Mangifera indica Linn.

Section/Chapter Herb database/Amra
Botanical name(s) Mangifera indica Linn.
Contributors --
Year of publication 2023
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre
DOI Awaited

English name


Synonyms in Charak Samhita

Madhuphala, Madhuli, Madhavadruma, Sahakara, Parapushta, Rasala, Madhuduta, Atisaurabha, Pikavallabha

Reference in Charak Samhita and its actions

Herbs and their activities Reference in Charak Samhita Activity
1 Sutra sthana 2/28 Grahi yavagu
2 Sutra sthana 4/9(31) Purishsangrahaniya mahakashay
3 Sutra sthana 4/9(10) Hridya mahakashay
4 Sutra sthana 4/9(28) Chhardi nigrahana mahakashay
5 Sutra sthana 4/9(33) Mootrasangrahaniya mahakashaya
6 Ch Su 27/139 Phala Varga
7 Ch Su 27/282 Krutanna Varga
8 Ch Su 26/84 Viruddha ahar
9 Ch Vi 8/140 Amla Skandha
10 Vimana Sthana 8/144 Kashaya-skandha
11 Vimana Sthana 8/144 Kashaya-skandha
12 KalpaSthana 7/31 Preparations of TrivrittaAwaleha
13 Cha.Sa.Chi.4/99 Used in Nasagata raktapitta.
14 Cha.Sa.Chi.4/101 Used as nasya yoga.
15 Cha.Sa.Chi.15/139 As an ingredient of Kiratadhya churna (Pittaja Grahani chiktsa)
16 As a yoga dravya in treatment of Pittaja atisara
17 Cha.Sa.Chi.20/30 As a pana yoga in Pittaja chhardi.
18 Cha.Sa.Chi.22/35 For lepa prayoga
19 Used in pachana.
20 Used for savarnikarana.
21 As an ingredient of Mahaneela taila.
22 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/79 As an ingredient of Dhatakyadi taila.
23 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/82 For Yoni prakshalana.
24 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/90 As an ingredient of Pushyanuga churna.

Ayurvedic pharmacological properties

Properties Pharmacological criteria Properties
1 Taste (rasa) Astringent (kashaya)

Unripen fruit- Sour (amla), Ripen Fruit- Sweet (madhura)

2 Potency (veerya) Cold (sheeta)
3 Post digestion effect (vipaka) Pungent (katu)
4 Qualities (guna) Light (laghu), Rough (ruksha)

Ripen Fruit- Heavy (guru), Unctuous (snigdha)

5 Actions (karma) Bark, Leaves, Flower, Seed- Pacify Kapha and Pitta

Unripen fruit- Increases tridosha

Ripen Fruit- Pacify Vata and Pitta

Current availability


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