Page history
17 September 2018
16 December 2017
→Glossary of Technical words
→Future Scope for Research
→Vidhi Vimarsha
→Tattva Vimarsha
→General principles of management
→Causes of vitiation of srotasa
→Synonyms of srotasa
→Roots of transportation channels and signs of their vitiation
→Srotas (transport systems)
1 December 2017
→Glossary of Technical words
→Glossary of Technical words
→Future Scope for Research
→Future Scope for Research
→Vidhi Vimarsha
→Vidhi Vimarsha
→Tattva Vimarsha
→General etiology of vitiation
→Causes of vitiation of srotasa
→Causes of vitiation of srotasa
→Synonyms of srotasa
→Synonyms of srotasa
→Roots of transportation channels and signs of their vitiation
→Roots of transportation channels and signs of their vitiation
→Roots of transportation channels and signs of their vitiation
→Roots of transportation channels and signs of their vitiation
→Srotas (transport systems)
→Srotas (transport systems)
→Sanskrit Text, Transliteration and English Translation
→The Text and its English Transliteration