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Well before the ninth month of pregnancy, a maternity home should be constructed in a place that is free from bones, gravels and broken pieces of baked earthen utensils, the soil of which should have excellent color, taste and odour, the door of which should be facing the east or north and made of ''bilwa'' wood (Aeglemarmelos Corr.) or ''tinduka'' (Diospyrosperegrine Gurke), ''ingudi'' (Balanitesaegyptica Delile.), ''bhallataka'' (Semecarpusanacardium Linn.), ''varuna'' (Creteva religiosa) or ''khadira'' (Acaciacatechu willd.), or those woods recommended by ''brahmins'' who are well versed in Atharva Veda. The maternity home should be well built, spacious, well painted, have adequate doors and windows, well furnished with appliances, furnishings, water storage, lavatories, toiletries, etc. - built in accordance with the principles of ''Vastuvidya'' (science of architecture). The house should be comfortable for all seasons. [33]
Well before the ninth month of pregnancy, a maternity home should be constructed in a place that is free from bones, gravels and broken pieces of baked earthen utensils, the soil of which should have excellent color, taste and odour, the door of which should be facing the east or north and made of ''bilwa'' wood (Aeglemarmelos Corr.) or ''tinduka'' (Diospyrosperegrine Gurke), ''ingudi'' (Balanitesaegyptica Delile.), ''bhallataka'' (Semecarpusanacardium Linn.), ''varuna'' (Creteva religiosa) or ''khadira'' (Acaciacatechu willd.), or those woods recommended by ''brahmins'' who are well versed in Atharva Veda. The maternity home should be well built, spacious, well painted, have adequate doors and windows, well furnished with appliances, furnishings, water storage, lavatories, toiletries, etc. - built in accordance with the principles of ''Vastuvidya'' (science of architecture). The house should be comfortable for all seasons. [33]
==== Items to be made available available  in the  
==== Items to be made available in the maternity home ====
तत्र सर्पिस्तैलमधुसैन्धवसौवर्चलकालविड्लवणविडङ्गकुष्ठकिलिमनागर-पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलहस्तिपिप्पलीमण्डूकपर्ण्येलालाङ्गलीवचाचव्यचित्रकचिरबिल्व-हिङ्गुसर्षपलशुनकतककणकणिकानीपातसीबल्वजभूर्जकुलत्थमैरेयसुरासवाः सन्निहिताः स्युः; तथाऽश्मानौ द्वौ, द्वे कु(च)ण्डमुसले, द्वे उदूखले, खरवृषभश्च [१] , द्वौ च तीक्ष्णौ सूचीपिप्पलकौ सौवर्णराजतौ, शस्त्राणि च तीक्ष्णायसानि, द्वौ चबिल्वमयौ पर्यङ्कौ, तैन्दुकैङ्गुदानि च काष्ठान्यग्निसन्धुक्षणानि, स्त्रियश्च बह्व्यो बहुशः प्रजाताः सौहार्दयुक्ताःसततमनुरक्ताः प्रदक्षिणाचाराः प्रतिपत्तिकुशलाः प्रकृतिवत्सलास्त्यक्तविषादाः क्लेशसहिन्योऽभिमताः,ब्राह्मणाश्चाथर्ववेदविदः; यच्चान्यदपि तत्र समर्थं मन्येत, यच्चान्यच्च ब्राह्मणा ब्रूयुः स्त्रियश्च वृद्धास्तत् कार्यम्||३४||  
तत्र सर्पिस्तैलमधुसैन्धवसौवर्चलकालविड्लवणविडङ्गकुष्ठकिलिमनागर-पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलहस्तिपिप्पलीमण्डूकपर्ण्येलालाङ्गलीवचाचव्यचित्रकचिरबिल्व-हिङ्गुसर्षपलशुनकतककणकणिकानीपातसीबल्वजभूर्जकुलत्थमैरेयसुरासवाः सन्निहिताः स्युः; तथाऽश्मानौ द्वौ, द्वे कु(च)ण्डमुसले, द्वे उदूखले, खरवृषभश्च [१] , द्वौ च तीक्ष्णौ सूचीपिप्पलकौ सौवर्णराजतौ, शस्त्राणि च तीक्ष्णायसानि, द्वौ चबिल्वमयौ पर्यङ्कौ, तैन्दुकैङ्गुदानि च काष्ठान्यग्निसन्धुक्षणानि, स्त्रियश्च बह्व्यो बहुशः प्रजाताः सौहार्दयुक्ताःसततमनुरक्ताः प्रदक्षिणाचाराः प्रतिपत्तिकुशलाः प्रकृतिवत्सलास्त्यक्तविषादाः क्लेशसहिन्योऽभिमताः,ब्राह्मणाश्चाथर्ववेदविदः; यच्चान्यदपि तत्र समर्थं मन्येत, यच्चान्यच्च ब्राह्मणा ब्रूयुः स्त्रियश्च वृद्धास्तत् कार्यम्||३४||  
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tatra sarpistailamadhusaindhavasauvarcalakAlaviDlavaNaviDa~ggakuShThakilimanAgara-pippalIpippalImUlahastipippalImaNDUkaparNyelAlA~ggalIvacAcavyacitrakacirabilva-hi~ggusarShapalashunakatakakaNakaNikAnIpAtasIbalvajabhUrjakulatthamaireyasurAsavAH sannihitAHsyuH; tathA~ashmAnau dvau, dve ku(ca)NDamusale, dve udUkhale, kharavRuShabhashca [1] , dvau catIkShNau sUcIpippalakau sauvarNarAjatau, shastrANi ca tIkShNAyasAni, dvau ca bilvamayau parya~gkau,taindukai~ggudAni ca kAShThAnyagnisandhukShaNAni, striyashca bahvyo bahushaH prajAtAHsauhArdayuktAH satatamanuraktAH pradakShiNAcArAH pratipattikushalAHprakRutivatsalAstyaktaviShAdAH kleshasahinyo~abhimatAH, brAhmaNAshcAtharvavedavidaH;yaccAnyadapi tatra samarthaM manyeta, yaccAnyacca brAhmaNA brUyuH striyashca vRuddhAstatkAryam||34||  
tatra sarpistailamadhusaindhavasauvarcalakAlaviDlavaNaviDa~ggakuShThakilimanAgara-pippalIpippalImUlahastipippalImaNDUkaparNyelAlA~ggalIvacAcavyacitrakacirabilva-hi~ggusarShapalashunakatakakaNakaNikAnIpAtasIbalvajabhUrjakulatthamaireyasurAsavAH sannihitAHsyuH; tathA~ashmAnau dvau, dve ku(ca)NDamusale, dve udUkhale, kharavRuShabhashca [1] , dvau catIkShNau sUcIpippalakau sauvarNarAjatau, shastrANi ca tIkShNAyasAni, dvau ca bilvamayau parya~gkau,taindukai~ggudAni ca kAShThAnyagnisandhukShaNAni, striyashca bahvyo bahushaH prajAtAHsauhArdayuktAH satatamanuraktAH pradakShiNAcArAH pratipattikushalAHprakRutivatsalAstyaktaviShAdAH kleshasahinyo~abhimatAH, brAhmaNAshcAtharvavedavidaH;yaccAnyadapi tatra samarthaM manyeta, yaccAnyacca brAhmaNA brUyuH striyashca vRuddhAstatkAryam||34||  
The following items should be made available in that maternity home: Ghee, honey, saindhava (rock salt), sauvarchala, kala, bida salts, vidanga (Emblelia ribes Burm. f.), kushta (Saussurea lappaC. B. Clarke.), kilima (Cedrus deodara Loud.), nagara (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), pippali (Piper longum Linn), pippali moola (root of Piper longum Linn.), hasti pippali (Scindapsus officinalis Schott), mandukaparni (Centella asiatica urban.), ela (Elettaria cadamomum Maton.), langali (Gloriosa superba Linn.), vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.), chavya (Piper cheba Hunter.), chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica Linn.), chirabilva (Pongamia pinnata Merr.), hingu (Ferula narthex Boiss.), sarshapa (Brassica nigra Koch.), lashuna (Alium sativum Linn.), kataka (Strychnos potatorum Linn. f.), kana (Pippali – piper longum Linn), kundaka, kanika (a variety of kana with bigger grains), neepa (Anthocephalus indicus A. Rich.), atasi (Linum usitatissumum Linn.), balvaja (--), bhurja (Betula utilis D. Don.), kulatha (Dolichos biflorus Linn.), maireya, and alcoholic beverages (sura, and asava). In addition to the above, the following items too should be kept available there – two grinding stones, two small pestles, two mortars, one untamed bull, two gold and silver cases for keeping needles, various surgical instruments that are sharp and prepared of metals, two bedsteads made of bilva (Aeglemarmelos Corr.), wood of tinduka (Diospyrosperegrine Gurke) and ingudi (Balanitesaegyptica Delile.) as fire wood, good number of female attendants who are multiskilled, who are affectionate and attached to the lady, well mannered, resourceful, pleasant to talk to, free from grief, tolerant of hardship and agreeable, and brahmins well versed in the Atharva Veda.  
The following items should be made available in that maternity home: Ghee, honey, ''saindhava'' (rock salt), ''sauvarchala, kala, bida'' salts, ''vidanga'' (Emblelia ribes Burm. f.), ''kushta'' (Saussurea lappaC. B. Clarke.), ''kilima'' (Cedrus deodara Loud.), ''nagara'' (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), ''pippali'' (Piper longum Linn), ''pippali moola'' (root of Piper longum Linn.), ''hasti pippali'' (Scindapsus officinalis Schott), ''mandukaparni'' (Centella asiatica urban.), ''ela'' (Elettaria cadamomum Maton.), ''langali'' (Gloriosa superba Linn.), vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.), chavya (Piper cheba Hunter.), chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica Linn.), chirabilva (Pongamia pinnata Merr.), hingu (Ferula narthex Boiss.), sarshapa (Brassica nigra Koch.), lashuna (Alium sativum Linn.), kataka (Strychnos potatorum Linn. f.), kana (Pippali – piper longum Linn), kundaka, kanika (a variety of kana with bigger grains), neepa (Anthocephalus indicus A. Rich.), atasi (Linum usitatissumum Linn.), balvaja (--), bhurja (Betula utilis D. Don.), kulatha (Dolichos biflorus Linn.), maireya, and alcoholic beverages (sura, and asava). In addition to the above, the following items too should be kept available there – two grinding stones, two small pestles, two mortars, one untamed bull, two gold and silver cases for keeping needles, various surgical instruments that are sharp and prepared of metals, two bedsteads made of bilva (Aeglemarmelos Corr.), wood of tinduka (Diospyrosperegrine Gurke) and ingudi (Balanitesaegyptica Delile.) as fire wood, good number of female attendants who are multiskilled, who are affectionate and attached to the lady, well mannered, resourceful, pleasant to talk to, free from grief, tolerant of hardship and agreeable, and brahmins well versed in the Atharva Veda.  
Above all, whatever prescribed by brahmins and experienced old ladies and found necessary are to be kept handy in this maternity home. [34]
Above all, whatever prescribed by brahmins and experienced old ladies and found necessary are to be kept handy in this maternity home. [34]