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na bAShpasya na nidrAyA niHshvAsasya shrameNa ca||4||
na bAShpasya na nidrAyA niHshvAsasya shrameNa ca||4||
An intelligent person should not suppress the natural urges initiated by sensations of urine, defecation, , sexual desires (release of semen), flatus, vomiting, sneezing, belching (eructation), yawning, hunger, thirst, tears, sleep and exertion induced dyspnea.[3-4]
An intelligent person should not suppress the natural urges initiated by sensations of urine, defecation, sexual desires (release of semen), flatus, vomiting, sneezing, belching (eructation), yawning, hunger, thirst, tears, sleep and exertion induced dyspnea.[3-4]
एतान् धारयतो जातान् वेगान् रोगा भवन्ति ये|  
एतान् धारयतो जातान् वेगान् रोगा भवन्ति ये|  
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Suppression of the urge to pass urine causes pain in the bladder and phallus, dysuria, headache, bending of the body and distension of the lower abdomen. [6]
Suppression of the urge to pass urine causes pain in the bladder and phallus, dysuria, headache, bending of the body and distension of the lower abdomen. [6]
In this case, the treatment includes fomentation, sitz bath, massage, ''avapeedaka ghee'' (consumption of ''ghee'' in large doses before and after meals) and all the three types of basti (medicated enema with oil, decoction and medicine through urinary orifice) is prescribed. [7]
In this case, the treatment includes fomentation, sitz bath, massage, ''avapeedaka ghee'' (consumption of ''ghee'' in large doses before and after meals) and all the three types of ''basti'' (medicated enema with oil, decoction and medicine through urinary orifice) is prescribed. [7]
===== 2. Diseases due to suppression of urge to defecate and its treatment =====
===== 2. Diseases due to suppression of urge to defecate and its treatment =====
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When the urge to ejaculate is suppressed, the symptoms like pain in the penis, testicles, body ache, pain in cardiac region, and retention of urine are observed. [10]
When the urge to ejaculate is suppressed, the symptoms like pain in the penis, testicles, body ache, pain in cardiac region, and retention of urine are observed. [10]
In that case massage, sitz bath, madira (alcoholic drinks), chicken, shali rice (Oryza sativa Linn.), milk, enema with decoction, and proper sexual intercourse (in order to ejaculate semen) are prescribed. [11]
In that case massage, sitz bath, ''madira'' (alcoholic drinks), chicken, ''shali'' rice (Oryza sativa Linn.), milk, enema with decoction, and proper sexual intercourse (in order to ejaculate semen) are prescribed. [11]
===== 4. Diseases due to suppression of urge to pass flatulence and its treatment =====
===== 4. Diseases due to suppression of urge to pass flatulence and its treatment =====
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rUkShAnnapAnaM vyAyAmo virekashcAtra shasyate||15||  
rUkShAnnapAnaM vyAyAmo virekashcAtra shasyate||15||  
Pruritus, urticaria, aversion (to food), vyanga (discoloration of face), shotha (edema), pandu (pallor/anaemia), jwara (fever), kushtha (skin diseases), nausea and visarpa (erysipelas) are caused by the suppression of the urges of vomiting.  [14]
Pruritus, urticaria, aversion (to food), ''vyanga'' (discoloration of face), ''shotha'' (edema), ''pandu'' (pallor/anaemia), ''jwara'' (fever), ''kushtha'' (skin diseases), nausea and ''visarpa'' (erysipelas) are caused by the suppression of the urges of vomiting.  [14]
In such cases, therapeutic induction of vomiting, medicated smoking, therapeutic fasting, bloodletting, foods that are dry in nature, drinks, physical exercise and therapeutic purgation are prescribed. [15]
In such cases, therapeutic induction of vomiting, medicated smoking, therapeutic fasting, bloodletting, foods that are dry in nature, drinks, physical exercise and therapeutic purgation are prescribed. [15]
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Neck stiffness, headache, facial paralysis, pain in half side of face and head, and weakness of the sense organs and locomotor organs are caused by the suppression of the urge to sneeze. [16]
Neck stiffness, headache, facial paralysis, pain in half side of face and head, and weakness of the sense organs and locomotor organs are caused by the suppression of the urge to sneeze. [16]
In such cases, the treatment includes massage and fomentation in the supra-clavicular region, use of medicated smoking along with administering nasal drops, foods prescribed for alleviation of vata and consumption of ghee after meals. [17]
In such cases, the treatment includes massage and fomentation in the supra-clavicular region, use of medicated smoking along with administering nasal drops, foods prescribed for alleviation of ''vata'' and consumption of ghee after meals. [17]
===== 7. Diseases due to suppression of urge of belching and its treatment =====
===== 7. Diseases due to suppression of urge of belching and its treatment =====
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jRumbhAyA nigrahAttatra sarvaM vAtaghnamauShadham||19||  
jRumbhAyA nigrahAttatra sarvaM vAtaghnamauShadham||19||  
Crookedness of body, convulsions, contractions (of muscles), numbness, tremors and trembling are caused by the suppression of yawning. Treatment for this includes all vata pacifying measures. [19]
Crookedness of body, convulsions, contractions (of muscles), numbness, tremors and trembling are caused by the suppression of yawning. Treatment for this includes all ''vata'' pacifying measures. [19]
===== 9. Diseases due to suppression of urge of hunger and its treatment =====
===== 9. Diseases due to suppression of urge of hunger and its treatment =====
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Yawning, body ache, drowsiness, diseases of head and heaviness in the eyes are caused by suppression of the urge to sleep. Resorting to sound sleep and thumping massage of the body is advised in such cases. [23]
Yawning, body ache, drowsiness, diseases of head and heaviness in the eyes are caused by suppression of the urge to sleep. Resorting to sound sleep and thumping massage of the body is advised in such cases. [23]
===== 13. Diseases due to suppression of urge of exertion induced dyspnoea and its treatment =====
===== 13. Diseases due to suppression of urge of exertion induced dyspnea and its treatment =====
गुल्महृद्रोगसम्मोहाः श्रमनिःश्वासधारणात्|  
गुल्महृद्रोगसम्मोहाः श्रमनिःश्वासधारणात्|  
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jAyante tatra vishrAmo vAtaghnyashca kriyA hitAH||24||  
jAyante tatra vishrAmo vAtaghnyashca kriyA hitAH||24||  
Gulma (lump in abdomen), heart diseases and inactive state of intellect (leading to confusion) are caused by suppression of dyspnea (due to exertion). In that case, proper rest and regimen for the alleviation of vata are advised. [24]
''Gulma'' (lump in abdomen), heart diseases and inactive state of intellect (leading to confusion) are caused by suppression of dyspnea (due to exertion). In that case, proper rest and regimen for the alleviation of ''vata'' are advised. [24]
वेगनिग्रहजा रोगा य एते परिकीर्तिताः|  
वेगनिग्रहजा रोगा य एते परिकीर्तिताः|  
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Diseases caused by the suppression of various natural urges have been described in this chapter. The person desirous of preventing these diseases should not suppress any of these natural urges. [25]
Diseases caused by the suppression of various natural urges have been described in this chapter. The person desirous of preventing these diseases should not suppress any of these natural urges. [25]
==== Dharaniya vega -Control over psychological urges [suppressible urges] ====
==== ''Dharaniya vega'' -Control over psychological urges (suppressible urges) ====
इमांस्तु धारयेद्वेगान् हितार्थी प्रेत्य चेह च|  
इमांस्तु धारयेद्वेगान् हितार्थी प्रेत्य चेह च|  
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An intelligent person should control greed, grief, fear, anger, egoism, shamelessness (impudence), jealousy, excessive affliction (in anything), and desire to acquire someone else’s wealth. [27]
An intelligent person should control greed, grief, fear, anger, egoism, shamelessness (impudence), jealousy, excessive affliction (in anything), and desire to acquire someone else’s wealth. [27]
==== Vachika vega- Improper expression of words ====
==== ''Vachika vega''- Improper expression of words ====
परुषस्यातिमात्रस्य सूचकस्यानृतस्य च|  
परुषस्यातिमात्रस्य सूचकस्यानृतस्य च|  
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Harsh talks, excessive talking, that which intends to harm others or backbiting, lying and untimely speech (improper words at improper time) are to be restrained during speaking. [28]
Harsh talks, excessive talking, that which intends to harm others or backbiting, lying and untimely speech (improper words at improper time) are to be restrained during speaking. [28]
==== Kayika vega -Improper physical activities ====
==== ''Kayika vega'' -Improper physical activities ====
देहप्रवृत्तिर्या काचिद्विद्यते परपीडया|  
देहप्रवृत्तिर्या काचिद्विद्यते परपीडया|  
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dharmArthakAmAn puruShaH sukhI bhu~gkte cinoti ca||30||
dharmArthakAmAn puruShaH sukhI bhu~gkte cinoti ca||30||
The virtuous one, who is free from all evil deeds of mind, speech and body, is indeed happy and enjoys the fruits of virtue (dharma), wealth (artha), and desires (kama).[30]
The virtuous one, who is free from all evil deeds of mind, speech and body, is indeed happy and enjoys the fruits of virtue (''dharma''), wealth (''artha''), and desires (''kama'').[30]
==== Vyayama - Importance, benefits of exercise and harmful effects of excess exercise ====
==== ''Vyayama'' - Importance, benefits of exercise and harmful effects of excess exercise ====
शरीरचेष्टा या चेष्टा स्थैर्यार्था बलवर्धिनी|  
शरीरचेष्टा या चेष्टा स्थैर्यार्था बलवर्धिनी|  
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dehavyAyAmasa~gkhyAtA mAtrayA tAM samAcaret||31||
dehavyAyAmasa~gkhyAtA mAtrayA tAM samAcaret||31||
Such suitable physical movement intended towards bringing stability (in body) and increase in strength is known as vyayama (physical exercise). This has to be practiced in moderation (with apt control and for proper duration). [31]
Such suitable physical movement intended towards bringing stability (in body) and increase in strength is known as ''vyayama'' (physical exercise). This has to be practiced in moderation (with apt control and for proper duration). [31]
लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं स्थैर्यं दुःखसहिष्णुता  |  
लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं स्थैर्यं दुःखसहिष्णुता  |  
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(svedAgamaH  shvAsavRuddhirgAtrANAM lAghavaM tathA|  
(svedAgamaH  shvAsavRuddhirgAtrANAM lAghavaM tathA|  
hRudayAdyuparodhashca iti vyAyAmalakShaNam||1||)  
hRudayAdyuparodhashca iti vyAyAmalakShaNam||1||)  
Lightness, strength to work, stability, endurance towards distress and mitigation of doshas (especially kapha), and stimulation of digestive power is engendered by physical exercise. [32]
Exhaustion, fatigue, wasting (of body tissues), thirst, bleeding from different parts of the body (raktapitta), pratamaka (dyspnea with fainting), cough, fever and vomiting are caused by excessive physical exercise. [33]
Lightness, strength to work, stability, endurance towards distress and mitigation of ''doshas'' (especially ''kapha''), and stimulation of digestive power is engendered by physical exercise. [32]
[Perspiration, increase in respiratory rate, feeling of lightness of body, and congestion in cardiac [heart] region and such other organs of the body are signs of reaching threshold of exercise and one should stop the exercise.(1) ]
Exhaustion, fatigue, wasting (of body tissues), thirst, bleeding from different parts of the body (''raktapitta''), ''pratamaka'' (dyspnea with fainting), cough, fever and vomiting are caused by excessive physical exercise. [33]
(Perspiration, increase in respiratory rate, feeling of lightness of body, and congestion in cardiac (heart) region and such other organs of the body are signs of reaching threshold of exercise and one should stop the exercise.(1) )
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One who indulges in these and such other activities in excess, suddenly perishes like a lion trying to drag an (huge) elephant. [35]
One who indulges in these and such other activities in excess, suddenly perishes like a lion trying to drag an (huge) elephant. [35]
[The person emaciated due to excess sexual intercourse, weight bearing, walking, those afflicted by anger, grief, fear, exertion; those who are children, elderly, prone to vata, who need to talk loudly and excessively, and those who are hungry and thirsty shall avoid physical exercise].  
(The person emaciated due to excess sexual intercourse, weight bearing, walking, those afflicted by anger, grief, fear, exertion; those who are children, elderly, prone to ''vata,'' who need to talk loudly and excessively, and those who are hungry and thirsty shall avoid physical exercise).  
==== Sequence to adopt good habits and discard bad habits ====
==== Sequence to adopt good habits and discard bad habits ====
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By slowly and gradually giving up unwholesome practices and by increasing the wholesome practices in proper sequence, the unwholesome practices do not reoccur and the wholesome practices are fully adopted. [38]
By slowly and gradually giving up unwholesome practices and by increasing the wholesome practices in proper sequence, the unwholesome practices do not reoccur and the wholesome practices are fully adopted. [38]
==== Details of doshanushayi deha prakriti [body constitution] ====
==== Details of ''doshanushayi deha prakriti'' (body constitution) ====
समपित्तानिलकफाः केचिद्गर्भादि मानवाः|  
समपित्तानिलकफाः केचिद्गर्भादि मानवाः|  
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doShAnushayitA hyeShAM dehaprakRutirucyate||40||
doShAnushayitA hyeShAM dehaprakRutirucyate||40||
Some individuals have the same pitta-kapha-vata prakriti (equilibrium state of all doshas) at the   time of conception, while some are dominated by vata, some by pitta and some by kapha. [39]
Some individuals have the same ''pitta-kapha-vata prakriti'' (equilibrium state of all ''doshas'') at the time of conception, while some are dominated by ''vata'', some by ''pitta'' and some by ''kapha.'' [39]
Those of the first category (balanced dosha) do not suffer from diseases. Others (dominated by single dosha), are always likely to suffer. These are doshanushayi (depending upon dominancy of dosha) called deha prakriti (body constitution). [40]
Those of the first category (balanced ''dosha'') do not suffer from diseases. Others (dominated by single ''dosha''), are always likely to suffer. These are ''doshanushayi'' (depending upon dominancy of ''dosha'') called ''deha prakriti'' (body constitution). [40]
==== Preservation of health and equilibrium ====
==== Preservation of health and equilibrium ====
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navegAndhAraNe~adhyAye sarvamevAvadanmuniH||66||
navegAndhAraNe~adhyAye sarvamevAvadanmuniH||66||
To summarize : All natural urges, diseases arising due to their suppression and their management, urges that are to be suppressed, appropriate and inappropriate diet and lifestyles, the sequence for adoption of healthy practices and discarding unhealthy ones, proper diet according to the natural body constitution, the diseases relating to the excretory orifices and their treatment, preventive measures of impending diseases and management , characteristics of good persons  whose company should be kept by intelligent people desirous of his wellbeing, and those of bad persons whose company intelligent persons should avoid, and rules regarding consumption of  curd - as told by Atreya have been described in this chapter on ‘non suppression of natural urges.’ [63-66].  
To summarize : All natural urges, diseases arising due to their suppression and their management, urges that are to be suppressed, appropriate and inappropriate diet and lifestyles, the sequence for adoption of healthy practices and discarding unhealthy ones, proper diet according to the natural body constitution, the diseases relating to the excretory orifices and their treatment, preventive measures of impending diseases and management , characteristics of good persons  whose company should be kept by intelligent people desirous of his wellbeing, and those of bad persons whose company intelligent persons should avoid, and rules regarding consumption of  curd - as told by Atreya have been described in this chapter on ‘non suppression of natural urges.’ [63-66].
=== Tattva Vimarsha ===
=== Tattva Vimarsha ===