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prāṇāvirōdhinā cainaṁ laṅghanēnōpapādayēt||141||  
prāṇāvirōdhinā cainaṁ laṅghanēnōpapādayēt||141||  
balādhiṣṭhānamārōgyaṁ yadarthō'yaṁ kriyākramaḥ|142|  
balādhiṣṭhānamārōgyaṁ yadarthō'yaṁ kriyākramaḥ|142|  
la~gghanena kShayaM nIte doShe sandhukShite~anale||140||  
la~gghanena kShayaM nIte doShe sandhukShite~anale||140||  
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Langhana reduces the aggravated dosha and stimulates the agni, as a result of which jwara subsides and the body becomes light and the person’s appetite is restored.
Langhana reduces the aggravated dosha and stimulates the agni, as a result of which jwara subsides and the body becomes light and the person’s appetite is restored.
Langhana should be performed to the extent that it does not hamper the vitality or strength of the individual. The aim of all these measures is to regain the health which also depends on the physical, mental and spiritual strength. (140-142)
Langhana should be performed to the extent that it does not hamper the vitality or strength of the individual. The aim of all these measures is to regain the health which also depends on the physical, mental and spiritual strength. (140-142)
Management principle of jwara:
==== Management principle of jwara ====
लङ्घनं स्वेदनं कालो यवाग्वस्तिक्तको रसः||१४२||  
लङ्घनं स्वेदनं कालो यवाग्वस्तिक्तको रसः||१४२||  
पाचनान्यविपक्वानां दोषाणां तरुणे ज्वरे|१४३|  
पाचनान्यविपक्वानां दोषाणां तरुणे ज्वरे|१४३|  
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Langhana (fasting), swedana (fomentation), kala (waiting period of eight days), yavagu (medicated gruels) and tikta rasa drugs (drugs having bitter taste) and all digestive enhancers of avipakwa dosha (untransformed) are prescribed in the taruna jwara (the initial stage of jwara).(142)   
Langhana (fasting), swedana (fomentation), kala (waiting period of eight days), yavagu (medicated gruels) and tikta rasa drugs (drugs having bitter taste) and all digestive enhancers of avipakwa dosha (untransformed) are prescribed in the taruna jwara (the initial stage of jwara).(142)   
Various drinks for management of thirst:
==== Various drinks for management of thirst ====
तृष्यते सलिलं चोष्णं दद्याद्वातकफज्वरे  ||१४३||  
तृष्यते सलिलं चोष्णं दद्याद्वातकफज्वरे  ||१४३||  
मद्योत्थे पैत्तिके चाथ शीतलं तिक्तकैः शृतम्|  
मद्योत्थे पैत्तिके चाथ शीतलं तिक्तकैः शृतम्|  
दीपनं पाचनं चैव ज्वरघ्नमुभयं हि तत्||१४४||  
दीपनं पाचनं चैव ज्वरघ्नमुभयं हि तत्||१४४||  
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If the jwara is pitta dominant or if it occurs as a result of intake of alcohol, water boiled with bitter drugs and then cooled, is given.
If the jwara is pitta dominant or if it occurs as a result of intake of alcohol, water boiled with bitter drugs and then cooled, is given.
Both of these are dipana, (digestive stimulant), pachana (enhancing digestion), and jwaraghna (alleviators of jwara). They help in cleansing the channels of circulation and promote strength, appetitie, sweating and auspiciousness. (143-145)
Both of these are dipana, (digestive stimulant), pachana (enhancing digestion), and jwaraghna (alleviators of jwara). They help in cleansing the channels of circulation and promote strength, appetitie, sweating and auspiciousness. (143-145)
Shadanga paniya:
==== Shadanga paniya ====
शृतशीतं जलं दद्यात् पिपासाज्वरशान्तये|१४६|
शृतशीतं जलं दद्यात् पिपासाज्वरशान्तये|१४६|
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Patient should be given water cooled after boiling it with musta, parpataka, ushira, chandana, udichya and nagara for the alleviation of thirst and jwara. (145)
Patient should be given water cooled after boiling it with musta, parpataka, ushira, chandana, udichya and nagara for the alleviation of thirst and jwara. (145)
Indication of vamana (therapeutic emesis):
==== Indication of vamana (therapeutic emesis) ====
कफप्रधानानुत्क्लिष्टान् दोषानामाशयस्थितान्||१४६||  
कफप्रधानानुत्क्लिष्टान् दोषानामाशयस्थितान्||१४६||  
बुद्ध्वा ज्वरकरान् काले वम्यानां वमनैर्हरेत्|१४७|
बुद्ध्वा ज्वरकरान् काले वम्यानां वमनैर्हरेत्|१४७|
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If the jwara is predominantly caused by vitiated kapha dosha, located in the amashaya (stomach) and is in a stage of utklesha (in a stage of being on the verge of coming out of its place), then it should be eliminated by the administration of emetics.  
If the jwara is predominantly caused by vitiated kapha dosha, located in the amashaya (stomach) and is in a stage of utklesha (in a stage of being on the verge of coming out of its place), then it should be eliminated by the administration of emetics.  
Note: The status of kapha should be ascertained clearly before the administration of drug and emetics should be given only to those patients who are found suitable for emesis.(147)
Note: The status of kapha should be ascertained clearly before the administration of drug and emetics should be given only to those patients who are found suitable for emesis.(147)
Hazards of improper vamana (therapeutic emesis):
==== Hazards of improper vamana (therapeutic emesis) ====
अनुपस्थितदोषाणां वमनं तरुणेज्वरे||१४७||  
अनुपस्थितदोषाणां वमनं तरुणेज्वरे||१४७||  
हृद्रोगं श्वासमानाहं मोहं  च जनयेद्भृशम्|  
हृद्रोगं श्वासमानाहं मोहं  च जनयेद्भृशम्|  
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If vamana (emesis) is administered to a jwara patient in whom the dosha have not attained the stage of utklesha (verge of coming out), then they may cause acute form of heart disease, dyspnoea, anaha (obstruction to the movement of flatus and feces) and illusion. Attempting to take out the anupasthita dosa (unprepared to be eliminated) from the body of a person bring complications for the person and is just like attempting to take out juice from a raw fruit which creates complications (destroys the fruit).  (147-149)
If vamana (emesis) is administered to a jwara patient in whom the dosha have not attained the stage of utklesha (verge of coming out), then they may cause acute form of heart disease, dyspnoea, anaha (obstruction to the movement of flatus and feces) and illusion. Attempting to take out the anupasthita dosa (unprepared to be eliminated) from the body of a person bring complications for the person and is just like attempting to take out juice from a raw fruit which creates complications (destroys the fruit).  (147-149)
Post vamana protocol:
==== Post vamana protocol ====
वमितं लङ्घितं काले यवागूभिरुपाचरेत्||१४९||  
वमितं लङ्घितं काले यवागूभिरुपाचरेत्||१४९||  
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These help in anulomana (elimination through the downward movement) of flatus, urine, faeces and doshas. Being liquid and hot they also cause sweating. Being watery in nature they also alleviate thirst. Due to their nourishing property as a diet, they sustain the prana (vitaliy) and cause lightness of the body because of their laxative property. They bring down the jwara and are also wholesome for the jwara patients.  
These help in anulomana (elimination through the downward movement) of flatus, urine, faeces and doshas. Being liquid and hot they also cause sweating. Being watery in nature they also alleviate thirst. Due to their nourishing property as a diet, they sustain the prana (vitaliy) and cause lightness of the body because of their laxative property. They bring down the jwara and are also wholesome for the jwara patients.  
In view of above, a jwara patient should in the beginning be administered with different types of peya (thin gruels). (149-153)
In view of above, a jwara patient should in the beginning be administered with different types of peya (thin gruels). (149-153)
Contra-indications of yavagu:
==== Contra-indications of yavagu ====
ज्वरानुपचरेद्धीमानृते  मद्यसमुत्थितात्|  
ज्वरानुपचरेद्धीमानृते  मद्यसमुत्थितात्|  
मदात्यये मद्यनित्ये ग्रीष्मे पित्तकफाधिके||१५४||  
मदात्यये मद्यनित्ये ग्रीष्मे पित्तकफाधिके||१५४||  
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Urdhvage raktapitte ca yavAgUrna hitA jvare|155|
Urdhvage raktapitte ca yavAgUrna hitA jvare|155|
However, these gruels are contraindicated in the fevers caused by intake of of alcohol, in alcoholism, for persons addicted to alcohol, in summer seasons, when there is predominance of pitta and kapha and in urdhwaga rakta–pitta (a disease characterized by bleeding from the different upper channels of the body).(154)
However, these gruels are contraindicated in the fevers caused by intake of of alcohol, in alcoholism, for persons addicted to alcohol, in summer seasons, when there is predominance of pitta and kapha and in urdhwaga rakta–pitta (a disease characterized by bleeding from the different upper channels of the body).(154)
तत्र तर्पणमेवाग्रे प्रयोज्यं  लाजसक्तुभिः||१५५||  
तत्र तर्पणमेवाग्रे प्रयोज्यं  लाजसक्तुभिः||१५५||  
ज्वरापहैः फलरसैर्युक्तं समधुशर्करम्|१५६|  
ज्वरापहैः फलरसैर्युक्तं समधुशर्करम्|१५६|  
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jvarApahaiH phalarasairyuktaM samadhusharkaram|156|
jvarApahaiH phalarasairyuktaM samadhusharkaram|156|
In cases where yavagu administration is prohibited, the physician should administer in the beginning tarpana (nutritional diet) prepared from laja saktu (powder of roasted grains) mixed with honey, sugar and fruit juices, which have jwara alleviating properties.(155)  
In cases where yavagu administration is prohibited, the physician should administer in the beginning tarpana (nutritional diet) prepared from laja saktu (powder of roasted grains) mixed with honey, sugar and fruit juices, which have jwara alleviating properties.(155)  
Guidelines for diet, mouth cleansing and tooth brush: ततः सात्म्यबलापेक्षी भोजयेज्जीर्णतर्पणम्||१५६||  
==== Guidelines for diet, mouth cleansing and tooth brush ====
ततः सात्म्यबलापेक्षी भोजयेज्जीर्णतर्पणम्||१५६||  
तनुना मुद्गयूषेण जाङ्गलानां रसेन वा|  
तनुना मुद्गयूषेण जाङ्गलानां रसेन वा|  
अन्नकालेषु चाप्यस्मै विधेयं दन्तधावनम्||१५७||  
अन्नकालेषु चाप्यस्मै विधेयं दन्तधावनम्||१५७||  
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tadasya mukhavaishadyaM prakA~gkShAM cAnnapAnayoH||158||  
tadasya mukhavaishadyaM prakA~gkShAM cAnnapAnayoH||158||  
dhatte rasavisheShANAmabhij~jatvaM karoti yat|  
dhatte rasavisheShANAmabhij~jatvaM karoti yat|  
vishodhya drumashAkhAgrairAsyaM prakShAlya cAsakRut||159|| mastvikShurasamadyAdyairyathAhAramavApnuyAt|160|  
vishodhya drumashAkhAgrairAsyaM prakShAlya cAsakRut||159||  
Depending upon the habituation (satmya) and the strength of the patient, after digestion of the tarpaṇa, patient is administered thin soup of mudga (green gram) or meat of wild animals. During food time, the patient’s teeth should be cleaned with the twig of plants, which should be such that their taste can counteract the taste of the patient’s mouth and is relishing to the patient. Such kind of cleaning of teeth makes the patient feel freshness in his mouth, develops appetite for food and drinks and becomes capable of appreciating the taste of food to be taken. The mouth should be cleaned several times with water after cleaning with twigs. Thereafter the patient should be given mastu (thin butter milk), sugarcane juice, alcoholic drinks etc. with suitable and appropriate diet.(156-159)
Depending upon the habituation (satmya) and the strength of the patient, after digestion of the tarpaṇa, patient is administered thin soup of mudga (green gram) or meat of wild animals. During food time, the patient’s teeth should be cleaned with the twig of plants, which should be such that their taste can counteract the taste of the patient’s mouth and is relishing to the patient. Such kind of cleaning of teeth makes the patient feel freshness in his mouth, develops appetite for food and drinks and becomes capable of appreciating the taste of food to be taken. The mouth should be cleaned several times with water after cleaning with twigs. Thereafter the patient should be given mastu (thin butter milk), sugarcane juice, alcoholic drinks etc. with suitable and appropriate diet.(156-159)
पाचनं शमनीयं वा कषायं पाययेद्भिषक्||१६०||  
पाचनं शमनीयं वा कषायं पाययेद्भिषक्||१६०||  
ज्वरितं षडहेऽतीते लघ्वन्नप्रतिभोजितम्|१६१|  
ज्वरितं षडहेऽतीते लघ्वन्नप्रतिभोजितम्|१६१|  
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jvaritaM ShaDahe~atIte laghvannapratibhojitam|161|  
jvaritaM ShaDahe~atIte laghvannapratibhojitam|161|  
The jwara patient, after six days and having been given light diet to eat, should be administered decoctions, which are either pachana (stimulant of digestion) or shamana (alleviator of doshas). (160-161)
The jwara patient, after six days and having been given light diet to eat, should be administered decoctions, which are either pachana (stimulant of digestion) or shamana (alleviator of doshas). (160-161)
Contra-indications of kashaya (astringents)स्तभ्यन्ते न  विपच्यन्ते कुर्वन्ति विषमज्वरम्||१६१||  
==== Contra-indications of kashaya (astringents) ====
स्तभ्यन्ते न  विपच्यन्ते कुर्वन्ति विषमज्वरम्||१६१||  
दोषा बद्धाः कषायेण स्तम्भित्वात्तरुणे ज्वरे|  
दोषा बद्धाः कषायेण स्तम्भित्वात्तरुणे ज्वरे|  
न तु कल्पनमुद्दिश्य कषायः प्रतिषिध्यते||१६२||  
न तु कल्पनमुद्दिश्य कषायः प्रतिषिध्यते||१६२||  
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yaH kaShAyakaShAyaH  syAt sa varjyastaruNajvare|163|  
yaH kaShAyakaShAyaH  syAt sa varjyastaruNajvare|163|  
If, decoctions of astringent drugs are administered to the patient in taruna jwara (first stage of jwara) stage, then the doshas do not undergo paka (digested) and get adhered due to stickiness. This leads to the onset of vishama jwara (irregular fevers). The term kashaya has two meanings i.e. the decoction prepared by boiling the drugs and astringent taste. In the first stage of jwara (taruna jwara), the astringent tasted drugs are prohibited. (161-163)  
If, decoctions of astringent drugs are administered to the patient in taruna jwara (first stage of jwara) stage, then the doshas do not undergo paka (digested) and get adhered due to stickiness. This leads to the onset of vishama jwara (irregular fevers). The term kashaya has two meanings i.e. the decoction prepared by boiling the drugs and astringent taste. In the first stage of jwara (taruna jwara), the astringent tasted drugs are prohibited. (161-163)  
Yusha (soup) indications:
==== Yusha (soup) indications ====
यूषैरम्लैरनम्लैर्वा जाङ्गलैर्वा रसैर्हितैः||१६३||  
यूषैरम्लैरनम्लैर्वा जाङ्गलैर्वा रसैर्हितैः||१६३||  
दशाहं यावदश्नीयाल्लघ्वन्नं ज्वरशान्तये|१६४|  
दशाहं यावदश्नीयाल्लघ्वन्नं ज्वरशान्तये|१६४|  
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dashAhaM yAvadashnIyAllaghvannaM jvarashAntaye|164|
dashAhaM yAvadashnIyAllaghvannaM jvarashAntaye|164|
The patient should be given light diet along with yusha (soup) prepared from vegetables and pulses and rasa (soup) of the meat of animals inhabiting arid regions, for the alleviation of jwara, upto the tenth day. Amla (sour) things may or may not be added to these yusha. (163-164)
The patient should be given light diet along with yusha (soup) prepared from vegetables and pulses and rasa (soup) of the meat of animals inhabiting arid regions, for the alleviation of jwara, upto the tenth day. Amla (sour) things may or may not be added to these yusha. (163-164)
Indications and contra-indications of ghrita:
==== Indications and contra-indications of ghrita ====
अत ऊर्ध्वं कफे मन्दे वातपित्तोत्तरे ज्वरे||१६४||  
अत ऊर्ध्वं कफे मन्दे वातपित्तोत्तरे ज्वरे||१६४||  
परिपक्वेषु दोषेषु सर्पिष्पानं यथाऽमृतम्|१६५|
परिपक्वेषु दोषेषु सर्पिष्पानं यथाऽमृतम्|१६५|
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Till the features of langhana appear in the body, the patient should be given light to digest food along with the meat soup of wild animals and birds. This destroys the strength of the doshas and promotes the strength of the body. (164-167)
Till the features of langhana appear in the body, the patient should be given light to digest food along with the meat soup of wild animals and birds. This destroys the strength of the doshas and promotes the strength of the body. (164-167)
Indication of milk:
==== Indication of milk ====
दाहतृष्णापरीतस्य वातपित्तोत्तरं ज्वरम्||१६७||  
दाहतृष्णापरीतस्य वातपित्तोत्तरं ज्वरम्||१६७||  
बद्धप्रच्युतदोषं वा निरामं पयसा जयेत्|१६८|   
बद्धप्रच्युतदोषं वा निरामं पयसा जयेत्|१६८|   
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¨ If vāta and pitta dośha predominate the patient is suffering from jwara
¨ If vāta and pitta dośha predominate the patient is suffering from jwara
¨ If the dosha are either baddha (static), or pracyuta (slightly dislodged). (167)
¨ If the dosha are either baddha (static), or pracyuta (slightly dislodged). (167)
Indication of virechana:
==== Indication of virechana ====
क्रियाभिराभिः प्रशमं न प्रयाति यदा ज्वरः||१६८||  
क्रियाभिराभिः प्रशमं न प्रयाति यदा ज्वरः||१६८||  
अक्षीणबलमांसाग्नेः  शमयेत्तं विरेचनैः|१६९|  
अक्षीणबलमांसाग्नेः  शमयेत्तं विरेचनैः|१६९|  
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akShINabalamAMsAgneH  shamayettaM virecanaiH|169|  
akShINabalamAMsAgneH  shamayettaM virecanaiH|169|  
If the jwara does not subside by the the therapies described before, then virechana (purgation) should be given for its alleviation provided, the patient is neither emaciated, weak, depleted of muscle tissue nor has reduced digestive power. (168-169)  
If the jwara does not subside by the the therapies described before, then virechana (purgation) should be given for its alleviation provided, the patient is neither emaciated, weak, depleted of muscle tissue nor has reduced digestive power. (168-169)  
Indications of niruha (enema with decoction):
==== Indications of niruha (enema with decoction) ====
ज्वरक्षीणस्य न हितं वमनं न विरेचनम्||१६९||  
ज्वरक्षीणस्य न हितं वमनं न विरेचनम्||१६९||  
कामं तु पयसा तस्य निरूहैर्वा हरेन्मलान्|  
कामं तु पयसा तस्य निरूहैर्वा हरेन्मलान्|  
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Neither vamana (emesis) nor virechana (purgation) is useful for patients emaciated by fever. It is thus desirable to remove their malas by the administration of milk or niruha (ununctuous type of medicated enema prepared by decoctions etc.)  
Neither vamana (emesis) nor virechana (purgation) is useful for patients emaciated by fever. It is thus desirable to remove their malas by the administration of milk or niruha (ununctuous type of medicated enema prepared by decoctions etc.)  
Niruha basti administered when the dosha are in paripakwa stage immediately promotes the strength and the power of digestion, alleviates fever and causes happiness and brings relish for food.
Niruha basti administered when the dosha are in paripakwa stage immediately promotes the strength and the power of digestion, alleviates fever and causes happiness and brings relish for food.
Purgation (stransana) eliminates kapha or kapha pitta dosha from the pittashaya (lower portion of the stomach and small intestine). Basti eliminates all the three dosa lodged in the pakwashaya.(169-170)  
Purgation (stransana) eliminates kapha or kapha pitta dosha from the pittashaya (lower portion of the stomach and small intestine). Basti eliminates all the three dosa lodged in the pakwashaya.(169-170)
Inidcation of anuvasana (unctuous enema):
==== Indication of anuvasana (unctuous enema) ====
ज्वरे पुराणे सङ्क्षीणे कफपित्ते दृढाग्नये||१७२||  
ज्वरे पुराणे सङ्क्षीणे कफपित्ते दृढाग्नये||१७२||  
रूक्षबद्धपुरीषाय प्रदद्यादनुवासनम्|१७३|  
रूक्षबद्धपुरीषाय प्रदद्यादनुवासनम्|१७३|  
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¨ When there is strong power of digestion
¨ When there is strong power of digestion
¨ When there is ununctuousness (rukshata) and bandhatwa (obstruction, compactness) in the feces. (172-173)
¨ When there is ununctuousness (rukshata) and bandhatwa (obstruction, compactness) in the feces. (172-173)
Indications of murdha-virechana (nasal errhines):
==== Indications of murdha-virechana (nasal errhines) ====
गौरवे शिरसः शूले विबद्धेष्विन्द्रियेषु च||१७३||  
गौरवे शिरसः शूले विबद्धेष्विन्द्रियेषु च||१७३||  
जीर्णज्वरे रुचिकरं कुर्यान्मूर्धविरेचनम्|१७४|  
जीर्णज्वरे रुचिकरं कुर्यान्मूर्धविरेचनम्|१७४|  
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jIrNajvare rucikaraM kuryAnmUrdhavirecanam|174|  
jIrNajvare rucikaraM kuryAnmUrdhavirecanam|174|  
Murdha virechana should be done in patients suffering from chronic type of fevers who have heaviness and pain in head, impaired sensoria. This develops relish for food and also the objects. (173-174)   
Murdha virechana should be done in patients suffering from chronic type of fevers who have heaviness and pain in head, impaired sensoria. This develops relish for food and also the objects. (173-174)   
Various external procedures:
==== Various external procedures ====
अभ्यङ्गांश्च प्रदेहांश्च परिषेकावगाहने||१७४||  
अभ्यङ्गांश्च प्रदेहांश्च परिषेकावगाहने||१७४||  
विभज्य शीतोष्णकृतं  कुर्याज्जीर्णे ज्वरे भिषक्|  
विभज्य शीतोष्णकृतं  कुर्याज्जीर्णे ज्वरे भिषक्|  
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Abhyanga (massage), pradeha (unguentum), parisheka (sprinkling of water), and avagahana (bathing) should be done in patients of jirna jwara (chronic fevers) considering the types of jwara with their hot and cold types. By these measures the bahirmargagata (located in the external tissues) jwara gets alleviated instantaneously. There is a feeling of ease in the body along with the promotion of strength and complexion.
Abhyanga (massage), pradeha (unguentum), parisheka (sprinkling of water), and avagahana (bathing) should be done in patients of jirna jwara (chronic fevers) considering the types of jwara with their hot and cold types. By these measures the bahirmargagata (located in the external tissues) jwara gets alleviated instantaneously. There is a feeling of ease in the body along with the promotion of strength and complexion.
Jirna jwara (chronic stage) also gets alleviated by the administration of dhupana (fumigation) and anjana (collyrium).  
Jirna jwara (chronic stage) also gets alleviated by the administration of dhupana (fumigation) and anjana (collyrium).  
Jwara located in skin and of exogenous nature or types can be treated with same. (174-177) Various dietary articles used in treatment:
Jwara located in skin and of exogenous nature or types can be treated with same. (174-177)  
==== Various dietary articles used in treatment ====
इति क्रियाक्रमः सिद्धो ज्वरघ्नः सम्प्रकाशितः||१७७||  
इति क्रियाक्रमः सिद्धो ज्वरघ्नः सम्प्रकाशितः||१७७||  
येषां त्वेष क्रमस्तानि द्रव्याण्यूर्ध्वमतः शृणु|  
येषां त्वेष क्रमस्तानि द्रव्याण्यूर्ध्वमतः शृणु|  
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Proper line of treatment for the alleviation of jwara has been described above, the ingredients used for therapies in accordance to the above stated line of treatment has been described further.
Proper line of treatment for the alleviation of jwara has been described above, the ingredients used for therapies in accordance to the above stated line of treatment has been described further.
For this purpose, rakta shali, shashtika type of purana (preserved for over an year) rice are the best and should be given in the form of yavagu (gruel), odana (boiled rice), laja (fried paddy) as these mitigate jwara of the patient. (177-179)
For this purpose, rakta shali, shashtika type of purana (preserved for over an year) rice are the best and should be given in the form of yavagu (gruel), odana (boiled rice), laja (fried paddy) as these mitigate jwara of the patient. (177-179)
Ten types of yavagu (gruel) in jwara:
==== Ten types of yavagu (gruel) in jwara ====
लाजपेयां सुखजरां पिप्पलीनागरैः शृताम्||१७९||  
लाजपेयां सुखजरां पिप्पलीनागरैः शृताम्||१७९||  
पिबेज्ज्वरी ज्वरहरां क्षुद्वानल्पाग्निरादितः|  
पिबेज्ज्वरी ज्वरहरां क्षुद्वानल्पाग्निरादितः|  
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asvēdanidrastr̥ṣṇārtaḥ pibēt pēyāṁ saśarkarām||187||  
asvēdanidrastr̥ṣṇārtaḥ pibēt pēyāṁ saśarkarām||187||  
nāgarāmalakaiḥ siddhāṁ ghr̥tabhr̥ṣṭāṁ jvarāpahām|188|  
nāgarāmalakaiḥ siddhāṁ ghr̥tabhr̥ṣṭāṁ jvarāpahām|188|  
lAjapeyAM sukhajarAM pippalInAgaraiH shRutAm||179||  
lAjapeyAM sukhajarAM pippalInAgaraiH shRutAm||179||  
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¨ Peya boiled with bala, vrikshamla, kolamla, kalashi (simha pucchi), dhavani (kantakari) and bilva should be given to a patient suffering from jwara associated with sawing pain. (cutting pain).
¨ Peya boiled with bala, vrikshamla, kolamla, kalashi (simha pucchi), dhavani (kantakari) and bilva should be given to a patient suffering from jwara associated with sawing pain. (cutting pain).
¨ Peya prepared by boiling with nagara and amalaka fried with ghee and mixed with sugar is jwaraghna (alleviates jwara). It should be given to a patient suffering from asweda (absence of sweating), anidra (sleeplessness) and trishna (morbid thirst). (179-188)
¨ Peya prepared by boiling with nagara and amalaka fried with ghee and mixed with sugar is jwaraghna (alleviates jwara). It should be given to a patient suffering from asweda (absence of sweating), anidra (sleeplessness) and trishna (morbid thirst). (179-188)
Indications of soup:
Indications of soup:
मुद्गान्मसूरांश्चणकान् कुलत्थान् समकुष्टकान्||१८८||  
मुद्गान्मसूरांश्चणकान् कुलत्थान् समकुष्टकान्||१८८||