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Maitreya! mithyAcintyataityAtreyaH; kiMkAraNaM, ye hyAturAHShoDashaguNasamuditenAnenabheShajenopapadyamAnAmriyantaityuktaMtadanupapannaM, na hi bheShajasAdhyAnAMvyAdhInAMbheShajamakAraNaMbhavati; ye punarAturAHkevalAdbheShajAdRutesamuttiShThante, nateShAMsampUrNabheShajopapAdanAyasamutthAnavisheShonAsti; yathA hi patitaMpuruShaMsamarthamutthAnAyotthApayanpuruShobalamasyopAdadhyAt, sakShiprataramaparikliShTa
Maitreya! mithyAcintyataityAtreyaH; kiMkAraNaM, ye hyAturAHShoDashaguNasamuditenAnenabheShajenopapadyamAnAmriyantaityuktaMtadanupapannaM, na hi bheShajasAdhyAnAMvyAdhInAMbheShajamakAraNaMbhavati; ye punarAturAHkevalAdbheShajAdRutesamuttiShThante, nateShAMsampUrNabheShajopapAdanAyasamutthAnavisheShonAsti; yathA hi patitaMpuruShaMsamarthamutthAnAyotthApayanpuruShobalamasyopAdadhyAt, sakShiprataramaparikliShTa
evottiShThet, tadvatsampUrNabheShajopalambhAdAturAH; ye cAturAHkevalAdbheShajAdapimriyante,na ca sarvaevatebheShajopapannAHsamuttiShTheran, nahisarvevyAdhayobhavantyupAyasAdhyAH, nacopAyasAdhyAnAMvyAdhInAmanupAyenasiddhirasti, nacAsAdhyAnAMvyAdhInAMbheShajasamudAyo~ayamasti, nahyalaMj~jAnavAnbhiSha~gmumUrShumAturamutthApayituM; parIkShyakAriNo hi kushalAbhavanti, yathA hi yogaj~jo~abhyAsanityaiShvAsodhanurAdAyeShumasyannAtiviprakRuShTemahatikAynAparAdhavAnbhavati, sampAdayaticeShTakAryaM, tathAbhiShaksvaguNasampannaupakaraNavAnvIkShyakarmArabhamANaHsAdhyarogamanaparAdhaHsampAdayatyevAturamArogyeNa; tasmAnnabheShajamabheShajenAvishiShTaMbhavati||3-5||
evottiShThet, tadvatsampUrNabheShajopalambhAdAturAH; ye cAturAHkevalAdbheShajAdapimriyante,na ca sarvaevatebheShajopapannAHsamuttiShTheran, nahisarvevyAdhayobhavantyupAyasAdhyAH, nacopAyasAdhyAnAMvyAdhInAmanupAyenasiddhirasti, nacAsAdhyAnAMvyAdhInAMbheShajasamudAyo~ayamasti, nahyalaMj~jAnavAnbhiSha~gmumUrShumAturamutthApayituM; parIkShyakAriNo hi kushalAbhavanti, yathA hi yogaj~jo~abhyAsanityaiShvAsodhanurAdAyeShumasyannAtiviprakRuShTemahatikAynAparAdhavAnbhavati, sampAdayaticeShTakAryaM, tathAbhiShaksvaguNasampannaupakaraNavAnvIkShyakarmArabhamANaHsAdhyarogamanaparAdhaHsampAdayatyevAturamArogyeNa; tasmAnnabheShajamabheShajenAvishiShTaMbhavati||5||
To this Lord Atreya remarks, “Oh Maitreya! The conclusion derived by you is not correct. Because, to say that the patients adopting the therapeutic measures having the sixteen qualities die is not borne out of facts. Therapeutic measures can never be ineffective in curable diseases. Similarly, even in such cases where patients are cured without proper medication, it should be understood that had there been proper administration of therapeutic measures the process of cure would have been quicker and better. This can be likened to the lifting of a healthy person who has fallen. He can no doubt get up himself but if he is helped and lifted by another person, he would get up sooner and without much difficulty. Similar is the case with patients stated to have been cured without adequate therapeutic measures. Then there is the case where patients die even by taking recourse to adequate therapeutic measures. It is not that all patients taking recourse to therapeutic measures are necessarily cured because all diseases are not curable. Diseases that are curable can be cured only by taking recourse to therapeutic measures. Those that are not curable will certainly not respond to the treatment and not even the ablest physician is capable of curing the moribund patient. An able physician always proceeds with their treatment after proper examination. As an archer having the knowledge and practice (of archery) shoots arrows with the help of his bow and does not commit mistakes in hitting a massive body nearby and thus accomplishes his object, so a physician endowed with his own qualities and other accessories proceeding with the act (of treatment) after proper examination will certainly cure a curable patient without fail. So it is not correct to say that there is no difference between the application and non-application of therapeutic measures”. [3-5]
To this Lord Atreya remarks, “Oh Maitreya! The conclusion derived by you is not correct. Because, to say that the patients adopting the therapeutic measures having the sixteen qualities die is not borne out of facts. Therapeutic measures can never be ineffective in curable diseases. Similarly, even in such cases where patients are cured without proper medication, it should be understood that had there been proper administration of therapeutic measures the process of cure would have been quicker and better. This can be likened to the lifting of a healthy person who has fallen. He can no doubt get up himself but if he is helped and lifted by another person, he would get up sooner and without much difficulty. Similar is the case with patients stated to have been cured without adequate therapeutic measures. Then there is the case where patients die even by taking recourse to adequate therapeutic measures. It is not that all patients taking recourse to therapeutic measures are necessarily cured because all diseases are not curable. Diseases that are curable can be cured only by taking recourse to therapeutic measures. Those that are not curable will certainly not respond to the treatment and not even the ablest physician is capable of curing the moribund patient. An able physician always proceeds with their treatment after proper examination. As an archer having the knowledge and practice (of archery) shoots arrows with the help of his bow and does not commit mistakes in hitting a massive body nearby and thus accomplishes his object, so a physician endowed with his own qualities and other accessories proceeding with the act (of treatment) after proper examination will certainly cure a curable patient without fail. So it is not correct to say that there is no difference between the application and non-application of therapeutic measures”. [5]
==== Some principles of management ====
==== Some principles of management ====