Concepts and Contemporary Practices
Total chapters: 164
The important concepts of Ayurveda and their contemporary practices are published in this section. If you wish to contribute, then see the links Contribute online and guidelines for writing or contact us.
Basic learning of Ayurveda
- What is Ayurveda (knowledge or science of life)?
- What is Shastra (science)?
- Adhyayana (Methods of study and learning)
- Teaching methods in Ayurveda (Adhyapana vidhi)
- Tantrayukti (technical tricks to understand texts)
- Nyaya (Maxims or Expression of truth or principle)
- Interactive session on Contemporary Ayurveda (Based on interactive session)
Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda
Fundamental Concepts - Panchamahabhuta (five fundamental elements)
Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda - Pramana (methods of acquiring knowledge)
Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda - Theories and applications- Siddhanta
Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda pharmacology
- Dravya (matter or substance)
- Guna (qualities or properties)
- Karma (action)
- Rasa (taste and its pharmacology)
- Veerya (potency)
- Vipaka (post digestive effect)
- Prabhava (influential effect)
- Satmya (adaptability or suitability)
- Aushadha Sevana Kala (times of administration of medicines, chronopharmacology)
- Nama Rupa Vijnana (Science of identification and nomenclature)
Components of Health- Sharira & Dosha
Components of Health- Agni
Components of Health- Dhatu (body tissues or components)
Components of Health - Mala (Excretory products)
Components of Health -Aatma,Indriya, Manas
- Aatma (soul or spirit)
- Indriya (sense and motor organs)
- Manas (Mind and mental health)
- Manovaha srotas
- Sattva (Purity and mental strength)
- Rajas (Activity and indulgence)
- Tamas (Ignorance and illusion)
- Buddhi (Intellect and intelligence)
- Dhriti (restraint)
- Smriti (memory)
- Prajnaparadha (intellectual errors)
- Dhairya (courage)
- Samadhi (deep meditation)
Concepts and Practices of Preventive and Promotive Health in Chikitsa
- Rasayana (rejuvenation and vitalizing therapy)
- Vajikarana (aphrodisiac or virility enhancing therapy)
- Dinacharya (daily regimen for health)
- Ritucharya (seasonal regimen for health)
- Nitya sevaniya - asevaniya Dravya (Daily consumable & non consumable foods)
- Ahara vidhi (dietary guidelines)
- Nidra (sleep)
- Brahmacharya
- Vyayama (exercise)
- Dhumapana
Fundamental Concepts of Diagnosis and Management in Ayurveda (Nidana) and (Chikitsa)
- Hetu (causes)
- Linga (symptomatology/features)
- Aushadha (therapeutics)
- Vikriti (abnormalities)
- Shatkriyakala (Six stages of disease evolution and treatment intervention)
- Kha vaigunya (defects in body systems)
- Vyadhi (disease)
- Rogamarga (disease pathways)
- Viruddha Ahara (incompatible food)
- Ama
- Ashayapakarsha
- Aupasargika vyadhi (Contagious diseases)
- Adharma
- Pranavaha srotas
- Udakavaha srotas
- Annavaha srotas
- Pramanatah Pariksha
- Samhanana Pariksha
Diagnosis and management of prevalent diseases
- Amavata
- Jwara (various fevers)
- Infectious diseases
- Cancer
- Acid peptic diseases
- Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
- Cardiac diseases
- Neurological diseases
- Skin diseases in Integrative Medicine
- Psychiatric diseases
- Emergency medicine in Ayurveda
- Rheumatic diseases
- Kidney diseases
- Janapadodhvansa
- Udavarta
- Pakshaghata (hemiplegia)
Concepts and Practices in Chikitsa - Major therapies (shad vidha upakrama)
Concepts and Practices in Chikitsa - Panchakarma (five therapeutic purification procedures)
- Panchakarma (five therapeutic purification procedures)
- Panchakarma in modern lifestyle
- Deepana (therapy for kindling digestion)
- Pachana (therapy for promoting digestion)
- Vamana (therapeutic emesis)
- Virechana (therapeutic purgation)
- Nasya (intra nasal administration)
- Raktamokshana (blood letting therapy)
- Basti (therapeutic enema)
- Asthapana basti
- Madhutailika Basti
- Vaitarana Basti
- Piccha basti
- Matra basti
- Yapana basti
- Shirodhara
Concepts and Practices in gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics (Kaumarabhritya tantra)
- Artava (ovum and menstruation)
- Menstrual disorders
- Atulya gotra (specificity of clans and its importance in reproduction)
- Garbha (fetus or embryo)
- Prenatal care (garbhini paricharya)
- Sutika Paricharya (Postnatal care)
- Contraceptives
- Menopausal Syndrome
- Congenital disorders
- Neonatal care
- Immunization
- Stanya (breast milk)
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