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Pericarp of ''haritaki'' showed cardiotonic activities in frog hearts, increasing the force of contraction and cardiac output without altering the heart rate. ''Haritaki'' extracts administered before initiating any treatment showed signs of reduced myocardial damage caused by isoproterenol in rats. ''Haritaki'' reduced lipid peroxidation and significantly reduced cholesterolemia, aortic sudanophilia, and cholesterol content of the aorta and liver.  
Pericarp of ''haritaki'' showed cardiotonic activities in frog hearts, increasing the force of contraction and cardiac output without altering the heart rate. ''Haritaki'' extracts administered before initiating any treatment showed signs of reduced myocardial damage caused by isoproterenol in rats. ''Haritaki'' reduced lipid peroxidation and significantly reduced cholesterolemia, aortic sudanophilia, and cholesterol content of the aorta and liver.  
Local application by rubbing of certain herbal powders on the skin reduces ''kapha dosha'' and regulates ''vata dosha'' at that level and inhibits samprapti of ''kandu'' and ''kotha''. Regular rubbing of the powders over the skin increases peripheral circulation of the capillaries supplying the skin and also reduced inflammation at dermal level. Rubbing of dry powders over the body is called a udvartana. This softens the skin leaving it with a lustrous glow. The stimulating massage helps revitalize skin, removes fat deposits and improve circulation and digestion. ''Udvartana'' helps open the circulatory channels, facilitating metabolic activities, eliminating excessive perspiration and body odor and improving the complexion of the skin.   
Local application by rubbing of certain herbal powders on the skin reduces ''kapha dosha'' and regulates ''vata dosha'' at that level and inhibits samprapti of ''kandu'' and ''kotha''. Regular rubbing of the powders over the skin increases peripheral circulation of the capillaries supplying the skin and also reduced inflammation at dermal level. Rubbing of dry powders over the body is called ''udvartana''. This softens the skin leaving it with a lustrous glow. The stimulating massage helps revitalize skin, removes fat deposits and improve circulation and digestion. ''Udvartana'' helps open the circulatory channels, facilitating metabolic activities, eliminating excessive perspiration and body odor and improving the complexion of the skin.   
''Triphala'' is one of the oldest used polyherbal preparations. It is comprised of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica and Emblica officinalis. Some of the positive qualities of ''triphala'' in vivo and in vitro are that it is an antioxidant, anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, and possesses chemo-preventive potential and anti-mutagenic activities, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, radioprotective effect, immunomodulatory, improving wound healing, enteroprotective efficacies, anti-gastric ulcers and nitric oxide scavenging properties. This herbal combination can have profound healing benefits in multi-organ systems.  It is rich in Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Se and Zn, which enhance their bioavailability. Low molecular weight tannins, gallic acid and other important phytochemicals are responsible for the above effects.   
''Triphala'' is one of the oldest used polyherbal preparations. It is comprised of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica and Emblica officinalis. Some of the positive qualities of ''triphala'' in vivo and in vitro are that it is an antioxidant, anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, and possesses chemo-preventive potential and anti-mutagenic activities, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, radioprotective effect, immunomodulatory, improving wound healing, enteroprotective efficacies, anti-gastric ulcers and nitric oxide scavenging properties. This herbal combination can have profound healing benefits in multi-organ systems.  It is rich in Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Se and Zn, which enhance their bioavailability. Low molecular weight tannins, gallic acid and other important phytochemicals are responsible for the above effects.   
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Cyperus rotundus has antioxidant and anti-atherosclerotic effects due to the presence of flavanoids, polyphenols and terpenes which reduce absorption of total cholesterol and triglycerides. Cyperus rotundus, in the form of a fine powder or an aqueous solution, exhibits lipolytic properties and showed mobilization of fats from adipose tissues. Cyperus rotundus is supposed to have activators of beta adreno receptors.   
Cyperus rotundus has antioxidant and anti-atherosclerotic effects due to the presence of flavanoids, polyphenols and terpenes which reduce absorption of total cholesterol and triglycerides. Cyperus rotundus, in the form of a fine powder or an aqueous solution, exhibits lipolytic properties and showed mobilization of fats from adipose tissues. Cyperus rotundus is supposed to have activators of beta adreno receptors.   
Madanaphala (Randia dumentorum) has madhura, tikta rasa, katu vipaka and ushna veerya. It is a widely used herb for induction of vomiting used for vamana procedure. It has lekhana properties.
''Madanaphala'' (Randia dumentorum) has ''madhura, tikta rasa, katu vipaka'' and ''ushna veerya''. It is a widely used herb for induction of vomiting used for ''vamana'' procedure. It has ''lekhana'' properties.
Clearly, the pharmacological action of the above dravyas all have been proven to have anti-diabetic and anti-hyperlipidimic properties. The interesting thing to note is that although these dravyas ultimately work for metabolic disorders, they have different modes of action. Anti-diabetic properties of triphala, neem, musta and saptaparna are different. The rasa of the above mentioned dravyas is tikta kasahaya or tikta katu which is akasha, teja and vayu mahabhuta dominant. As we have seen that santarpaniya vyadhis are due to excess consumption of prithvi and apa mahabhuta, those of opposing properties, i.e., akasha, teja and vayu are used in treating such ailments.  
Devadaru (Cedrus deodara or Himalayan Cedar) is a herb that is very effective in improving the functions of liver and in maintaining cholesterol levels in healthy limits. Devadaru pacifies the kapha dosha by tikta, katu and ushna properties, and vata dosha by snigdha and ushna properties so it is useful in disorders induced by kapha and vata doshas.
Clearly, the pharmacological action of the above ''dravyas'' all have been proven to have anti-diabetic and anti-hyperlipidimic properties. The interesting thing to note is that although these ''dravyas'' ultimately work for metabolic disorders, they have different modes of action. Anti-diabetic properties of ''triphala, neem, musta'' and ''saptaparna'' are different. The ''rasa'' of the above mentioned ''dravyas'' is ''tikta kasahaya'' or ''tikta katu'' which is ''akasha, teja'' and ''vayu mahabhuta'' dominant. As we have seen that ''santarpaniya vyadhis'' are due to excess consumption of ''prithvi'' and ''apa mahabhuta,'' those of opposing properties, i.e., ''akasha, teja and vayu'' are used in treating such ailments.  
Investigation demonstrate that extracts of C. deodara shows reduction in body weight in treated groups in a dose dependent manner. The major chemical constituents of C. deodara are sterols, poly-phenols, flavanoids such as taxifolin, quercetin and saponins. It is well established that saponins are useful in treatment of obesity . Phytosterols have beneficial effects on hyperlipidemia and poly-phenols and flavanoids have potential antioxidant properties. Therefore, it could be possible that presence of these compounds is responsible for observed glucose and lipid lowering properties.
Shwadanshtra or gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) is madhura rasatmaka and has sheeta veerya with madhura vipaka. Gokshura is widely used to relieve certain anabolic disorders. It is helpful for the treatment of angina , high cholesterol 65, diabetes 65, and muscle spasms , and for the prevention of kidney stones .  
''Devadaru'' (Cedrus deodara or Himalayan Cedar) is a herb that is very effective in improving the functions of liver and in maintaining cholesterol levels in healthy limits. ''Devadaru'' pacifies the ''kapha dosha'' by ''tikta, katu'' and ''ushna'' properties, and ''vata dosha'' by ''snigdha'' and ''ushna'' properties so it is useful in disorders induced by ''kapha'' and ''vata doshas''.
It is very interesting to note that though gokshura or Tribulus terrestris is madhura and sheeta veerya dravya it has been included to treat santarpaniya vyadhis. Gokshura, by the virtue of its phytochemicals and its DHEAS (Dihydro epi andesterone sulphate) stimulating property and its potent diuretic qualities may have been in the group of medicines which are used to impart apatarpana. It has proved to be a very potent herb to cure erectile dysfunction and klaibyata in patients suffering from metabolic syndrome.
Khadira (Acacia Catechu): This herb is tikta, kashaya having sheeta veerya and katu vipaka. This herb is mostly used as kusthaghana to alleviate skin problems. In eastern traditional medicines, Acacia catechu Willd is extensively used in the management of diabetes in combinations with other medicinal plants. The most common chemical classes among these plants are flavonoid and other anti-oxidants. Hypoglycemic property of extract of Acacia catechu Willd is assumed to be due to the presence of flavonoids which also show inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase and regenerate β cells.   
Investigation demonstrate that extracts of C. deodara shows reduction in body weight in treated groups in a dose dependent manner. The major chemical constituents of C. deodara are sterols, poly-phenols, flavanoids such as taxifolin, quercetin and saponins. It is well established that saponins are useful in treatment of obesity. Phytosterols have beneficial effects on hyperlipidemia and poly-phenols and flavanoids have potential antioxidant properties. Therefore, it could be possible that presence of these compounds is responsible for observed glucose and lipid lowering properties.
''Shwadanshtra'' or ''gokshura'' (Tribulus Terrestris) is ''madhura rasatmaka'' and has ''sheeta veerya'' with ''madhura vipaka''. ''Gokshura'' is widely used to relieve certain anabolic disorders. It is helpful for the treatment of angina, high cholesterol 65, diabetes 65, and muscle spasms, and for the prevention of kidney stones.  
It is very interesting to note that though ''gokshura'' or Tribulus terrestris is ''madhura'' and ''sheeta veerya dravya'' it has been included to treat ''santarpaniya vyadhis''. ''Gokshura'', by the virtue of its phytochemicals and its DHEAS (Dihydro epi andesterone sulphate) stimulating property and its potent diuretic qualities may have been in the group of medicines which are used to impart ''apatarpana''. It has proved to be a very potent herb to cure erectile dysfunction and ''klaibyata'' in patients suffering from metabolic syndrome.
'''''Khadira''''' (Acacia Catechu): This herb is ''tikta'', ''kashaya'' having ''sheeta veerya'' and ''katu vipaka''. This herb is mostly used as ''kusthaghana'' to alleviate skin problems. In eastern traditional medicines, Acacia catechu Willd is extensively used in the management of diabetes in combinations with other medicinal plants. The most common chemical classes among these plants are flavonoid and other anti-oxidants. Hypoglycemic property of extract of Acacia catechu Willd is assumed to be due to the presence of flavonoids which also show inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase and regenerate β cells.   
In vitro Acacia catechu Willd is reported to have broad spectrum anti-microbial and anti fungal properties. Phytochemical studies of Acacia catechu Willd leaves shows the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavones, glycosides, phenolic compounds, saponins, steroids and tannins which may be responsible for its anti-microbial properties.  
In vitro Acacia catechu Willd is reported to have broad spectrum anti-microbial and anti fungal properties. Phytochemical studies of Acacia catechu Willd leaves shows the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavones, glycosides, phenolic compounds, saponins, steroids and tannins which may be responsible for its anti-microbial properties.  
Haridra (Curcuma longa) has tikta rasa, katu vipaka and ushna veerya. It is laghu ruksha in its qualities. Ingestion of 6 gm Curcuma longa increased postprandial serum insulin levels, but did not seem to affect plasma glucose levels or GI, in healthy subjects. The results indicate that Curcuma longa may have an effect on insulin secretion. The active principles in the rhizome of turmeric plant viz; curcuminoids lower lipid peroxidation by maintaining the activities of antioxidant enzymes like super oxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione per oxidase at higher levels. Antioxidant properties of curcuma longa is due to curcumin and its three derivatives (demethoxy curcumin, bisdemethoxy curcumin and diacetyl curcumin).  A scientific and systemic exploration reveals antidiabetic, hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective effects of Curcuma longa freeze dried rhizome powder dissolved in milk which could be used as an effective and safe antidiabetic dietary supplement of high potential  .  
''Haridra'' (Curcuma longa) has ''tikta rasa, katu vipaka'' and ''ushna veerya.'' It is laghu ruksha in its qualities. Ingestion of 6 gm Curcuma longa increased postprandial serum insulin levels, but did not seem to affect plasma glucose levels or GI, in healthy subjects. The results indicate that Curcuma longa may have an effect on insulin secretion. The active principles in the rhizome of turmeric plant viz; curcuminoids lower lipid peroxidation by maintaining the activities of antioxidant enzymes like super oxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione per oxidase at higher levels. Antioxidant properties of curcuma longa is due to curcumin and its three derivatives (demethoxy curcumin, bisdemethoxy curcumin and diacetyl curcumin).  A scientific and systemic exploration reveals antidiabetic, hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective effects of Curcuma longa freeze dried rhizome powder dissolved in milk which could be used as an effective and safe antidiabetic dietary supplement of high potential  .  
Curcuma longa is known to contain curcuminoids, glycosides, terpenoids, and flavonoids. Maximal inhibition of the enzyme Human Pancreatic Amylase (HPA) was obtained with Curcuma longa isopropanol extract and acetone extract. This inhibitory action on HPA causes reduction in starch hydrolysis leading to lowered glucose levels. The antioxidants in turmeric also prevent damage to cholesterol, thereby helping to protect against atherosclerosis. In fact, the ability of the antioxidants in turmeric to decrease free radicals is similar to that in vitamins C and E. Since the antioxidant activities of turmeric are not degraded by heat, even using the spice in cooking provides benefits. Animal studies show that curcumin lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, another fat that circulates in the blood stream and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.  In a recent study of atherosclerosis, mice were fed a standard American diet, rich in refined carbohydrates and saturated fat, but low in fiber. Some of the mice, however, received this diet plus turmeric mixed in with their food. After four months on these diets, the mice that consumed the turmeric with their food had 20 percent less blockage of the arteries than the mice fed the diet without the turmeric. In another study, rabbits were fed turmeric plus a diet designed to cause atherosclerosis. Several risk factors for the disease were improved, including a decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides, and free-radical damage.  
Curcuma longa is known to contain curcuminoids, glycosides, terpenoids, and flavonoids. Maximal inhibition of the enzyme Human Pancreatic Amylase (HPA) was obtained with Curcuma longa isopropanol extract and acetone extract. This inhibitory action on HPA causes reduction in starch hydrolysis leading to lowered glucose levels. The antioxidants in turmeric also prevent damage to cholesterol, thereby helping to protect against atherosclerosis. In fact, the ability of the antioxidants in turmeric to decrease free radicals is similar to that in vitamins C and E. Since the antioxidant activities of turmeric are not degraded by heat, even using the spice in cooking provides benefits. Animal studies show that curcumin lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, another fat that circulates in the blood stream and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.  In a recent study of atherosclerosis, mice were fed a standard American diet, rich in refined carbohydrates and saturated fat, but low in fiber. Some of the mice, however, received this diet plus turmeric mixed in with their food. After four months on these diets, the mice that consumed the turmeric with their food had 20 percent less blockage of the arteries than the mice fed the diet without the turmeric. In another study, rabbits were fed turmeric plus a diet designed to cause atherosclerosis. Several risk factors for the disease were improved, including a decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides, and free-radical damage.  
Antidermatophytic properties: Fresh juice of rhizome of haridra is used as an antiparasitic in many skin disorders. Its rhizome powder mixed with cow’s urine is taken internally in itching and dermatitis. Curcuma longa L. leaves have good promise as an antifungal agent that could be used as a therapeutic remedy against human pathogenic fungi on account of its various in vitro and in vivo antifungal properties, viz., strong fungicidal action, long shelf-life, its tolerability of heavy inoculum density, thermo stability, broad range of antidermatophytic properties and absence of any adverse effects. Curcumin obtained from the turmeric rhizome have shown to possess the ability to protect the skin from harmful UV-induced effects by displaying antimutagen, antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.   
Antidermatophytic properties: Fresh juice of rhizome of haridra is used as an antiparasitic in many skin disorders. Its rhizome powder mixed with cow’s urine is taken internally in itching and dermatitis. Curcuma longa L. leaves have good promise as an antifungal agent that could be used as a therapeutic remedy against human pathogenic fungi on account of its various in vitro and in vivo antifungal properties, viz., strong fungicidal action, long shelf-life, its tolerability of heavy inoculum density, thermo stability, broad range of antidermatophytic properties and absence of any adverse effects. Curcumin obtained from the turmeric rhizome have shown to possess the ability to protect the skin from harmful UV-induced effects by displaying antimutagen, antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.