformation) medicine containing the drugs of all six tastes is useful, while in nirāma (without āma) condition, where other five are involved a basti consisting of all six rasas (tastes) is indicated. (35)
In atisāra, if all six pathological components are simultaneously involved, a pāchana (causing or promoting digestion or transformation) medicine containing the drugs of all six tastes is useful, while in nirāma (without āma) condition, where other five are involved a basti consisting of all six rasas (tastes) is indicated. (35)
Sarvatisara nashaka ghrita (medicated ghee for treatment of all types of diarrhea):
==== Sarvatisara nashaka ghrita (medicated ghee for treatment of all types of diarrhea) ====
उदुम्बरशलाटूनि जम्ब्वाम्रोदुम्बरत्वचः|  
उदुम्बरशलाटूनि जम्ब्वाम्रोदुम्बरत्वचः|  
शङ्खं सर्जरसं लाक्षां कर्दमं च पलांशिकम्||३६||  
शङ्खं सर्जरसं लाक्षां कर्दमं च पलांशिकम्||३६||  
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A freshly prepared paste of udumbaraśalāṭu (unripe fruits of Ficus glomerata Roxb.), bark of jāmbu (Syzygium cumini Skeels.), amra  (Mangifera indica Linn.) and udumbara (Ficus glomerata Roxb.); saṅkha (conch shell), sarjarasa (resin of Vateria indica Linn.), lākṣā (resinous secretion of Laccifera lacca Kerr.) and kardama (a type of rice), each one pala (about 50 grams) is to be cooked with one prastha (about 800 ml.) of ghṛta, and two prastha of milk. This (thus prepared ghṛta) is to be taken in all types of atisāras according to bala (strength of the patient as well as disease). (36-37)
A freshly prepared paste of udumbaraśalāṭu (unripe fruits of Ficus glomerata Roxb.), bark of jāmbu (Syzygium cumini Skeels.), amra  (Mangifera indica Linn.) and udumbara (Ficus glomerata Roxb.); saṅkha (conch shell), sarjarasa (resin of Vateria indica Linn.), lākṣā (resinous secretion of Laccifera lacca Kerr.) and kardama (a type of rice), each one pala (about 50 grams) is to be cooked with one prastha (about 800 ml.) of ghṛta, and two prastha of milk. This (thus prepared ghṛta) is to be taken in all types of atisāras according to bala (strength of the patient as well as disease). (36-37)
Sarvatisara nashaka yavagu (medicated gruel for treatment of all types of diarrhea):
==== Sarvatisara nashaka yavagu (medicated gruel for treatment of all types of diarrhea) ====
मसूराश्वत्थशुङ्गैश्च यवागूः स्याज्जले शृतैः||३८||  
मसूराश्वत्थशुङ्गैश्च यवागूः स्याज्जले शृतैः||३८||  
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Similar preparation can be made with unripe fruit of udumbara, leaves of kaṭvaṅga (Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.) and samaṅgā as well as plakṣa (Ficus lacor Buch.), masūra (Lens culinaris Medic.) and dhātakī flowers. (38-39)
Similar preparation can be made with unripe fruit of udumbara, leaves of kaṭvaṅga (Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.) and samaṅgā as well as plakṣa (Ficus lacor Buch.), masūra (Lens culinaris Medic.) and dhātakī flowers. (38-39)
Treatment of all types of diarrhea:
==== Treatment of all types of diarrhea ====
स्थिरादीनां बलादीनामिक्ष्वादीनामथापि वा|  
स्थिरादीनां बलादीनामिक्ष्वादीनामथापि वा|  
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Roots of kacchurā (Mucuna pruriens Baker.) and rice of śālī and other varieties cooked with dadhi (yogurt), takra (churned yogurt) āranāla (sour fermented supernatant of cooked rice), kṣīra (milk) or ikṣurasa (sugarcane juice), and after being cooled added with sugar and honey, is able to treat all types of atisāra. The above-mentioned gruels are promising (anti-diarrhoeal) when added with ghṛta, pepper and cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn.), sweet substances and rock salt. (41-42)
Roots of kacchurā (Mucuna pruriens Baker.) and rice of śālī and other varieties cooked with dadhi (yogurt), takra (churned yogurt) āranāla (sour fermented supernatant of cooked rice), kṣīra (milk) or ikṣurasa (sugarcane juice), and after being cooled added with sugar and honey, is able to treat all types of atisāra. The above-mentioned gruels are promising (anti-diarrhoeal) when added with ghṛta, pepper and cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn.), sweet substances and rock salt. (41-42)
Treatment principles:
==== Treatment principles ====
भवन्ति चात्र श्लोकाः-  
भवन्ति चात्र श्लोकाः-  
स्निग्धाम्ललवणमधुरं पानं बस्तिश्च मारुते कोष्णः|  
स्निग्धाम्ललवणमधुरं पानं बस्तिश्च मारुते कोष्णः|  
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Atisāra may also be in combination of two or more factors. In those conditions treatment is to be planned according to dominance of the doṣhas (and the factors involved). (43-45)
Atisāra may also be in combination of two or more factors. In those conditions treatment is to be planned according to dominance of the doṣhas (and the factors involved). (43-45)
==== Summary ====
तत्र श्लोकः-  
तत्र श्लोकः-  
प्रासृतिकाः सव्यापत्क्रिया निरूहास्तथाऽतिसारहिताः|  
प्रासृतिकाः सव्यापत्क्रिया निरूहास्तथाऽतिसारहिताः|