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Syzygium cumini (L.) SKEELS

Section/Chapter Herb database/Jambu
Botanical name(s) Syzygium cumini (L.) SKEELS
Contributors --
Year of publication 2021
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre
DOI Awaited

English name


Synonyms in Charak Samhita

Jambu, Mahaphala, Phalendra

Reference in Charak Samhita and its actions

Herbs and their activities
Sr.no. Reference in Charak Samhita Activity
1 Sutra sthana 2/28 Grahiyavagu
2 Sutra sthana 4/9(28) Chhardinigrahanamahakashay
3 Sutra sthana 4/9(32) Purishvirajaniyamahakashaya
4 Sutra sthana 4/9(33) Mootrasangrahaniyamahakashaya
5 Ch Su 25/40 Agrya Sangraha
6 Ch Su 27/140 Phala Varga
7 Ch Su 26/84 Viruddha ahar
8 Ch.N.2/4 Nidana of Raktapitta
9 Cha.sa.Chi.3/258 As an ingredient of Chandanadhya taila.
10 Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 14/10 Vibhinn aakriti of arsha
11 Cha.sa.chi.15/139 As an ingredient of Kiratadhya churna (Pittaja Grahani chiktsa)
12 Cha.sa.chi.19/54 As a yoga dravya in treatment of pittaj atisara.
13 Cha.sa.chi. 19/110 As a yoga dravya
14 Cha.Sa.Chi.20/30 As a pana yoga in Pittaja chhardi.
15 Cha.Sa.Chi.20/38 As an ingredient of Kaphaja chhardihara yoga.
16 Cha.Sa.Chi.22/35 For lepa prayoga
17 Cha.sa.Chi.25/113 Used for tvak janana.
18 Cha.sa.Chi.26/76 Apathya in Ashmari.
19 Cha.sa.Chi.26/272 As an ingredient of Mahaneela taila.
20 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/79 As an ingredient of Dhatakyadi taila.
21 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/82 For Yoni prakshalana.
22 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/90 As an ingredient of Pushyanuga churna.
23 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/108 Used in the treatment of Vipluta.
24 Cha.Sa.Chi.30/122 Used in the treatment of Pichhila yoni.

Ayurvedic pharmacological properties

Sr.no. Pharmacological criteria Properties
1 Taste (rasa) Astringent (kashaya), Sweet (madhura), Sour (amla)
2 Potency (veerya) Cold (sheeta)
3 Post digestion effect (vipaka) Pungent (katu)
4 Qualities (guna) Light (laghu), Rough (ruksha)
5 Actions (karma) Pacify kapha and pitta, aggravates vata

Current availability


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