Contribute to the Charak Samhita New Edition Project

The Charak Samhita is a product of collective wisdom. Your contribution is valuable for us. The areas of contributions include following.

Original and review articles

  1. Writing articles on specific concepts of Ayurveda as per the list given on this link
  2. Review all references regarding the concept from Charak Samhita.
  3. Organize it properly to make it understandable to the new readers.
  4. Enrich the content with proper referencing from recently published articles in good journals. While writing we shall focus more on propagating Ayurvedic concept and NOT just correlate it with conventional medicine and copy-paste it.

Expected points in the articles

The Word limit for each article is 2500 words (excluding references). This might be increased depending upon substance.

Guidelines and subheadings

1. Brief introduction of the topic and its importance in current healthcare systems

2. Etymology, Derivation, synonyms, and meanings

3. Detail content with opinions from other texts

The authors shall include all relevant references from Charak Samhita and other texts. Original Sankrit verse shall be given as an appendix or a separate list. These shall not be included in the text.

4. Practical application of the concept in the healthcare field:

The authors shall narrate how the concept is applied in clinical practice and investigated with modern technological advances.

5. Contemporary views:

The authors shall briefly include relevant information from other allied/contemporary sciences.

6. Current research updates:

The authors shall include references from research articles, thesis works with their essential findings, and updates about practical utility.

7. References:

The references from recent publications shall be given per referencing guidelines available online.

The detail guidelines for writing and submission are available on the Guidelines for writing page.

Publishing Case Reports

Case reports or studies or series is highly important for applied aspect of Ayurveda. The detail guidelines for publishing case reports are available on the Case Reports page.

Summary of published research on a specific citation

If you have published substantial research on any topic of Charak Samhita, and you think it can be cited in this edition, then you can send the following to us:

  1. Reference quotation of Charak Samhita e.g. Charak Samhita Sutra Sthana Chapter 1 verse 57
  2. Summary (maximum 200 words) of research work related to the verse in single MS word file
  3. Bibliographic details for citation

This can be sent to or submitted online on link of feedback We will cite the same at relevant place after review and editing.

Content development and submission

The details guidelines on how to write an article and develop content can be read here.

You may refer the articles on page of Monographs for reference.

Content review

To make this Samhita live and contemporary, you may submit your expert reviews and suggestions here. Your suggestions to improve content will help us in process of reaching objective.

Content editing

You may be a part of this project by connecting with us for following.

  1. Editing articles
  2. Suggesting new features of editing and referencing
  3. Providing references of your published work related to any topic of Charak Samhita that will be annexed to the chapter
  4. Sharing experiences/writing case reports based on your clinical experiences
  5. Providing other authentic research references on topics of Charak Samhita
  6. Critical suggestions with evidences to improve content

Technical support

  1. Technical help for training scholars
  2. Propagating the content with proper referencing
  3. Reaching scientific community interested in Ayurveda
  4. Helping the globe to improve health through Ayurveda
  5. Organize conferences and workshops
  6. Refer scholars who can provide content and good write-ups

If you wish to contribute articles related to Ayurveda and Charak Samhita, please write to us with your brief bio-data and areas of interest. We will write back to you with login details. Please do not submit copyrighted material without permission from the administrators of this website.

Financial Support

The logistics and expenses incurred in the project are fully funded by FHED (India) trust, Delhi, India. The trust supports all activities related to Charak Samhita New Edition Project. For the purpose, Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre (CSRTSDC) is established in collaboration with Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, India.

If you are willing to support the activities and donate, please see the link for donation.