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''Unmada'' is classified into two broad categories: ''nija''(endogenous), or those caused by internal imbalance of ''dosha'' i.e. ''vata'', ''pitta, kapha'' and ''sannipataja'', and ''agantu nimitta'', i.e., those caused by exogenous factors. Sushruta (S. ut.62/4-5) and Vagbhatta - both are of the opinion that ''unmada'' is of six types, of which four are due to ''doshas'', the fifth is ''madyaja'' (like intoxications) and sixth is ''vishaja'' (poison-based or poison-like). Both have described the ''agantuja unmada'' separately as the condition of ''amanushopasarga'' (due to affliction of supra-human power) and ''bhuta badha'' (due to affliction of demons), under the heading amanusopasarga pratishedha (treatment of affliction of supra-human power) and bhuta badha pratisedha (treatment of affliction of demons) respectively. The body of knowledge within Ayurveda dedicated to psychiatry underscores the advancement in scientific knowledge on this subject that existed thousands of years ago.
''Unmada'' is classified into two broad categories: ''nija''(endogenous), or those caused by internal imbalance of ''dosha'' i.e. ''vata'', ''pitta, kapha'' and ''sannipataja'', and ''agantu nimitta'', i.e., those caused by exogenous factors. Sushruta (S. ut.62/4-5) and Vagbhatta - both are of the opinion that ''unmada'' is of six types, of which four are due to ''doshas'', the fifth is ''madyaja'' (like intoxications) and sixth is ''vishaja'' (poison-based or poison-like). Both have described the ''agantuja unmada'' separately as the condition of ''amanushopasarga'' (due to affliction of supra-human power) and ''bhuta badha'' (due to affliction of demons), under the heading amanusopasarga pratishedha (treatment of affliction of supra-human power) and bhuta badha pratisedha (treatment of affliction of demons) respectively. The body of knowledge within Ayurveda dedicated to psychiatry underscores the advancement in scientific knowledge on this subject that existed thousands of years ago.
===Sanskrit text, transliteration and english translation===
===Sanskrit Text, Transliteration and English Translation===
अथात उन्मादनिदानं व्याख्यास्यामः||१|| इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
अथात उन्मादनिदानं व्याख्यास्यामः||१||  
athāta unmādanidānaṁ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1|| iti ha smāha bhagavānātrēyaḥ||2||   
athAt UnmadaanidAnaM  vyAkhyAsyAmaH||1|| Iti ha smAha  bhagavAnAtreyaH||2||
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
I shall now describe the chapter on the diagnosis of unmada . Thus said Lord Atreya.[1- 2]  
athāta unmādanidānaṁ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1||  
iti ha smāha bhagavānātrēyaḥ||2||  
athAt UnmadaanidAnaM  vyAkhyAsyAmaH||1||  
Iti ha smAha  bhagavAnAtreyaH||2||
I shall now describe the chapter on the diagnosis of ''unmada''. Thus said Lord Atreya.[1- 2]  
==== Five types of ''unmada'' ====
Five types of unmada:
इह खलु पञ्चोन्मादा भवन्ति; तद्यथा- वातपित्तकफसन्निपातागन्तुनिमित्ताः||३||
इह खलु पञ्चोन्मादा भवन्ति; तद्यथा- वातपित्तकफसन्निपातागन्तुनिमित्ताः||३||
iha khalu pañcōnmādā bhavanti; tadyathā- vātapittakaphasannipātāgantunimittāḥ||3||  
iha khalu pañcōnmādā bhavanti; tadyathā- vātapittakaphasannipātāgantunimittāḥ||3||  
Iha  Khalu pa~jconmAdA bhavanti;  tadyathA-  vAtapittakaphasannipAtAgantunimittAH||3||
Iha  Khalu pa~jconmAdA bhavanti;  tadyathA-  vAtapittakaphasannipAtAgantunimittAH||3||
There are five types of unmada such as those caused due to the three doshas, sannipata (simultaneous vitiation of the three doshas), and exogenous causes. [3]
Individuals prone to unmada:
There are five types of ''unmada'' such as those caused due to the three ''doshas, sannipata'' (simultaneous vitiation of the three ''doshas''), and exogenous causes. [3]
==== Individuals prone to ''unmada'' ====
तत्र दोषनिमित्ताश्चत्वारः पुरुषाणामेवंविधानां क्षिप्रमभिनिर्वर्तन्ते; तद्यथा- भीरूणामुपक्लिष्टसत्त्वानामुत्सन्नदोषाणां समलविकृतोपहितान्यनुचितान्याहारजातानि वैषम्ययुक्तेनोपयोगविधिनोपयुञ्जानानां तन्त्रप्रयोगमपि विषममाचरतामन्याश्च शरीरचेष्टा विषमाः समाचरतामत्युपक्षीणदेहानां व्याधिवेगसमुद्भ्रमितानामुपहतमनसां वा कामक्रोधलोभहर्षभयमोहायासशोकचिन्तोद्वेगादिभिर्भूयोऽभिघाताभ्याहतानां वा मनस्युपहते बुद्धौ च प्रचलितायामभ्युदीर्णा दोषाः प्रकुपिता हृदयमुपसृत्य मनोवहानि स्रोतांस्यावृत्य जनयन्त्युन्मादम्||४||
तत्र दोषनिमित्ताश्चत्वारः पुरुषाणामेवंविधानां क्षिप्रमभिनिर्वर्तन्ते; तद्यथा- भीरूणामुपक्लिष्टसत्त्वानामुत्सन्नदोषाणां समलविकृतोपहितान्यनुचितान्याहारजातानि वैषम्ययुक्तेनोपयोगविधिनोपयुञ्जानानां तन्त्रप्रयोगमपि विषममाचरतामन्याश्च शरीरचेष्टा विषमाः समाचरतामत्युपक्षीणदेहानां व्याधिवेगसमुद्भ्रमितानामुपहतमनसां वा कामक्रोधलोभहर्षभयमोहायासशोकचिन्तोद्वेगादिभिर्भूयोऽभिघाताभ्याहतानां वा मनस्युपहते बुद्धौ च प्रचलितायामभ्युदीर्णा दोषाः प्रकुपिता हृदयमुपसृत्य मनोवहानि स्रोतांस्यावृत्य जनयन्त्युन्मादम्||४||
tatra dōṣanimittāścatvāraḥ puruṣāṇāmēvaṁvidhānāṁ kṣipramabhinirvartantē; tadyathā- bhīrūṇāmupakliṣṭasattvānāmutsannadōṣāṇāṁsamalavikr̥tōpahitānyanucitānyāhārajātāni vaiṣamyayuktēnōpayōgavidhinōpayuñjānānāṁ tantraprayōgamapi viṣamamācaratāmanyāśca śarīracēṣṭā viṣamāḥsamācaratāmatyupakṣīṇadēhānāṁ vyādhivēgasamudbhramitānāmupahatamanasāṁ [1] vākāmakrōdhalōbhaharṣabhayamōhāyāsaśōkacintōdvēgādibhirbhūyō'bhighātābhyāhatānāṁ vā manasyupahatē buddhau ca pracalitāyāmabhyudīrṇā [2] dōṣāḥprakupitā hr̥dayamupasr̥tya manōvahāni srōtāṁsyāvr̥tya janayantyunmādam||4||  
tatra dōṣanimittāścatvāraḥ puruṣāṇāmēvaṁvidhānāṁ kṣipramabhinirvartantē; tadyathā- bhīrūṇāmupakliṣṭasattvānāmutsannadōṣāṇāṁsamalavikr̥tōpahitānyanucitānyāhārajātāni vaiṣamyayuktēnōpayōgavidhinōpayuñjānānāṁ tantraprayōgamapi viṣamamācaratāmanyāśca śarīracēṣṭā viṣamāḥsamācaratāmatyupakṣīṇadēhānāṁ vyādhivēgasamudbhramitānāmupahatamanasāṁ [1] vākāmakrōdhalōbhaharṣabhayamōhāyāsaśōkacintōdvēgādibhirbhūyō'bhighātābhyāhatānāṁ vā manasyupahatē buddhau ca pracalitāyāmabhyudīrṇā [2] dōṣāḥprakupitā hr̥dayamupasr̥tya manōvahāni srōtāṁsyāvr̥tya janayantyunmādam||4||  
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manovahAni  srotAMsyAvRutya  janayantyUnmadaam||4||
manovahAni  srotAMsyAvRutya  janayantyUnmadaam||4||
tatra  doShanimittAshcatvAraH
tatra  doShanimittAshcatvAraH
This verse describes the qualities of a person prone to getting afflicted with unmada, as well as the conditions that are conducive to the affliction of the disease:
This verse describes the qualities of a person prone to getting afflicted with ''unmada'', as well as the conditions that are conducive to the affliction of the disease:
- Four types of doshika unmada quickly manifest in individuals who are fearful, confused and complicated, who do not know societal rules and norms, who lead erratic lifestyles and dietary habits (unclean, unwholesome, untimely eating habits, as well as neglecting any prescribed dietetic rules). Doshas in such individuals are in a volatile state and are prone to getting vitiated.   
- Four types of doshika unmada quickly manifest in individuals who are fearful, confused and complicated, who do not know societal rules and norms, who lead erratic lifestyles and dietary habits (unclean, unwholesome, untimely eating habits, as well as neglecting any prescribed dietetic rules). Doshas in such individuals are in a volatile state and are prone to getting vitiated.   
-resorting to specific lifestyle activities that are not conducive to good health, especially when
-resorting to specific lifestyle activities that are not conducive to good health, especially when