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#Purishavirajaniya (eliminating the abnormal colour of faces): These drugs eliminate the abnormal colour of faces and convert it into normal state. Mainly ranjaka pitta is responsible for colouring the stool. Therefore, for purishavirajana action mostly pitta pacifying drugs are useful.
#Purishavirajaniya (eliminating the abnormal colour of faces): These drugs eliminate the abnormal colour of faces and convert it into normal state. Mainly ranjaka pitta is responsible for colouring the stool. Therefore, for purishavirajana action mostly pitta pacifying drugs are useful.
#Mutrasarugrahaniya (anti-diuretic): These drugs reduce the frequency of urination in diabetes like conditions. In this group bhallataka has ushna virya (or is hot in potency), which decreases the quantity of urine produced in the bladder. Panchaavalkala reduces the urine output by increasing vata by virtue of sheeta, kashaya and ruksha properties.
#Mutrasarugrahaniya (anti-diuretic): These drugs reduce the frequency of urination in diabetes like conditions. In this group bhallataka has ushna virya (or is hot in potency), which decreases the quantity of urine produced in the bladder. Panchaavalkala reduces the urine output by increasing vata by virtue of sheeta, kashaya and ruksha properties.
7.34. Mutravirajaniya (reducing abnormal colour of urine): These drugs correct abnormality in the colour of urine. Drugs of this group are sheetavirya and pacify pitta.
#Mutravirajaniya (reducing abnormal colour of urine): These drugs correct abnormality in the colour of urine. Drugs of this group are sheetavirya and pacify pitta.
7.35. Mutravirechaniya (diuretic): These drugs increase the flow and formation of urine. In panchabhautika composition jala and agni mahabhutas are predominant, so both sheeta and ushna vírya drugs increase urination.
#Mutravirechaniya (diuretic): These drugs increase the flow and formation of urine. In panchabhautika composition jala and agni mahabhutas are predominant, so both sheeta and ushna vírya drugs increase urination.
In relation to chardi etc., word 'nigrahana' and 'sangrahana' with purisha etc. are used. Nigrahana means to check, control or stop, while sangrahana means to increase absorption of water, restrain and/or collect. This is the difference between above two words.
In relation to chardi etc., word 'nigrahana' and 'sangrahana' with purisha etc. are used. Nigrahana means to check, control or stop, while sangrahana means to increase absorption of water, restrain and/or collect. This is the difference between above two words.
8.36. Kasahara (antitussive and mucolytic): These drugs reduce the impulse to cough. Vitiated pranavayu associated with udanavayu comes out from the mouth with force in an abnormal manner, producing sound like that of “a cracked utensil of bell metal”. As such vata pacifying madhura, snigdha and ushna drugs pacify vata and alleviate kasa.
#Kasahara (antitussive and mucolytic): These drugs reduce the impulse to cough. Vitiated pranavayu associated with udanavayu comes out from the mouth with force in an abnormal manner, producing sound like that of “a cracked utensil of bell metal”. As such vata pacifying madhura, snigdha and ushna drugs pacify vata and alleviate kasa.
8.37. Shwasahara (relieving dyspnea/bronchodilator): Pranavayu excessively moves upward resulting in bhastrikadhmana (distended leather bag) like movement of chest. Clinically, it is dyspnea due to airway obstruction commonly caused by histamine and other inflammatory peptides.  Shatti contains antihistamine properties and pushkarmoola has bronchodilator properties.  
#Shwasahara (relieving dyspnea/bronchodilator): Pranavayu excessively moves upward resulting in bhastrikadhmana (distended leather bag) like movement of chest. Clinically, it is dyspnea due to airway obstruction commonly caused by histamine and other inflammatory peptides.  Shatti contains antihistamine properties and pushkarmoola has bronchodilator properties.  
8.38. Shothahara (relieve swelling): Aggravated kapha, rakta and pitta obstruct vayu resulting in accumulation of fluid in interstitial space resulting in shotha (swelling).
#Shothahara (relieve swelling): Aggravated kapha, rakta and pitta obstruct vayu resulting in accumulation of fluid in interstitial space resulting in shotha (swelling).
          All the ten drugs in this group are called dashamoola and they all pacify all the three doshas.
8.39. Jwarahara (relieving fever): Increase in heat in the body and the mind are cardinal signs of fever. According to Ayurveda, amadosha entering the amashaya causes jwara.
All the ten drugs in this group are called dashamoola and they all pacify all the three doshas.
The drugs for jwara have been grouped as follows:
#Jwarahara (relieving fever): Increase in heat in the body and the mind are cardinal signs of fever. According to Ayurveda, amadosha entering the amashaya causes jwara.The drugs for jwara have been grouped as follows:
a. Santapahara (anti-pyretic)
##Santapahara (anti-pyretic)
b. Amapachana (digesting ama)
##Amapachana (digesting ama)
c. Vishamajvaraghna (relieving fever of periodic pattern)
##Vishamajvaraghna (relieving fever of periodic pattern)
Drugs of this group may also be classified as:
Drugs of this group may also be classified as:
a. Drugs pacifying pitta
##Drugs pacifying pitta
b. Drugs that digest ama and cleanse the channels.  
##Drugs that digest ama and cleanse the channels.
8.40. Shramahara (relieving fatigue): These drugs help in overcoming fatigue. Fatigue is caused due to increased vata. Shramahara drugs, by virtue of madhura and snigdha properties, pacify vata and help in treating hypoglycemia, generalized debility etc.
#Shramahara (relieving fatigue): These drugs help in overcoming fatigue. Fatigue is caused due to increased vata. Shramahara drugs, by virtue of madhura and snigdha properties, pacify vata and help in treating hypoglycemia, generalized debility etc.
9.41. Dahaprashamana (pacifying burning sensation): These drugs pacify daha (internal and external burning sensations). Daha is a cardinal sign of pitta. In this group, the drugs are mostly sheetavirya and of madhura and tikta rasa, thus pitta-pacifying. This combination can also be used in hyperpyrexia.
#Dahaprashamana (pacifying burning sensation): These drugs pacify daha (internal and external burning sensations). Daha is a cardinal sign of pitta. In this group, the drugs are mostly sheetavirya and of madhura and tikta rasa, thus pitta-pacifying. This combination can also be used in hyperpyrexia.
9.42. Sheetaprashamana (pacifying cold): These drugs pacify coldness in the body. Feeling cold is caused by vitiated vata and kapha. Ushnavirya drugs pacify vata and kapha while removing coldness. As such they are useful in curing fever with rigour and in vata-kapha disorders.
#Sheetaprashamana (pacifying cold): These drugs pacify coldness in the body. Feeling cold is caused by vitiated vata and kapha. Ushnavirya drugs pacify vata and kapha while removing coldness. As such they are useful in curing fever with rigour and in vata-kapha disorders.
9.43. Udaradaprashamana (alleviating allergic rashes): Allergic rashes on skin that look like insect bite are called udarda. Drugs that cure udarda are known as udaradaprashamana. In this disease, vitiated vata and kapha are predominant and have partial involvement of pitta. So udaradaprashamana drugs pacify all the three doshas.
#Udaradaprashamana (alleviating allergic rashes): Allergic rashes on skin that look like insect bite are called udarda. Drugs that cure udarda are known as udaradaprashamana. In this disease, vitiated vata and kapha are predominant and have partial involvement of pitta. So udaradaprashamana drugs pacify all the three doshas.
9.44. Angamardaprashamana (alleviating malaise/bodyache): Angamarda is a cardinal sign of vatika disorders that manifest specially in the stage of dhatukshaya or general debility. Most of the drugs of this group possess madhura-snigdha properties that are opposite to the properties of vata. So, they promote strength and increase nutrition of dhatus. As such these drugs restore the natural functions of the body and therefore called  angamardaprashamana.
#Angamardaprashamana (alleviating malaise/bodyache): Angamarda is a cardinal sign of vatika disorders that manifest specially in the stage of dhatukshaya or general debility. Most of the drugs of this group possess madhura-snigdha properties that are opposite to the properties of vata. So, they promote strength and increase nutrition of dhatus. As such these drugs restore the natural functions of the body and therefore called  angamardaprashamana.
9.45. Shoolaprashamana (anti-spasmodic, anticolic, analgesic): The root-cause of shoola is vata. Natural movement of the intestines is altered by vitiated vata and it moves in the pratiloma-gati (i.e., in the reverse manner). Drugs that pacify vata in the abdomen and promote the passing out of flatus and stool while removing colic are called shoolaprashamana. This group of drugs includes shadushana type of medicines/herbs.  
#Shoolaprashamana (anti-spasmodic, anticolic, analgesic): The root-cause of shoola is vata. Natural movement of the intestines is altered by vitiated vata and it moves in the pratiloma-gati (i.e., in the reverse manner). Drugs that pacify vata in the abdomen and promote the passing out of flatus and stool while removing colic are called shoolaprashamana. This group of drugs includes shadushana type of medicines/herbs.  
10.46. Shonitasthapana (hemostatics and blood purifiers):  Drugs that promote the quality of blood by enhancing its formation, alleviating abnormalities and checking bleeding are called shonitasthapana. Shonitasthapana drugs could be categorized as follows:
#Shonitasthapana (hemostatics and blood purifiers):  Drugs that promote the quality of blood by enhancing its formation, alleviating abnormalities and checking bleeding are called shonitasthapana. Shonitasthapana drugs could be categorized as follows:
(a) Raktaposhan (haematinic)
##Raktaposhan (haematinic)
(b) Raktastambhaka (haemostatic)
##Raktastambhaka (haemostatic)
(c) Raktaprosadana (blood purification)
##Raktaprosadana (blood purification)
10.47. Vedanasthapana (relieving pain sensations): In Ayurveda, the word vedana is said to provide a general feeling of sensation. It is of two types – sukhatmaka (pleasant) and dukhatmaka (unpleasant) (Cha.Sha. 1.133). As such vedanasthapana means drugs that stabilize sensory sensations in the body. They are useful in conditions where a sensation is lost or damaged due to various reasons. These drugs also relieve pain and bring body back to normalcy.  
10.47. Vedanasthapana (relieving pain sensations): In Ayurveda, the word vedana is said to provide a general feeling of sensation. It is of two types – sukhatmaka (pleasant) and dukhatmaka (unpleasant) (Cha.Sha. 1.133). As such vedanasthapana means drugs that stabilize sensory sensations in the body. They are useful in conditions where a sensation is lost or damaged due to various reasons. These drugs also relieve pain and bring body back to normalcy.  
10.48. Sanjnasthapana (re-establishing consciousness): Drugs that resuscitate or revive the sense of consciousness are called sanjnasthapana. Such drugs overcome the effect of losing consciousness or fainting and help the patient in regaining consciousness.
10.48. Sanjnasthapana (re-establishing consciousness): Drugs that resuscitate or revive the sense of consciousness are called sanjnasthapana. Such drugs overcome the effect of losing consciousness or fainting and help the patient in regaining consciousness.