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*Excessive obesity has eight inherent defects viz. decrease in longevity, hampered mobility, difficulty in sexual intercourse, debility, bad body odor, profuse sweating, excessive hunger, and excessive thirst. [4]
*Excessive obesity has eight inherent defects viz. decrease in longevity, hampered mobility, difficulty in sexual intercourse, debility, bad body odor, profuse sweating, excessive hunger, and excessive thirst. [4]
*Excessive obesity is caused by over-nourishment due to the intake of heavy, sweet, cold and fatty diet, lack of physical exercise, abstinence from sexual intercourse, indulgence in the day sleeping, uninterrupted cheerfulness, lack of mental activities and hereditary/genetic defects. [4]
*Excessive obesity is caused by over-nourishment due to the intake of heavy, sweet, cold and fatty diet, lack of physical exercise, abstinence from sexual intercourse, indulgence in the day sleeping, uninterrupted cheerfulness, lack of mental activities and hereditary/genetic defects. [4]
*Obesity is a result of obstruction of channels by excess accumulated Medas (fat). This deranges the movement of vata is specially confined to koshtha (abdominal viscera) resulting in the stimulation and hastening of the digestive process through abnormally increased Agni (pitta). This leads to excessive hunger and thirst and the person eats more food to gain weight. An excessive increase in adipose tissue and vitiation of tridosha causes severe diseases in obese people. [5-8]
*Obesity is a result of obstruction of channels by excess accumulated ''medas'' (fat). This deranges the movement of ''vata'' is specially confined to ''koshtha'' (abdominal viscera) resulting in the stimulation and hastening of the digestive process through abnormally increased ''agni'' (''pitta''). This leads to excessive hunger and thirst and the person eats more food to gain weight. An excessive increase in adipose tissue and vitiation of ''tridosha'' causes severe diseases in obese people. [5-8]
*Disproportionate increase of fat occurs mainly around buttocks, abdomen, and breasts, which become pendulous and the person suffers from improper metabolism and energy. [9]
*Disproportionate increase of fat occurs mainly around buttocks, abdomen, and breasts, which become pendulous and the person suffers from improper metabolism and energy. [9]
*Indulgence in dry [ non-unctuous] diets and drinks, fasting, inadequate diet, overuse of therapeutic purificatory measures, grief, suppression of natural urges, sleep deprivation, dry powder massage, indulgence in baths, heredity, old age, continued illness and anger make a person too lean.  [11-12]
*Indulgence in dry (non-unctuous) diets and drinks, fasting, inadequate diet, overuse of therapeutic purificatory measures, grief, suppression of natural urges, sleep deprivation, dry powder massage, indulgence in baths, heredity, old age, continued illness and anger make a person too lean.  [11-12]
*Too lean and too obese persons are prone to suffering from various diseases and need constant treatment. [16]
*Too lean and too obese persons are prone to suffering from various diseases and need constant treatment. [16]
*Being lean is better than being obese because the lean person responds well to nourishing treatment and balancing of the causative dosha (vata and pitta). On the contrary, reducing therapy and drugs used in the treatment of obesity can cause an increase in agni, which may cause increased appetite and thirst. Hence, the obese suffer more than the lean. [17]  
*Being lean is better than being obese because the lean person responds well to nourishing treatment and balancing of the causative ''dosha'' (''vata'' and ''pitta''). On the contrary, reducing therapy and drugs used in the treatment of obesity can cause an increase in ''agni'', which may cause increased appetite and thirst.Hence, the obese suffer more than the lean. [17]  
*A person possessing a balanced constitution of muscles and compactness of the body, and stable sense organs does not fall prey to diseases. He can tolerate hunger, thirst, heat and cold, and physical strain better. His digestion, assimilation of food and muscle metabolism are in a state of equilibrium. [18-19]
*A person possessing a balanced constitution of muscles and compactness of the body, and stable sense organs does not fall prey to diseases. He can tolerate hunger, thirst, heat and cold, and physical strain better. His digestion, assimilation of food and muscle metabolism are in a state of equilibrium. [18-19]
*The food that is heavy to digest but not having any fattening (such as high fiber diet) is prescribed for the obese. In lean persons, food that is light to digest and has high nourishing value is prescribed. [20]
*The food that is heavy to digest but not having any fattening (such as high fiber diet) is prescribed for the obese. In lean persons, food that is light to digest and has high nourishing value is prescribed. [20]
*Food and drinks that alleviate vata and reduce kapha and Medas, as well as therapies such as enema (administered with drugs of sharply acting, dry and hot properties) and therapeutic powder massages are important treatments for obesity. [21-22]  
*Food and drinks that alleviate ''vata'' and reduce ''kapha'' and ''medas'', as well as therapies such as enema (administered with drugs of sharply acting, dry and hot properties) and therapeutic powder massages are important treatments for obesity. [21-22]  
*To enhance body mass of the excessively lean, an easy-to-digest and nourishing diet therapy, proper sleep, mind relaxing activities, rasayanas and aphrodisiacs, a diet with unctuous food and newly harvested food, and measures that eliminate vitiated doshas are prescribed. [29-34]
*To enhance body mass of the excessively lean, an easy-to-digest and nourishing diet therapy, proper sleep, mind relaxing activities, ''rasayanas'' and aphrodisiacs, a diet with unctuous food and newly harvested food, and measures that eliminate vitiated ''doshas'' are prescribed. [29-34]
*Tiredness, inactivity of mind, and detachment from sense organs are certain situations and conditions that help in falling asleep. [35]
*Tiredness, inactivity of mind, and detachment from sense organs are certain situations and conditions that help in falling asleep. [35]
*Normal sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of human body and excessive or inadequate sleep results in many diseases. Happiness and misery, nourishment and emaciation, strength and weakness, fertility and infertility, knowledge and ignorance and life and death depend on proper and improper sleep. [36]
*Normal sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of human body and excessive or inadequate sleep results in many diseases. Happiness and misery, nourishment and emaciation, strength and weakness, fertility and infertility, knowledge and ignorance and life and death depend on proper and improper sleep. [36]
*Sleeping during the day is indicated for restoring any damage to the physical constitution or depletion of body tissues. In a normal person, sleeping during the day is contraindicated in seasons other than summer because it causes vitiation of kapha and pitta. Daytime sleep causes serious health problems. While insomnia causes roughness in the body, daytime sleep causes snigdhata (unctuousness) in the body. [39-50]
*Sleeping during the day is indicated for restoring any damage to the physical constitution or depletion of body tissues. In a normal person, sleeping during the day is contraindicated in seasons other than summer because it causes vitiation of ''kapha'' and ''pitta''. Daytime sleep causes serious health problems. While insomnia causes roughness in the body, daytime sleep causes ''snigdhata'' (unctuousness) in the body. [39-50]
*Obesity and leanness are caused by improper diet and sleep. [51]
*Obesity and leanness are caused by improper diet and sleep. [51]