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Roga marga means pathways of disease progression and manifestations. It is essential to know the path of progression and manifestation of the disease to plan the protocol for its management. Roga marga is a place of vitiation of body channels (kha vaigunya). The disease can be cured, if the exact site of vitiation is targeted. Through the applicability of roga-marga, the recurrence of the disease may be reduced. [Cha.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 15/36-37] The specific medicines for specific receptors can be developed. [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 4/22]
Acharya Charaka has explained roga marga as under.[1] [Cha.Sa.Sutrasthana 11/48]

  1. Three roga maragas viz. external (bahya), middle (madhyama) and internal (abhyantara)
  2. Each roga marga has set of structural / physiological entities.
  3. List of diseases of roga marga

This article describes the physiological and pathological aspects of rogamarga with their importance in therapeutics.

Section/Chapter/topic Concepts/Rogamarga
Authors Bhojani M. K. 1,
Dwivedi Rambabu 2,
Vyas Mahesh3,
Bhatted Santoshkumar4
Reviewer Basisht G.5,
Editor Deole Y.S.6
Affiliations 1 Department of Sharir Kriya, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
2 Former Dean, Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, India
3 Department of Samhita Siddhanta, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
4 Department of Panchakarma, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
5 Rheumatologist, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
6 Department of Kayachikitsa, G. J. Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
Correspondence emails,
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre, I.T.R.A., Jamnagar, India
Date of publication: March 30, 2023
DOI 10.47468/CSNE.2023.e01.s09.133


As an important phase of pathogenesis (samprapti), the vitiated dosha travel and settle at the suitable places. [Madhu Kosha commentary on Madhava Nidana Sarvaroga Nidana Adhyaya][2] This is termed as prasara (sthana samshraya). It can be said that for both of these phases, roga-marga plays a vital role. Also, the movement of dosha (dosha gati) mentioned as normal (prakriti) and abnormal (vaikrita) are with the same nomenclature viz. koshtha, shakha, marma-asthi-sandhi. This shows the significance of roga marga from physiological view point (prakrita gati of dosha).
Roga marga also contributes to the prognosis of the diseases. [Chakrapani commentary on Cha. Su. 11/48][3]
Further, rogamarga is explained for precise treatment. [Madhukosha Commentary on Madhava Nidana Sarvaroga Nidana Adhyaya][4]


  1. Roga :
    The word roga is derived from the root ‘ruj’ which means unpleasant, discomfort or pain, to break or disintegrate.
    It is evident that roga is the outcome of the disintegration of equilibrium of dosha (or dhatusamyata) – Homeostasis, which culminates into pain – physical or psychological. [Arundatta on A.H.Nidana Sthana 1/1][5]
  2. Marga :
    The Sanskrit word marga means to go along, or path. [Shabda Kalpadrum][6] Marga is derived from the Sanskrit verb ‘mruj’ that means purified channel or route. The dictionary meanings of the word marga are path, way, manner, mode, methods, process, indicative of how pathogenesis is to take place. [Sir. M.M. Williams][7]

Rogamarga can be understood as the way of disease occurrence, progression and recurrence as well. The word Roga marga maybe understood as ‘A weak spot’ or ‘Costus specious’.
Textbook of Pathology by Boyd quotes “The science of pathology seeks to determine the cause of disease, to discover how disease injures the patient, to describe the lesions produced, to follow how the lesions change as disease progresses, to understand how disease produces secondary effects in the patient, and to record how the lesions heal as the patient recovers.” -[8]


The external pathway of disease is called bahya rogamarga.[9] [Hemadri and Arunadatta on A.H. Su. 12/45] By this meaning, abhyantara (internal) and madhyama (medial) roga marga will be interpreted as internal and medial pathway of disease respectively.
These definitions suggest the appearance of clinical features can be representing a particular roga marga. However, in some cases the pathogenesis can be different with different pathways. For example, carbuncles due to diabetes (prameha pitika) appearing in the bahya roga marga, needs additional treatments besides other diseases which occur in bhaya roga marga.[10] Hence, it can be interpreted that the dosha samprapti can travel to any roga marga during the process.

Movement of dosha and pathways of diseases (roga marga vis-a-vis dosha gati)

Three types of movements of dosha are mentioned. [Cha. Sa.Sutra Sthana 17/113] The same are termed as three types of roga marga viz. shakha, koshtha and marmasthi sandhi.[11] [Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 11/48]
These are the different movements of dosha. As these gati are further classified into prakrita (normal) and vaikrita (abnormal), the healthy channels will render the passage for dosha and when the same channels are weaker/vulnerable, they act as ‘roga marga’.

Diseases observed in each roga marga

Diseases occurring in different rogamarga are tabulated as under:

Diseases occurring in bahya roga marga Diseases occurring in madhyama roga marga Diseases occurring in Abhyantara Roga marga Diseases occurring in bahya and abhyantara roga marga
Diseases like Goitre, pimples, boil, warts, granuloma etc. which are manifested on the body and can be accessed easily and palpable Diseases involving the pathology of the vital organs like hemiplegia, facial paralysis etc., diseases of cardiovascular system , diseases of urinary system, diseases of joints Diseases like fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, cholera, constipation, diseases of abdomen, splenic disorders, cough, dyspnoea, hiccough etc. which are caused due to indigestion Skin diseases having acute spread like erysepelas, oedema, abdominal tumours, piles and abscess

Anatomical aspects

Certain exemplary organs are grouped under different roga margas. The organic implications of each rogamarga can be discussed as follows.

Bahya rogamarga:

This includes body components like twak (skin), rakta dhatu (blood), and other similar body consituents. [Cha.Sa.Sutrasthana 11/48] It is similar to a branch of tree.[12]
Thus, to show the remoteness of these structures, they have been termed as shakha. These are the structures seen one after another in a sequence. Rasa, rakta, mamsa, meda, majja pertaining to the internal structures like liver, spleen, brain etc. should not come under bahya roga marga. For example, hrdayagata rasa, yakrita gata rakta should come under abhyantara roga marga. The accessory appendages of skin like hair, nails, tactile cells, sebaceous glands etc. should be considered under bahya rogamarga. Mammary glands, ext. ear, tonsils, adenoids should also be considered under bahya rogamarga. Thus, looking to the structures and diseases allotted to bahya rogamarga, it is evident that this marga has entities, which are superficial (compared to the madhyama rogamarga) and these entities are the first line of contact with the external stimulus and hence the pathology occurring is easily diagnosed and approachable. The madhyama roga marga includes marma (vital organs) like heart, brain, kidneys, bones, joints, ligaments, tendons. [Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 11/48]
The grouping of structures of madhyama roga marga is quite different from that of other roga-marga. Although these organs are not connected with each other, they perform vital functions of the body and any damage to them will give rise to serious consequences.
The abhyantara roga marga is termed as kostha. It includes the gastrointestinal tract and all visceral organs. While enumerating koshtangas basti, hridaya and vrikka included in them will be included in abhyantara rogamarga. But in text these organs and diseases related to them are ascribed to madhyama roga marga, which maybe explained as under
Kosthanga are mainly responsible for nutrition and excretion of mala. Hridaya is considered a kosthanga for; it is responsible for nutrition and excretion of blood impurities. Same is the case with vikka and basti. But the reason for not considering these organs under kostha may be that the structural disorders of any of the organs may influence the material flowing through them but not the organs of mahasrotas (A.Rm.) In case of the diseases related to abhyantara rogamarga, there may be indirect influence on the vahana dravya of these organs. eg. rakta mutrata in pittaja jwara, hrdaya asuddhi in ama jwara , bahu mutrata in ajirna etc. Thus, being influenced by kostha and their diseases, these might have been included in kosthanga. But when the point of roga marga comes, these organs are to be studied under madhyama roga marga as is in the texts.

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  1. Agnivesha , Dridhbala , Charaka , Charaka Samhita , Sutrasthana , Taistraishaniya Adhyaya , 11/48 , reprinted 2020 , Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana , Varanasi , Page No. 77
  2. Madhavakara ,Madhav Nidana with Madhukosha commentary by Vijayrakshita and Shreekanthadatta revised and edited by Prof. Yadunanda Upadhyaya ,Sarvaroganidana Adhyaya , 1/10 , Page No. 60
  3. Chakrapani commentary on Charaka istraishSamhita Sutrasthana , Tistraishaniya Adhyaya, 11/48reprinted 2020 , Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana , Varanasi , Page No.
  4. Madhavakara ,Madhav Nidana with Madhukosha commentary by Vijayrakshita and Shreekanthadatta revised and edited by Prof. Yadunanda Upadhyaya ,Sarvaroganidana Adhyaya , 1/4 , Page No. 21
  5. Arundatta commentary on Ashtang Hridaya edited by Pt. Hari Sadashiv Sastri Paradkar , Nidanasthana , Sarvaroganidana , 1/1 , reprinted 2018, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan , Varanasi , Page No. 440
  6. Radhakantadeva, Vasu, v. and Vasu, h. (1886).Shabdakalpadrumah , Page No. 708
  7. Monier-Williams, m. (1899). A Sanskrit-English dictionary , Page. No. 812
  8. Boyd, William. "Text-book of Pathology." (1953).
  9. Hemadri commentary on Ashtang Hridaya edited by Pt. Hari Sadashiv Sastri Paradkar , Sutrasthana , Doshabhediya Adhyaya, 12/45 , reprinted 2018, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan , Varanasi , Page No. 200
  10. Bhojani Meera Et Al: A study on Nirdesha Chatushka of Charaka Samhita and applied aspect of Trayo-Rogamarga, MD Thesis, 2003, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar
  11. Agnivesha , Dridhbala , Charaka , Charaka Samhita , Sutrasthana , Kiyantashirasiya Adhyaya, 17/112-113 , reprinted 2020 , Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana , Varanasi , Page No. 105
  12. Jyoti Devangamath Et Al: Crucial Role Of Rogamarga To Understand Vyadhi. International Ayurvedic medical Journal {online} 2016 {cited 2016 July} Available from: