
Line 840: Line 840:  
Decrease of malayana:
Decrease of malayana:
मलायनानि चान्यानि शून्यानि च लघूनि च|  
मलायनानि चान्यानि शून्यानि च लघूनि च|  
विशुष्काणि च लक्ष्यन्ते यथास्वं मलसङ्क्षये||७२||                                                                            malāyanāni cānyāni śūnyāni ca laghūni ca|  
विशुष्काणि च लक्ष्यन्ते यथास्वं मलसङ्क्षये||७२||                                                                             
malāyanāni cānyāni śūnyāni ca laghūni ca|  
viśuṣkāṇi ca lakṣyantē yathāsvaṁ malasaṅkṣayē||72||
viśuṣkāṇi ca lakṣyantē yathāsvaṁ malasaṅkṣayē||72||
malAyanAni cAnyAni shUnyAni ca laghUni ca|  
malAyanAni cAnyAni shUnyAni ca laghUni ca|  
Line 867: Line 868:  
सर्पिर्वर्णं मधुरसं लाजगन्धि प्रजायते||७५||  
सर्पिर्वर्णं मधुरसं लाजगन्धि प्रजायते||७५||  
(भ्रमरैः फलपुष्पेभ्यो यथा सम्भ्रियते मधु|  
(भ्रमरैः फलपुष्पेभ्यो यथा सम्भ्रियते मधु|  
तद्वदोजः स्वकर्मभ्यो गुणैः सम्भ्रियते नृणाम्||१||)                    prathamaṁ jāyatē hyōjaḥ śarīrē'smiñcharīriṇām|  
तद्वदोजः स्वकर्मभ्यो गुणैः सम्भ्रियते नृणाम्||१||)                     
prathamaṁ jāyatē hyōjaḥ śarīrē'smiñcharīriṇām|  
sarpirvarṇaṁ madhurasaṁ lājagandhi prajāyatē||75||  
sarpirvarṇaṁ madhurasaṁ lājagandhi prajāyatē||75||  
(bhramaraiḥ phalapuṣpēbhyō yathā sambhriyatē madhu|  
(bhramaraiḥ phalapuṣpēbhyō yathā sambhriyatē madhu|  
Line 902: Line 904:  
navamannaṁ ca pānaṁ ca nidrāmāsyāsukhāni ca||78||  
navamannaṁ ca pānaṁ ca nidrāmāsyāsukhāni ca||78||  
tyaktavyāyāmacintānāṁ saṁśōdhanamakurvatām|  
tyaktavyāyāmacintānāṁ saṁśōdhanamakurvatām|  
ślēṣmā pittaṁ ca mēdaśca māṁsaṁ cātipravardhatē||79||                                                            tairāvr̥tagatirvāyurōja  ādāya gacchati|  
ślēṣmā pittaṁ ca mēdaśca māṁsaṁ cātipravardhatē||79||                                                             
tairāvr̥tagatirvāyurōja  ādāya gacchati|  
yadā bastiṁ tadā kr̥cchrō madhumēhaḥ pravartatē||80||  
yadā bastiṁ tadā kr̥cchrō madhumēhaḥ pravartatē||80||  
gurusnigdhAmlalavaNAnyatimAtraM samashnatAm|  
gurusnigdhAmlalavaNAnyatimAtraM samashnatAm|  
Line 922: Line 925:  
Sapta pidika (seven papules/pustules/carbuncles)  
Sapta pidika (seven papules/pustules/carbuncles)  
उपेक्षयाऽस्य जायन्ते  पिडकाः सप्त दारुणाः|  
उपेक्षयाऽस्य जायन्ते  पिडकाः सप्त दारुणाः|  
मांसलेष्ववकाशेषु मर्मस्वपि च सन्धिषु||८२||                                                                                  शराविका कच्छपिका जालिनी सर्षपी तथा|  
मांसलेष्ववकाशेषु मर्मस्वपि च सन्धिषु||८२||                                                                                   
शराविका कच्छपिका जालिनी सर्षपी तथा|  
अलजी विनताख्या च विद्रधी चेति सप्तमी||८३||  
अलजी विनताख्या च विद्रधी चेति सप्तमी||८३||  
upēkṣayā'sya jāyantē  piḍakāḥ sapta dāruṇāḥ|  
upēkṣayā'sya jāyantē  piḍakāḥ sapta dāruṇāḥ|  
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Etymology of vidradhi:
Etymology of vidradhi:
दुष्टरक्तातिमात्रत्वात् स वै शीघ्रं विदह्यते|  
दुष्टरक्तातिमात्रत्वात् स वै शीघ्रं विदह्यते|  
ततः शीघ्रविदाहित्वाद्विद्रधीत्यभिधीयते||९५||                                                                                  duṣṭaraktātimātratvāt sa vai śīghraṁ vidahyatē|  
ततः शीघ्रविदाहित्वाद्विद्रधीत्यभिधीयते||९५||                                                                                   
duṣṭaraktātimātratvāt sa vai śīghraṁ vidahyatē|  
tataḥ śīghravidāhitvādvidradhītyabhidhīyatē||95||  
tataḥ śīghravidāhitvādvidradhītyabhidhīyatē||95||  
duShTaraktAtimAtratvAt sa vai shIghraM vidahyate|  
duShTaraktAtimAtratvAt sa vai shIghraM vidahyate|  
Line 1,095: Line 1,100:     
Route of discharge:
Route of discharge:
पक्वप्रभिन्नासूर्ध्वजासु मुखात् स्रावः स्रवति, अधोजासु गुदात्, उभयतस्तु नाभिजासु||१०२||                pakvaprabhinnāsūrdhvajāsu mukhāt srāvaḥ sravati, adhōjāsu gudāt, ubhayatastu nābhijāsu||102||
पक्वप्रभिन्नासूर्ध्वजासु मुखात् स्रावः स्रवति, अधोजासु गुदात्, उभयतस्तु नाभिजासु||१०२||                 
pakvaprabhinnāsūrdhvajāsu mukhāt srāvaḥ sravati, adhōjāsu gudāt, ubhayatastu nābhijāsu||102||
pakvaprabhinnAsUrdhvajAsu mukhAt srAvaH sravati, adhojAsu gudAt, ubhayatastu nAbhijAsu||102||   
pakvaprabhinnAsUrdhvajAsu mukhAt srAvaH sravati, adhojAsu gudAt, ubhayatastu nAbhijAsu||102||   
Suppurated internal abscesses burst and the pus is discharged. The discharge of the abscesses situated in the organs above the navel comes out from mouth, of situated below the umbilicus comes out from anus and of around the navel may come from either of the routes (102).   
Suppurated internal abscesses burst and the pus is discharged. The discharge of the abscesses situated in the organs above the navel comes out from mouth, of situated below the umbilicus comes out from anus and of around the navel may come from either of the routes (102).   
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Bad prognostic pidika:
Bad prognostic pidika:
मर्मस्वंसे गुदे पाण्योः स्तने सन्धिषु पादयोः|  
मर्मस्वंसे गुदे पाण्योः स्तने सन्धिषु पादयोः|  
जायन्ते यस्य पिडिकाः स प्रमेही न जीवति||१०७||                                                                            marmasvaṁsē gudē pāṇyōḥ stanē sandhiṣu pādayōḥ|  
जायन्ते यस्य पिडिकाः स प्रमेही न जीवति||१०७||                                                                             
marmasvaṁsē gudē pāṇyōḥ stanē sandhiṣu pādayōḥ|  
jāyantē yasya piḍikāḥ sa pramēhī na jīvati||107||
jāyantē yasya piḍikāḥ sa pramēhī na jīvati||107||
marmasvaMse gude pANyoH stane sandhiShu pAdayoH|  
marmasvaMse gude pANyoH stane sandhiShu pAdayoH|  
Line 1,175: Line 1,182:  
Complications of pustules (pidika):
Complications of pustules (pidika):
वीसर्पमर्मसंरोधाः पिडकानामुपद्रवाः||१११||                              tr̥ṭśvāsamāṁsasaṅkōthamōhahikkāmadajvarāḥ|  
वीसर्पमर्मसंरोधाः पिडकानामुपद्रवाः||१११||                               
vīsarpamarmasaṁrōdhāḥ piḍakānāmupadravāḥ||111||  
vīsarpamarmasaṁrōdhāḥ piḍakānāmupadravāḥ||111||  
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States (gati) of dosha:
States (gati) of dosha:
क्षयः स्थानं च वृद्धिश्च दोषाणां त्रिविधा गतिः|                   
क्षयः स्थानं च वृद्धिश्च दोषाणां त्रिविधा गतिः|                   
ऊर्ध्वं चाधश्च तिर्यक्च विज्ञेया त्रिविधाऽपरा||११२||                                                                            त्रिविधा चापरा कोष्ठशाखामर्मास्थिसन्धिषु|  
ऊर्ध्वं चाधश्च तिर्यक्च विज्ञेया त्रिविधाऽपरा||११२||                                                                             
त्रिविधा चापरा कोष्ठशाखामर्मास्थिसन्धिषु|  
इत्युक्ता विधिभेदेन दोषाणां त्रिविधा गतिः||११३||  
इत्युक्ता विधिभेदेन दोषाणां त्रिविधा गतिः||११३||  
   Line 1,259: Line 1,268:  
Ityagniveśakr̥te Tantre Carakapratisamskr̥te ślokasthāne kiyantaḥśirasīyo Nāma saptadaśoadhyāyaḥ ||17||
Ityagniveśakr̥te Tantre Carakapratisamskr̥te ślokasthāne kiyantaḥśirasīyo Nāma saptadaśoadhyāyaḥ ||17||
Thus seventeenth chapter of Sutra Sthāna compiled by Agniveśa and revised by Charaka entitled kiyantahshirasi adhyaya is completed (17).
Thus seventeenth chapter of Sutra Sthāna compiled by Agniveśa and revised by Charaka entitled kiyantahshirasi adhyaya is completed (17).
Tattva vimarsha:
=== ''Tattva Vimarsha'' ===
• There are 107 Marmas which are points of prana (vital energy) and are located in various parts of body. Three of them, the head, the heart and the urinary bladder are most important.  
• There are 107 Marmas which are points of prana (vital energy) and are located in various parts of body. Three of them, the head, the heart and the urinary bladder are most important.  
• All control centers of sense and locomotion, along with that of prana (vital energy) are located in the head.  
• All control centers of sense and locomotion, along with that of prana (vital energy) are located in the head.  
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• Diseases can occur due to different states or movements of dosha like increased or decreased state, upward or downward movements, or movement from center of body to periphery or to vital centers. This also depends upon the environmental and seasonal changes.
• Diseases can occur due to different states or movements of dosha like increased or decreased state, upward or downward movements, or movement from center of body to periphery or to vital centers. This also depends upon the environmental and seasonal changes.
• Digestion, temperature  and heat in the body is mainly controlled by pitta. Strength of body depends upon kapha. Whereas vata is responsible for all movements and and vitality.   
• Digestion, temperature  and heat in the body is mainly controlled by pitta. Strength of body depends upon kapha. Whereas vata is responsible for all movements and and vitality.   
Vidhi Vimarsha:
=== ''Vidhi Vimarsha'' ===
Indriya Buddhi (centres of senses in the brain): While describing pancha-panchaka principle of perception by five jnanaindriya [Cha. Su. 8/3], Charaka mentions five indriya (senses), five indriya adhisthana (sense organs), five indriya dravya (specific matter which enable the senses to perceive), five artha (specific objects to be perceived by sense) and five indriya-buddhi (final sensation). The five indriya are the five senses and the five indriya adhisthāana are the five external sites of senses for example eyes for vision and ears for hearing, but site of  the indriya-buddhi is not mentioned. In this regard, the following observations may be taken into consideration:
Indriya Buddhi (centres of senses in the brain): While describing pancha-panchaka principle of perception by five jnanaindriya [Cha. Su. 8/3], Charaka mentions five indriya (senses), five indriya adhisthana (sense organs), five indriya dravya (specific matter which enable the senses to perceive), five artha (specific objects to be perceived by sense) and five indriya-buddhi (final sensation). The five indriya are the five senses and the five indriya adhisthāana are the five external sites of senses for example eyes for vision and ears for hearing, but site of  the indriya-buddhi is not mentioned. In this regard, the following observations may be taken into consideration:
Charaka mentions that prānavāhi srotāmsi of indriya are situated in the head and are connected with the body as sun is connected with its rays. Therefore, diseases such as ardita (facial paralysis), ceshtā nāsha (paralysis) and disorders of eye movement etc are due to trauma to the head [Ca Sii 9/4]. In this chapter, the physical location of all the indriya has been mentioned to be the head, hence on the basis of these observations, it can be concluded that the indrya-buddhi are also situated in head. Indriya buddhi is that vital part of a sense that decides the final knowledge of the perceived object. Hence sense centres situated in the cortex region of the brain represent the indriya buddhi (12).  
Charaka mentions that prānavāhi srotāmsi of indriya are situated in the head and are connected with the body as sun is connected with its rays. Therefore, diseases such as ardita (facial paralysis), ceshtā nāsha (paralysis) and disorders of eye movement etc are due to trauma to the head [Ca Sii 9/4]. In this chapter, the physical location of all the indriya has been mentioned to be the head, hence on the basis of these observations, it can be concluded that the indrya-buddhi are also situated in head. Indriya buddhi is that vital part of a sense that decides the final knowledge of the perceived object. Hence sense centres situated in the cortex region of the brain represent the indriya buddhi (12).