
Janapadodhvansa (also spelled as janapadodhvamsa) means destruction of communities due to a common cause. The affliction of diseases in society disrupting the physical, psychological, social health of community is phenomenon observed since inception of life on the earth. The pandemic and epidemic situations are considered to be as old as human evolution. Ayurveda texts have thus also extensively mentioned the pandemic conditions at various places commonly referred to as janapadodhvansa, maraka or janamara. Acharya Charak has explained the concept of janapadodhvansain vimana sthana of the treatise Charak samhita. The concept of janapadodhvansais thus reference point for the description of disease origin and spread in the population highlighting the principles of epidemiology in ayurveda.

Section/Chapter/topic Concepts/Janapadodhvansa
Authors Bhojani M. K. 1,
Joglekar Aishwarya 2
Reviewer Basisht G.3,
Editor Deole Y.S.4
Affiliations 1 Department of Sharir Kriya, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
2 Department of Department of Samhita Siddhant, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
3 Rheumatologist, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
4 Department of Kayachikitsa, G. J. Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
Correspondence emails,
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre, I.T.R.A., Jamnagar, India
Date of publication: May 16, 2023
DOI 10.47468/CSNE.2023.e01.s09.137

What is janapadodhvansa?

Janapadodhvansa is defined as a phenomenon in which a large population is inflicted with one particular disease irrespective of their prakriti (phenotype), ahara (dietary habits), dehabala (innate immunity and strength), satmya (behavioural habits and lifestyle) and sattva (mental conditions), vayasa (age group) (Cha.Sa. Vimana Sthana 3/6)


Janapad refers to group of people/inhabitants or community while uddhwansa refers to the destruction of the community. Thus it is a condition where large group of people or entire community is destroyeddue to the natural or artificial phenomena.

Synonyms of janapadodhvansa

Janapadodhvansa is quoted as janamara by Acharya Bhela and Maraka by Acharya Sushrut (Su. Sa. Sutra Sthana 6/19) indicating the prevalence of epidemics in those times as well.

Causes of janapadodhvansa

Two types of causes of origin of diseases (vyadhi-utpatti hetu) are described. Common aetiological factors (sadharana hetu) can produce diseases in almost all the beings (bahujana sadharana).Specific etiological factors (asadharana hetu) are personalized and differ from individual to individual. (Chakrapani on Cha. Sa. Vimana Sthana 3/3)Janapadodhvansa chapter deals with the common causes of disease occurrence in large community.
The four main environmental factors like vata (vitiated air or atmospheric factors), jala (vitiated water), desha (geographical factors or those related to vitiated land and soil resources), kaala (seasonal and climatic conditions)are focused to cause epidemic situations. (Cha. Sa Vimana Sthana 3/6). These can be summarized as given in the table below: (Table No. 1 – Entity causative of janapadodhvansa and its interpretation in present context)

Entity Signs of vitiation Present context
rowspan="10"| Vayu Vishama vayu - showing characteristics contradictory to normalair conditions This represents the climate change that causes impact on the social and environmental determinants of health.[1]
Atichala – fast blowing winds / squall These are natural phenomena that can cause a loss of human and environmental resources over a large area.[2]
Ati- stimita –stagnation of air Poor air circulation and damp atmosphere promotes the spread of bacteria and viruses.[3]
Atiparusha – excessive dryness This can be correlated with low air humidity resulting in excessive dryness in air especially indoor air.[4]
Ati sheeta- excessive cold air Exposure to cold weather which can occur in the high altitude regions and extremes of climate especially during winter season.[5]
Ati abhishyandi – overt humidity in air An increase in air humidity that triggers rise in the occurrence of diseases.[6]
Ati ushna- excessive heat in surrounding air Excessive hot atmosphere can lead to conditions like heat exhaustion.[7]
Ati kundalinaam- hurricanes or cyclones. Cycloneis a system of storms or winds that rotate at centre of atmosphere with at a very high speed usually associated with heavy rains.[8] It possesses potential to destruct habitations over a large area.
Asatmya gandha – foul smelling Odor pollution is emerging risk factor for the populations exposed to industrial pollution, generalized climate change and environmental pollution.[9]
Containing bashpa (fog), sikta (air pollutant like industrial effluents, solid pollutant particulate matter), panshu (micro pollutants), dhuma (smoke or smog) The particulate matter is mixture of microscopic solids and liquid droplets suspended in air. These include pollutants like acids, organic chemicals, soil, dust particles and allergens.[10]
Vikruta gandha- altered odour
Vikruta varna- altered colour
Vikruta rasa- altered taste
Vikruta sparsha, kleda bahula – altered consistency.
These are the indicators of water pollution. All these conditions depict lack of acceptability of drinking water due to the presence of taste and odour which is otherwise absent in water suitable for consumption.[11]
Upakranta jalachara – Devoid of biota and animals due to the death of animals This condition is similar to famine where the lands are devoid of biota as a cause of extreme scarcity of food and water resources.[12]
Upaksheena jalashaya – drying up of water resources- indication of drought Drought is a prolonged dry period in the natural climate cycle. This slow-onset disaster is characterizedby lack of precipitation, resulting in a water shortage.[13]
Apreetikara aapada guna –Water sources having questionable palatability and quality. The water quality is affected by pollutants and particulate matter rendering it undesirable taste, odour, colour and consistency. If the drinking water is not of optimum quality, it threatens the overall health of community.[14]
(Soil or region)
Dhoomrapavana – region having polluted atmosphere.
Kshubhita salilashaya – pollution of available water resources.
This can be compared with environmental pollution, overcrowding, altered quality of soil and water, lack of sanitation and resources.[15]
Vikruta varna – alteration in normal colour
Vikruta gandha – altered smell, presence of odour otherwise absent in the drinking water
vikruta sparsha – altered texture or consistency of water
Kledabahula – excessive water content in the atmosphere or presence of stickiness
This indicates the soil pollution. It is defined as the presence of toxic chemicals in the form of pollutants or contaminants in soil, in concentrations high enough to cause a risk to human health and/or the ecosystem.[16]
Upasrushta sari srupa vyala mashaka makshika mushaka – having more organisms like flies, snakes, rats etc.
Pratanadi bahula – excess growth of climbers and hyacinth especially in the water resources
Atishushka nashta shasya – withering of crops
Vyathita vividha mruga pakshi - Disturbed ecosystems
This refers to the disruption of biota and ecosystems and environmental pollution leading to death of plants and animals in the region.[17]
Nashta dharma aachara sheela – loss of sense of humanity and responsibility amongst the civilians Disruption of social conduct and behaviour. These factors determine the effect on the social, behavioural determinants of health.[18]
Pratata ulka pata - area more prone to occurrence of natural calamities like meteors etc.
Bhumikampa – occurrence of earthquakes.
This refers to susceptibility of region for the occurrence of natural calamities.[19] These are a sudden events in nature that usually results in serious morbidity and mortality. floods ,earthquakes, tornados etc.
Kaala Yatha ritu -viparita lakshana – excessive seasonal variations.
yatha ritu- hina linga, ati linga
Kaala factor is the seasonal occurrence of diseases. These also indicate the disease conditions arising from the disrupted climate.[20]

Acharya Sushruta states vyapanna ritu (unfavourable seasons) as the primary cause of janapadodhvansa or maraca. Seasonal variations whether gradual or transient lead to disturbance in equilibrium of doshas, thus affecting the health of population. (Su. Sa. Sutra Sthana 6/21)

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