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|title=Dhumapana (medicated smoking)
|keywords=Dhumapana,Dhumapana meaning,Dhumapana in ayurveda,Prayogika dhumapana,Snaihika dhumapana,Vairechanika dhumapana, Indications of Dhumapana,Method of dhumapana (smoke inhalation),Dhuma netra (nozzle of smoking pipe),Dhumapana vidhi, medicated smoke inhalation
|keywords=Dhumapana, Dhumapana meaning, Dhumapana in ayurveda, Types of dhumapana, dhumavarti, Prayogika dhumapana, Snaihika dhumapana, Vairechanika dhumapana, Dhumanetra, Procedure for dhumapana, Clinical features of proper dhumapana, Bhojani M. K., Jain Rahul, Deole Y.S., Basisht G.
|description=Dhumapana means inhaling smoke or vapours
|description=The word ‘dhuma’ (also spelled as dhooma) means smoke and ‘pana’ means to consume. Thus, the word ‘dhumapana’ means taking smoke inside.
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<p style="text-align:justify;">It means inhaling smoke or vapours. It is indicated in preservation of health of organs in supra-clavicular region and management of diseases of the same. </p>
<p style="text-align:justify;">The word ‘dhuma’ (also spelled as dhooma) means smoke and ‘pana’ means to consume. Thus, the word ‘dhumapana’ means taking smoke inside. In ancient times, dhumapana was a part of [[Dinacharya|daily regimen (dinacharya)]]; wherein a specific procedure is adopted for the smoke inhalation through nose and exhaled through mouth, with help of a medicated wick (varti) containing herbs. However, currently this practice has been limited as an [[Ayurveda|ayurveda]] treatment procedure in management of certain conditions. Ayurvedic dhumapana is generally misunderstood with the dhumrapana, the basic difference between both is that in Ayurvedic dhumapana, smoke inhalation of medicated herbs is done via nose and exhalation from mouth. While dhumrapana is mainly via mouth and exhalation through nosemouth or both as hukkah, bidi, cigarette, cigar etc.. This smoke inhalation is injurious to health and can lead to eye disorders, respiratory [[Vyadhi|diseases]] and other complications. Dhumapana (medicated smoking) can be used for prevention and treatment of the [[Vyadhi|diseases]] in upper clavicular region (urdhvajatrugataroga). This chapter deals with the description of dhumapana. </p>
= Dhumapana (Inhalation of smoke/vapours), its types, directions of use and indications =
|title = Contributors
|label1 = Section/Chapter/topic
== 1. Prayogika dhumapana (therapeutic inhalation for prevention of disease) ==
|data1 = Concepts& Practices /[[Dhumapana]]
|label2 = Authors
हरेणुकां प्रियङ्गुं च पृथ्वीकां केशरं नखम्||२०|
|data2 = Bhojani M. K. <sup>1</sup>, <br/>Jain Rahul<sup>1</sup>,Singh Priti <sup>2</sup><br/>[[Yogesh Deole|Deole Y.S.]]<sup>3</sup>
|label3 = Reviewer & Editor
ह्रीवेरं चन्दनं पत्रं त्वगेलोशीरपद्मकम्|
|data3 = [[Gopal Basisht|Basisht G.]]<sup>4</sup>
ध्यामकं मधुकं मांसी गुग्गुल्वगुरुशर्करम्||२१||
|label4 = Affiliations
|data4 = <sup>1</sup> Department of Sharir Kriya, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India <br/><sup>2</sup>Department of Swasthavritta, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India <br/><sup>3</sup>Department of Kayachikitsa, G.J.Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India <br/><sup>4</sup> Rheumatologist, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थप्लक्षलोध्रत्वचः शुभाः|
|label6 = Correspondence emails
वन्यं सर्जरसं मुस्तं शैलेयं कमलोत्पले||२२||
|data6 = [mailto:meera.samhita@aiia.gov.in meera.samhita@aiia.gov.in], <br/>[mailto:carakasamhita@gmail.com carakasamhita@gmail.com]
|label7 = Publisher
श्रीवेष्टकं शल्लकीं च शुकबर्हमथापि च|
|data7 = [[Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre]], I.T.R.A., Jamnagar, India
पिष्ट्वा लिम्पेच्छरेषीकां तां वर्तिं यवसन्निभाम्||२३||
|label8 = Date of publication:
|data8 = June 16, 2023
अङ्गुष्ठसम्मितां कुर्यादष्टाङ्गुलसमां भिषक्|
|label9 = DOI
शुष्कां निगर्भां तां वर्तिं धूमनेत्रार्पितां नरः||२४||
|data9 = {{DoiWithLink}}
स्नेहाक्तामग्निसम्प्लुष्टां पिबेत् प्रायोगिकीं सुखाम्|२५|
<div style="text-align:justify;">
Harenuka (Pisum sativum L. ), priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl ),prithvika ( Amomum subulatum Roxb.), kesara(Crocus Sativus L.),nakha( Ipomoea Pes-tigridis L.), hribera (Plectranthus vettiveroides(Jacob)),chandana ( Santaum albus L.),patra (Cinnamomum tamala (Buch.-Ham)),tvak (Cinnamomum verum J.Presl),ela (Ellatoria cardamomum(L.) Maton), ushira (Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty),padmaka (Prunus cerasoides Buch.-Ham.),dhyamaka  (Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng.), madhuka ( Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), mansi ( Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don.) DC.),guggulu (Commiphora mukul(Hook.ex Stocks), aguru( Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.), sharkara( Dodecacarbon monodecahydrate ), good bark of nyagrodha(Ficus benghalensis L.), ashvattha (Ficus religiosa L.),plaksha (Ficus virens Aiton),lodhra (Symplocos racemose Roxb.),vanya (Boswellia serrata Roxb.ex Colebr), sarjarasa (Vateria indica L.),musta (Cyperus rotundus L.),shaileya (Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.)M.Choisy ),kamala (Mallotus philippensis (Lam.)),utpala(Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f.),sriveshtaka (Pinus roxburghii Sarg.),shallaki (Boswellia serrata Roxb.ex Colebr),Sukabarha – all these
are macerated, made as  paste and applied on a hollow reed of ''sara'' plant, to the thickness  of ''yava'', on the reed of the size of the thumb and  of  eight ''angula'' (approximate 16 cm) in length. After the paste dries, the physician should remove the reed of ''sara'' plant, smear the wick with ''ghee'' and introduce it into the nozzle of the smoking apparatus, and light its front tip with fire and ask the person to inhale its smoke. This is ''prayogiki dhuma'' (daily inhalation for the healthy person) and it bestows comfort. [Cha.Su.5/20-24]
== 2. Snaihika dhumapana (inhalation of smoke with unctuous substances for reducing dryness) ==
वर्तिं मधुरकैः कृत्वा स्नैहिकीं धूममाचरेत्|२६|
One should use a herbal cigar, prepared from animal fat, ghee and bee wax and should combine skillfully with the best of drugs belonging to the category of sweet taste, for unctuous smoke. [Cha.Su.5/25-26]
== 3. Vairechanika dhumapana (inhalation of smoke with purgative substances for cleansing) ==
श्वेता ज्योतिष्मती चैव हरितालं मनःशिला||२६||
गन्धाश्चागुरुपत्राद्या धूमं मूर्धविरेचने  |२७|
<div style="text-align:justify;">
One should smoke a cigar made of Shweta (Clitoria ternatea Linn.-white mussel shell creeper), Jyotishmati (Celastrus
paniculatus Willd-staff plant), Haritala (orpiment-yellow arsenic), Manashila (realger) and other aromatic ones like Aguru (Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.), Patra (Cinnamomum tamala Ness & Eberum.-cinnamom-leaf) etc. for elimination of [[dosha]] from head region.[Cha.Su.5/26-27]
== Indications of Dhumapana ==
गौरवं शिरसः शूलं पीनसार्धावभेदकौ||२७||
कर्णाक्षिशूलं कासश्च हिक्काश्वासौ गलग्रहः|  
दन्तदौर्बल्यमास्रावः श्रोत्रघ्राणाक्षिदोषजः||२८||
पूतिर्घ्राणास्यगन्धश्च दन्तशूलमरोचकः|
हनुमन्याग्रहः कण्डूः क्रिमयः पाण्डुता मुखे||२९||
श्लेष्मप्रसेको वैस्वर्यं गलशुण्ड्युपजिह्विका|
खालित्यं पिञ्जरत्वं च केशानां पतनं तथा||३०||
क्षवथुश्चातितन्द्रा च बुद्धेर्मोहोऽतिनिद्रता|
धूमपानात् प्रशाम्यन्ति बलं भवति चाधिकम्||३१||
शिरोरुहकपालानामिन्द्रियाणां स्वरस्य च|
न च वातकफात्मानो बलिनोऽप्यूर्ध्वजत्रुजाः||३२||
धूमवक्त्रकपानस्य व्याधयः स्युः शिरोगताः|३३|
<div style="text-align:justify;">
It is indicated in complaints of heaviness in the head, headache, rhinitis, migraine, ear-ache, pain in eyes, cough, hiccup, dyspnoea, obstruction of the throat, weakness of the teeth, discharge from the ear, nose and eyes due to morbid condition, nasal fetor, halitosis, odontalgia, anorexia, lock-jaw, torticolis, pruritis, worms, pallor of the face, mucoid discharge from the mouth, impaired voice, ''galashundi'' (uvulitis), ''upajihvika'' (ranula), alopecia, graying of hair, and falling of hair.  
Medicated smoke inhalation alleviates sternutation, excessive drowsiness, loss of consciousness and hypersomnia. It augments the strength of the scalp hair roots, the senses and voice. Moreover, those who resort to smoke inhalation by oral route are not afflicted by [[vata]] and [[kapha]] [[dosha]] affecting the upper part of the body or head, howsoever strong the disease may be.[27-33]
===== Proper times of administration of Dhumapana =====
प्रयोगपाने तस्याष्टौ कालाः सम्परिकीर्तिताः||३३||
वातश्लेष्मसमुत्क्लेशः कालेष्वेषु हि लक्ष्यते|
स्नात्वा भुक्त्वा समुल्लिख्य क्षुत्वा दन्तान्निघृष्य च|
नावनाञ्जननिद्रान्ते चात्मवान् धूमपो भवेत्|
तथा वातकफात्मानो न भवन्त्यूर्ध्वजत्रुजाः||३५||
रोगास्तस्य तु पेयाः स्युरापानास्त्रिस्त्रयस्त्रयः|३६|
परं द्विकाल पायी स्यादह्नः कालेषु बुद्धिमान्||३६|| 
प्रयोगे, स्नैहिके त्वेकं, वैरेच्यं त्रिचतुः पिबेत्|
<div style="text-align:justify;">
Considering the time of aggravation of [[Vata]] and [[Kapha]] [[dosha]] in body, eight specific times of administration of medicated smoke have been prescribed for daily use.The self controlled man should resort to inhalation of smoke after taking bath, after scraping the tongue, after sneezing, after brushing the teeth, after [[nasya]], after the use of eye-salve/collyrium and at the end of sleep. Thereby, [[vata]] and [[kapha]] borne diseases affecting the body parts above the clavicle do not afflict him.  
In these conditions, inhalation should be done thrice, in three puffs each time. A wise man should practice habitual smoking twice a day only, the unctuous smoking once a day and the purgative smoking thrice or four times a day. [Cha.Su.5/33-36]
===== Signs of proper dhumapana =====
हृत्कण्ठेन्द्रियसंशुद्धिर्लघुत्वं शिरसः शमः||३७||
यथेरितानां दोषाणां सम्यक्पीतस्य लक्षणम्|३८|  
Feeling of well-being and clarity in ''hridaya'' (cardiac region), throat and senses, lightness of the head and pacification of the vitiated [[dosha]] are the signs of proper dhumapana. [36-38]
== Complications due to excess dhumapana and their management ==
बाधिर्यमान्ध्यमूकत्वं रक्तपित्तं शिरोभ्रमम्||३८||
अकाले चातिपीतश्च धूमः कुर्यादुपद्रवान्|
== Etymology ==
तत्रेष्टं सर्पिषः पानं नावनाञ्जनतर्पणम्||३९||  
<p style="text-align:justify;">Dhumpapana word is made up of two words- “dhuma” means smoke and “Pana” means to consume (drink or inhale). So, dhumapana means inhalation of medicated dhuma for treatment as well as prevention of different [[Vyadhi|diseases]].</p>
स्नैहिकं धूमजे दोषे वायुः पित्तानुगो यदि|
=== Synonyms ===
शीतं तु रक्तपित्ते स्याच्छ्लेष्मपित्ते विरूक्षणम्||४०||
* Dhumra
<div style="text-align:justify;">
=== Types of dhumapana ===
Untimely or excessive smoking causes complications like deafness, blindness, dumbness, [[raktapitta]] (hemorrhagic disorder – bleeding from nose), and giddiness. In such conditions intake of [[ghee]] is desirable.
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In the event of complications arising due to [[vata]] following [[pitta]], one shall apply nasal drops, collyrium and [[tarpana]] (keeping medicated [[ghee]] in the eye) prepared using unctuous articles.
!'''Acharya Charak'''
In case of [[raktapitta]], these shall be prepared with cooling drugs and in the case of complications arising out of an aggravated [[kapha]], they shall be prepared with [[ruksha]] drugs (causing dryness).[Cha.Su.5/38-40]
===== Contraindications of dhumapana =====
'''[Ch.Sa.[[Sutra Sthana|SutraSthana]], 5/58]'''
!'''Acharya Sushrut'''
परं त्वतः प्रवक्ष्यामि धूमो येषां विगर्हितः|  
'''[Su.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana|ChikitsaSthana]]40/4]'''
न विरिक्तः पिबेद्धूमं न कृते बस्तिकर्मणि||४१||
!'''Acharya Vagbhat'''
न रक्ती न विषेणार्तो न शोचन्न च गर्भिणी|  
'''[A.Hri. [[Sutra Sthana|SutraSthana]] 21/2]'''
न श्रमे न मदे नामे न पित्ते न प्रजागरे||४२||
!'''Acharya Sharangdhara'''
न मूर्च्छाभ्रमतृष्णासु न क्षीणे नापि च क्षते|  
'''[A.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana|Sutra Sthana]],30]'''
न मद्यदुग्धे  पीत्वा च न स्नेहं न च माक्षिकम्||४३||  
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# Prayogika or [[Shamana|shamana]] (for preventing/pacifying [[Vyadhi|diseases]])
# Vairechanika (purgative/ cleansing)
# Snaihika (lubricating)
# Prayogika or [[Shamana|Shamana]] (for preventing [[Vyadhi|diseases]])
# Vairechanika (purgative)
# Snaihika (lubricating)
# Kashaghna (antitussive)
# Vamaniya (vomit inducing)
# Snigdhadhuma (lubricating passages)
# Madhyamadhuma (Medium)
# TikshnaDhuma (Strong or Purifying)
# Shamanadhuma (balancing)
# Brimhanadhuma (nourishing)
# Rechanadhuma (Purgative)
# Kasahara dhuma (Antitussive)
# Vamana dhuma (Vomit inducing)
<ol><li style="font-weight:bold">Prayorika or [[Shamana|shamana]] dhumapana (preventing or pacifying [[Vyadhi|diseases]])<span style="font-weight:normal"><br/>Prayogika dhumapana is advised for healthy individuals for preservation of health and prevention of [[Vata dosha|vata]]-[[Kapha dosha|kapha]] dominant [[Vyadhi|diseases]] in supraclavicular region.</span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold">Snaihikadhumapana (lubricating)<span style="font-weight:normal"><br/>Snaihikadhumapana is done with unctuous substance and intended for oleation purpose.</span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold">Vairechanikadhumapana (cleansing)<span style="font-weight:normal"><br/>Vairechanikadhumapana is done with substance having cleansing properties with an intention to remove the aggravated [[Dosha|dosha]] in supraclavicular region.</span></li>
धूमं न भुक्त्वा दध्ना  च न रूक्षः क्रुद्ध एव च|  
== Time and frequency ==
न तालुशोषे तिमिरे शिरस्यभिहिते न च||४४||  
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|Two times a day
|Once a day till lacrimation in eyes starts
|Three to four times per day
|Acc. to acharya Charak, there are eight specific  times when it can be done
न शङ्खके न रोहिण्यां न मेहे न मदात्यये|
[Ch.Sa.[[Sutra Sthana|SutraSthana]]5/58]
एषु धूममकालेषु मोहात् पिबति यो नरः||४५||  
रोगास्तस्य प्रवर्धन्ते दारुणा धूमविभ्रमात्|४६|
# Snatva (After bathing)
# Bhuktva (After eating)
# Samulikhya (After vomiting)
# Kshutva (After sneezing)
# Dantanighrishya (After brushing teeth)
# Navanante (After nasya)
# Anjanante (After applying anjana)
# Nidrante (After waking up)
<div style="text-align:justify;">
Acc. To Acharya Sushrut four specific times  to do[Su.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 40/13]
Now I will explain the persons in whom smoking is contra-indicated: One who has followed [[virechana]] (therapeutic purgation), [[basti]] (therapeutic enema), a person who has disorders of [[rakta]], who is afflicted with poison, one who is in grief, during pregnancy, one who is fatigued, one who is intoxicated, one suffering from disorders of [[ama]] or [[pitta]], one who has had a sleepless night, one suffering from fainting, giddiness, thirst, emaciation or trauma, one who has just taken wine, milk, unctuous beverage or honey, one who has taken food along with curd, one who is afflicted with dryness, anger, dryness of the palate, [[timira]], head-injury, [[shankhaka]], [[rohini]], [[meha]](obstinate urinary disorders) or alcoholism. If a person, out of ignorance, smokes in these instances or in an untimely condition, his disorders will aggravate dreadfully due to complications of [[dhumapana]]. [Cha.Su.5/41-46]
== Method of dhumapana (smoke inhalation) ==
# After brushing teeth
# After bathing
# After consuming food
#  After any surgical procedure
|Acc. to acharya Sushrut
धूमयोग्यः पिबेद्दोषे शिरोघ्राणाक्षिसंश्रये||४६||  
[Su.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]], 40/13]
घ्राणेनास्येन कण्ठस्थे मुखेन घ्राणपो वमेत्|
# After evacuation of urine and faeces
आस्येन धूमकवलान् पिबन् घ्राणेन नोद्वमेत्||४७||
# After sneezing
# After laughing
# After coitus
# After anger
|Acc. to acharya Sushrut
प्रतिलोमं गतो ह्याशु धूमो हिंस्याद्धि चक्षुषी|४८|
[Su.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]], 40/13]  
ऋज्वङ्गचक्षुस्तच्चेताः सूपविष्टस्त्रिपर्ययम्||४८||  
# After bathing
# After day sleep (divashayan)
# After vomiting
पिबेच्छिद्रं पिधायैकं नासया धूममात्मवान्|४९|  
== Preparation of medicated wick for smoking (dhumavarti) ==
<ol style="text-align:justify;"><li style="font-weight:bold">Prayogika dhumapana<span style="font-weight:normal"> [Cha.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana|Sutra Sthana]] 5/20-24]<br/>'''Materials:''' Harenuka (Aconitum novoluridum), Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla), Prithvika (Ammonum subulatum), Keshar (Crocus sativus), Nakha (Helix aspera), Hriver (Pavonia odorata), [[Chandana|Chandan (Santalum album)]], [[Patra|Patra (Cinnamomum tamala)]], [[Twak|Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)]], [[Ela|Ela (Elettaria cardamomum)]], Usheera (Vetiveria zizaniodes), [[Padmaka|Padmaka (Prunus cerasoides)]], Dhyamaka (Cymbopogon martini), [[Madhuka|Madhuka (Madhuca longifolia)]], [[Jatamansi|Janmansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)]], [[Guggulu|Guggulu (Commiphora mukul)]], Agaru (Aquilaria agallocha), Sharkara, Nyagrodha (Ficus bengalensis), [[Udumbara|Udumbara (Ficus glomerata)]], [[Ashvattha|Ashvattha (Ficus religiosa)]], [[Plaksha|Plaksha (Ficus virens)]], [[Lodhra|Lodhra (Symplocos racemose)]], Vanya (Dioscorea bulbifera), Sarjarasa (Vateria indica), [[Musta|Musta (Cyprus rotundus)]], Shaileya (Parmelia perlata), Utpala, Shreeveshtaka (Pinus roxburghii), [[Shallaki|Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)]], Sthauneyaka (Taxus baccata). <br/>'''Method'''<br/>
* Make paste of above-mentioned drugs by grinding and adding water. 
* Stick that paste on a shareshika (pipe like structure) such that it’s width should be more in centre and narrow at the ends.
* [[Pramana|Pramana (measurements)]]: angushtha [[Pramana|pramana]] (thickness of thumb)
* Length: Twelve angula (measurement by fingers approx.21.12 cm). (Acc. to acharya Charak) and eight angula (measurement by fingers approx. 14.08 cm) (Acc. to acharya Sushrut)
* Dry that varti (wick) in shade and then remove it from shareshika (pipe like structure). </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold">Snaihika dhumapana<span style="font-weight:normal"> [Cha. Sa. [[Sutra Sthana|Sutra  Sthana]] 5/25]<br/>'''Materials:''' Vasa (fat), ghrita (clarified butter), Madhuchhishta (beeswax), Jeevaniya gana drugs (Jeevaka- Malaxis acuminate, Rishabhaka- Manilkara hexandra, Meda- Polygonatum cirrhifolium, Mahameda-  Polygonatum verticilatum, Kakoli- Fritillaria roylei, Ksheerkakoli-  Roscoea purpurea, Mudgaparni- Phaseolus trilobus, Mashaparni-  Teramnus labialis, Jeevanti-  Leptadenia reticulata, Madhuka- Glycyrrhiza glabra) <br/>'''Method'''<br/>
* Mix the jeevaniya gana dravya with vasa, ghrita and madhuchhishta (beeswax) </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold">Vairechanika dhumapana <span style="font-weight:normal"><br/>'''Materials:''' Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea), [[Jyotishmati|Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus)]], Hartal, Manah-shila, Gandha agaru (Aquiularia agallocha), [[Patra|Patra(Cinnamomum tamala)]] etc. <br/>'''Method'''<br/>
* Prepare the dhumavarti as mentioned above in prayogika dhumapana </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold">Dhumanetra (nozzle for the smoking)<span style="font-weight:normal"><br/>'''Material-''' Should be made of the same material as bastinetra (Suvarna- gold, silver, ranga-tin, lead, copper, bronze etc). <br/>'''Structure-'''
* It should have 3 kosha (curves).
* Base should have a hole of angushtha [[Pramana|pramana]] (.).
* Upper part should also have a hole of kolasthi [[Pramana|pramana]] (..). </span></li></ol>
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:justify;"
|+Acc. to acharya Sushruta dimensions for dhumavarti is described:
!Kasaghna and vamaniya
|'''[[Pramana|Pramana]]- kanishthika anguli (breadth with little finger) '''
<div style="text-align:justify;">
48 angula (84.48cm) length
The person eligible for dhumapana should inhale the smoke through nose in case of diseases of the head, nose and eye. [[Dhumapana]] is advised through mouth in case of diseases of throat. The person who has inhaled smoke through the nose shall exhale it by the mouth, but should not exhale it through nose, because the smoke traversing in the reverse direction injures the eyes quickly.
One should cautiously inhale smoke through one nostril after closing the other nostril, thrice in each round, thus for three rounds, in comfortable sitting position with straight body and eyes with concentration of mind. [46-49]
== Dhuma netra (nozzle of smoking pipe) ==
36 angula (63.36) length (Acc. To Acharya Charak)
|32 angula (56.32 cm) length
|24 angula (42.24 cm) length
|16 angula (28.16 cm) length
चतुर्विंशतिकं नेत्रं स्वाङ्गुलीभिर्विरेचने||४९||  
== Drugs for preparing dhumavarti ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:justify;"
| style="text-align:center;" |1.
|'''Snigdha or mridu (soft or lubricating)''' <br/>[A.Hr. [[Sutra Sthana|Sutra Sthana]] 21/13]  
|Agaru (Aquilaria agllocha), [[Guggulu|Guggulu (Commiphora mukul)]], Nagarmotha (Cyprus rotundus), Thuner (Taxus wallichiana), Shaileya (Parmelia perlata), [[Jatamansi|Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)]], Khas (Chrysopogon zizanioides), Netrabala (Pavonia odorata), Dalchini c, Renuka (Vitex negundo), Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Bilwa (Aegle marmelos) majja, Elvaluka (Prunus cerasus), Shreeveshtaka (Pinus roxburghii), Sarjarasa (Vateria indica), Dhyamka (Cymbopogon schoenanthus), [[Shallaki|Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)]], Kumkum (Mallotus philippensis), [[Masha|Masha (Vigna mungo)]], [[Yava|Yava (Hordeum vulgare)]], Kunduru (Coccinia grandis), [[Tila|Tila (Sesamum indicum)]], Sneha (Oil), [[Meda|Meda (fat)]], [[Majja|Majja]], Vasa (fat), Ghrita (Clarified butter)
| style="text-align:center;" |2.  
|'''Madhyama or [[Shamana|Shamana]] (moderate or pacifying)''' <br/>[A.Hr. [[Sutra Sthana|Sutra Sthana]] 21/16]
|[[Shallaki|Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)]], Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Prithvika (Ammonum subutalum), Kamal (Nelumbo nucifera), Utpala (Nymphea alba), Nyagrodha (Ficus bengalensis), [[Udumbara|Udumbara (Ficus glomerata)]], Ashvatha (Ficus religiosa), [[Plaksha|Plaksha (Ficus virens)]], [[Lodhra|Lodhra (Symplocos racemose)]], Twaka (Boswellia serrata), Sita, [[Yashtimadhu|Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)]], [[Padmaka|Padmaka (Prunus cerasoides)]], Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), [[Kushtha Chikitsa|Kushtha]] (Saussurea lappa), [[Tagara|Tagara (Valeriana wallichii)]]
| style="text-align:center;" |3.
|'''Teekshna (strong or cleansing)''' <br/>[A.Hr. [[Sutra Sthana|Sutra Sthana]] 21/17]
|[[Jyotishmati|Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus)]], [[Haridra|Haridra Curcuma longa)]], Dashamool (Bilwa- Aegle marmelos, Agnimantha- Premna mucronate, [[Shyonaka|Shyonaka- Oroxylum indicum]], [[Patala|Patala- Stereospermum suaveolens]], Gambhari- Gmelina arborea, Brihati- Solanum indicum, [[Kantakari|Kantakari- Solanum xanthocarpum]],  [[Gokshura|Gokshura- Tribulus terrestris]], Shalaparrni- Desmodium gangeticum, Prishnaparni- Uraria pictta), Manah-shila, Hartal, Laksha (Laccifer lacca), [[Apamarga|Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera)]], Triphala ([[Amalaki|Amalaki]]- Phyllanthus emblilca, Vibhitaki- Terminalia bellerica, Haritaki- Terminalia cheebula), Gandha dravya (aromatics), Shirovirechana gana (nasal errhines)
द्वात्रिंशदङ्गुलं स्नेहे प्रयोगेऽध्यर्धमिष्यते|  
== Indications ==
ऋजु त्रिकोषाफलितं कोलास्थ्यग्रप्रमाणितम्||५०||  
Dhumapana is indicated in following [[Vyadhi|diseases]]:
{| class="wikitable"
* Shiro gaurav (heaviness in head)
* Shira shoola (headache)
* Peenasa (commong cold)
* Ardhavabhedaka (migraine)
* Karna shoola (earache)
* Akshi shola (ocular pain)
* [[Kasa Chikitsa|Kasa (cough)]]
* [[Hikka Shwasa Chikitsa|Hikka (hiccups)]]
* [[Shwasa|Shwasa (asthma)]]
* Galagraha (sour throat)
* Danta-daurbalya (weakness in gums)
* Shrotra-strava (ear discharge)
* Ghrana- strava (nasal discharge)
* Akshi-strava (lacrimal discharge)
* Pootighrana (foul smell from nose)
* Aasayagandha (foul smell in mouth)
* Danta-shoola (pain in teeth)
* Arochaka (anorexia)
* Hanugraha (stiffness in jaw)
* Manyagraha (stiffness in Neck)
* Kandu (itching)
* Krimi (worm infestation)
* Mukha-panduta (pale face)
* Shleshma-Praseka (secretion from mouth)
* Vaiswarya (change in voice)
* Galshundi (uvulitis)
* Upjihvika (ranula)
* Khalitya (alopecia)
* Pinjaratva (white hair)
* Kesha-patana (hairfall)
* Kshavathu (sneezing)
* Atitandra (reduced acuity of perception)
* Buddhhimoha (delusion)
* Murcha (dizziness)
* Atinidra (hypersomnia)
Dhumapana provides strength to organs in shiras (head), kesha (hairs), akshi (eyes), karna (ears), swara (voice), and  throat.
बस्तिनेत्रसमद्रव्यं धूमनेत्रं प्रशस्यते|५१|
== Unfit for dhumapana ==
<ol><li>Those are having following [[Vyadhi|diseases]] should avoid taking dhumapana [Su.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 40/11]
{| class="wikitable"
* Shoka (grief)
* Shrama (fatigue)
* Bhaya (fear)
* Krodha (anger)
* Visha (toxins)
* [[Raktapitta|Raktapitta (bleeding disorder)]]
* Mada (intoxication)
* Murchha (unconsciousness)
* Daha (burning sensation in [[Sharira|body]])
* Pipasa (thirst)
* Urdhva vata
* Panduroga (anemia)
* Talushosha (dryness in palate)
* [[Chhardi Chikitsa|Chhardi (vomiting)]]
* Shiro-abhighata (Traumatic head injury)
* Udgara (belching)
* [[Langhana|Langhana]]
* Timir (myopia)
* [[Prameha Nidana|Prameha (diabetes)]]
* [[Udara Chikitsa|Udar (ascites)]]
* Adhmana (constipation)
* [[Kshatakshina Chikitsa|Kshata-ksheena (wasting/ Emaciation)]]
* Urah-kshata (tuberculosis)
<li>Unfit for dhumapana: vrudhha (old age), balaka (children), garbhini (pregnant women), durbala (weak), after [[Virechana|virechana]] (after purgation) and [[Asthapana basti|niruha basti (enema with decoction)]], ratri-jagrana (waking during night time), people having alpa [[Kapha dosha|kapha]] in [[Sharira|body]]. </li>
<li>Unfit after consuming: madhu (honey), ghrita (clarified butter), dadhi (curd), dugdha (milk), matsya (fish), madya (fermented drink), yavagu (gruels) </li></ol>
For the smoke inhalation for errhine purpose, the smoking pipe should be of the length twenty-four fingers breadth, measuring with one’s own finger;
== Procedure for dhumapana ==
For unctuous smoke, it should be of thirty-two fingers;
* Person should sit in a comfortable posture and breath normally.
and for daily smoke it should be longer by a half than the first.
* Place the dhumavarti in dhumanetra and ignite it.
* Then the person should inhale the smoke come out from the dhumavarti through one nostril.
* Exhale the same through mouth.
* In one round three puffs should be taken.
* Do the same procedure through another nostril.
* Inhalation of smoke can be done by nostril or mouth but exhalation should only be done through mouth.  
The smoking pipe recommended the most is a straight one having three knots/bulges, having the proximal caliber of the size of a ziziphus-stone and is made of the same materials as those of the [[basti]] nozzle. [Cha.Su.5/49-51]
== Clinical features of proper dhumapana [Cha.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana|Sutra Sthana]] 5/37] ==
* Purity and lightness in chest region (hrudaya),throat (kantha) and all sense organs ([[Indriya|indriya]]), lightness in head and supra clavicular region (urdhvajatru).
* Elimination of [[Kapha dosha|kapha]] and [[Vata dosha|vata dosha]].  
दूराद्विनिर्गतः पर्वच्छिन्नो नाडीतनूकृतः||५१||  
== Clinical features of less dhumapana [Su.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 40/12] ==
* Unclear voice
* [[Kapha dosha|Kapha]] in kantha (throat)
* Heaviness and stiffness in head
* Unclear oral cavity
नेन्द्रियं बाधते धूमो मात्राकालनिषेवितः|५२|
== Clinical features of excess dhumapana ==
{| class="wikitable"
!Acc. to acharya Sushrut
The smoke which comes from a distance, intercepted by the knots/bulges and attenuated by passing through the tapering pipe, taken with due consideration of dose and time does not impair the senses. [Cha.Su.5/51-52]
[Su.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 40/17]  
!Acc. to acharya Charak
== Effects of less, proper & excess dhumapana (smoke inhalation) ==
[Ch.Sa.[[Sutra Sthana|Sutra Sthana]] 5/38-39]
* Talushosha (dryness of palate)  
* Galashosha (dryness of throat)
* Daha (burning sensation in [[Sharira|body]])
* Pipasa (thirst)
* Murchha (unconsciousness)
* Bhrama (delusion)
* Mada (intoxication)
* Karna-kshveda (tinnitus)
* Drishti-roga (eye diseases)  
* Nasa-roga (nasal diseases)
* Daurbalya (weakness)
* Badhirya (deafness)
* Aandhya (blindness)
* Mukatva (unable to talk)
* [[Raktapitta|Raktapitta (bleeding disorder)]]
* Shiro-bhrama (delusion)
यदा चोरश्च कण्ठश्च शिरश्च लघुतां व्रजेत्||५२||
== Clinical features of dhumapana at improper time  [Su. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 40/12] ==
कफश्च तनुतां प्राप्तः सुपीतं धूममादिशेत्|  
* Bhrama (delusion)
* Murchha (unconsciousness)
* Shiroruja (headache)
* [[Ghrana|Ghrana (nose)]], [[Shrotra|shrotra (ear)]], jihva (tongue) [[Vyadhi|diseases]].
अविशुद्धः स्वरो यस्य कण्ठश्च सकफो भवेत्||५३||  
== Dhumapana indicated as treatment for various diseases ==
स्तिमितो मस्तकश्चैवमपीतं धूममादिशेत्|  
<ol style="text-align:justify;"><li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">Vairechanika dhumapana is prescribed in the treatment of krimi (worm infestation), [[Kushtha Chikitsa|kushtha (Skin diseases)]], kilasa (Vitiligo). [Cha. Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 7/ 49] </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">In [[Unmada Chikitsa|unmada chikitsa]], if the patient is having peenasa (paranasal sinusitis) and mukhapraseka (excessive salivation), then the vairechanika dhumapana or dhumapana prepared with [[Shweta|shweta (Clitoria  ternatea)]] etc, drugs with hngu (Ferula  aesfoetida) should be used. [Cha. Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 9/73] </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">Vataja pratishyaya (allergic rhinitis): Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), [[Twak|Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)]], Bala (Sida cordifolia), [[Shyonaka|Shyonaka  (Oroxylum indicum)]], [[Eranda|Erand (Ricinus communis)]] moola, Aragwadha (Cassia fistula), paste (kalka) of these drugs should be added with madhuchhishta (Beeswax), vasa (fat) and ghrita (clarified butter), and prepared dhumavarti should be used. [Cha. Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chiikitsa Sthana]] 30/ 136] </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">Naveen pratishyaya (rhinitis): Dhumavarti made of [[Yava|yava (Hordeum vulgare)]] saktu and ghrita (clarified butter) should be used for dhumapana. [Cha.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 30/137]</span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">Kaphaja pratishyaya (rhinitis): Dhumavarti made up of [[Katu|pungent (katu)]] rasa [[Dravya|dravya]] should be used. [Cha.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 30/ 151] </span></li>
<li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">Shiriroga (diseases of head): Dhumavarti prepared from Erandamoola (Ricinus communis), [[Jatamansi|Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)]], Kshauma, [[Guggulu|Guggulu (Commiphora mukul)]], Agaru (Aquilaria agallocha), [[Chandana|Chandana (Santalum album)]] should be used. [Cha.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana|Chikitsa Sthana]] 30/ 182] </span></li></ol>
तालु मूर्धा च कण्ठश्च शुष्यते परितप्यते||५४||
== Contemporary approach ==
तृष्यते मुह्यते जन्तू रक्तं च स्रवतेऽधिकम्|  
=== Mode of action<ref name="ref1">[https://www.healingearth.co.in/Treatments/Dhumapana/41 Dhumapana Ayurvedic treatment in Bangalore | Ayurvedic Dhumapana Therapy in Bangalore (healingearth.co.in)] (last accessed on 6-june-2023, 11:50 A.M.)</ref> ===
शिरश्च भ्रमतेऽत्यर्थं मूर्च्छा चास्योपजायते||५५||
<p style="text-align:justify;">The dhumapana, when ignited releases the volatile substances in the nostrils, which  are absorbed resulting in vasodilatation and stimulation of surrounding nerves of nasopharynx and the olfactory nerve. This stimulates the endocrine system and nervous system also. Same way when these volatile substances are inhaled and reach  lungs, it leads to a soothing effect and eases the difficulty of breathing because of their bronchodilator effect. </p>
इन्द्रियाण्युपतप्यन्ते धूमेऽत्यर्थं निषेविते|५६|
<div style="text-align:justify;">
=== Previous research works ===
When the chest, throat and head feel light and the [[kapha]] is liquefied, it is said to be a correct smoking.
<ol style="text-align:justify;"><li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">Dhumapana: An effective Ayurvedic herbal smoking technique for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 like [[Vyadhi|diseases]]: In this article, a description of [[Ayurveda|ayurveda]] procedure dhumapana and its customized preparation method with basic ingredients are described for first-aid treatment of respiratory [[Vyadhi|diseases]] like COVID-19 and for prevention as well.<ref name="ref2">Kumaravel, G. (2020) Dhumapana: An effective ayurvedic herbal smoking technique for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 like diseases. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343111210_Dhumapana_An_effective_Ayurvedic_herbal_smoking_technique_for_prevention_and_treatment_of_COVID-19_like_diseases (Accessed: April 14, 2023). </ref></span></li>
If the voice is not clear, the throat is filled with [[kapha]] and the head feels heavy, it is said to be an insufficient smoking.
<li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">Effect of Haridra (turmeric) dhumapana and swasakuthara rasa in tamaka shvasa: A comparative trial<ref name="ref3">Patil, S. (2020) Sankramma Patil et al: Effect of Haridra Dhumapana and Svasakutara Ras in Tamaka svasa- A comparative study. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manjunatha-Ns/publication/347541615_EFFECT_OF_HARIDRA_DHUMAPANA_AND_SVASAKUTARA_RAS_IN_TAMAKA_SVASA_-A_COMPARATIVE_STUDY/links/5fe1958aa6fdccdcb8ef9e50/EFFECT-OF-HARIDRA-DHUMAPANA-AND-SVASAKUTARA-RAS-IN-TAMAKA-SVASA-A-COMPARATIVE-STUDY.pdf (Accessed: April 15, 2023). </ref></span></li>
If the palate, head and throat feel parched and become hot and the person feels thirsty, stupefied and unconscious, or if the person bleeds profusely and the head feels light and dizzy or if the person becomes unconscious or his senses feel agitated, it should be known that the smoking has been done in excess. [Cha.Su.5/52-56]
<li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">The effect of dhumapana therapy in comparative study of Haridra (turmeric) dhumapana and Behada dhumavarti in the preventive management of tamaka shwasa.<ref name="ref4">Tawar, V.L.S. et al. (no date) The effect of Dhumpana Therapy in comparative study of Haridra Dhumpana and Behada Dhumvarti in the preventive management of Tamak shwasa, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences. Available at: https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/806 (Accessed: April 15, 2023). </ref></span></li></ol>
The above-mentioned works have described the concepts and benefits of dhumapana and its effects in treatment of infectious as well as non-infectious [[Vyadhi|diseases]]. Mainly, it is found useful in the [[Vyadhi|diseases]] pertaining to head and neck - urdhwajatrugata roga ([[Vyadhi|diseases]] manifested above the clavicle).
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The word ‘dhuma’ (also spelled as dhooma) means smoke and ‘pana’ means to consume. Thus, the word ‘dhumapana’ means taking smoke inside. In ancient times, dhumapana was a part of daily regimen (dinacharya); wherein a specific procedure is adopted for the smoke inhalation through nose and exhaled through mouth, with help of a medicated wick (varti) containing herbs. However, currently this practice has been limited as an ayurveda treatment procedure in management of certain conditions. Ayurvedic dhumapana is generally misunderstood with the dhumrapana, the basic difference between both is that in Ayurvedic dhumapana, smoke inhalation of medicated herbs is done via nose and exhalation from mouth. While dhumrapana is mainly via mouth and exhalation through nosemouth or both as hukkah, bidi, cigarette, cigar etc.. This smoke inhalation is injurious to health and can lead to eye disorders, respiratory diseases and other complications. Dhumapana (medicated smoking) can be used for prevention and treatment of the diseases in upper clavicular region (urdhvajatrugataroga). This chapter deals with the description of dhumapana.

Section/Chapter/topic Concepts& Practices /Dhumapana
Authors Bhojani M. K. 1,
Jain Rahul1,Singh Priti 2
Deole Y.S.3
Reviewer & Editor Basisht G.4
Affiliations 1 Department of Sharir Kriya, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
2Department of Swasthavritta, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
3Department of Kayachikitsa, G.J.Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
4 Rheumatologist, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Correspondence emails meera.samhita@aiia.gov.in,
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre, I.T.R.A., Jamnagar, India
Date of publication: June 16, 2023
DOI 10.47468/CSNE.2023.e01.s09.141


Dhumpapana word is made up of two words- “dhuma” means smoke and “Pana” means to consume (drink or inhale). So, dhumapana means inhalation of medicated dhuma for treatment as well as prevention of different diseases.


  • Dhumra

Types of dhumapana

Acharya Charak

[Ch.Sa.SutraSthana, 5/58]

Acharya Sushrut


Acharya Vagbhat

[A.Hri. SutraSthana 21/2]

Acharya Sharangdhara

[A.Sa. Sutra Sthana,30]

  1. Prayogika or shamana (for preventing/pacifying diseases)
  2. Vairechanika (purgative/ cleansing)
  3. Snaihika (lubricating)
  1. Prayogika or Shamana (for preventing diseases)
  2. Vairechanika (purgative)
  3. Snaihika (lubricating)
  4. Kashaghna (antitussive)
  5. Vamaniya (vomit inducing)
  1. Snigdhadhuma (lubricating passages)
  2. Madhyamadhuma (Medium)
  3. TikshnaDhuma (Strong or Purifying)
  1. Shamanadhuma (balancing)
  2. Brimhanadhuma (nourishing)
  3. Rechanadhuma (Purgative)
  4. Kasahara dhuma (Antitussive)
  5. Vamana dhuma (Vomit inducing)
  1. Prayorika or shamana dhumapana (preventing or pacifying diseases)
    Prayogika dhumapana is advised for healthy individuals for preservation of health and prevention of vata-kapha dominant diseases in supraclavicular region.
  2. Snaihikadhumapana (lubricating)
    Snaihikadhumapana is done with unctuous substance and intended for oleation purpose.
  3. Vairechanikadhumapana (cleansing)
    Vairechanikadhumapana is done with substance having cleansing properties with an intention to remove the aggravated dosha in supraclavicular region.

Time and frequency

Prayogika Snaihika Vairechaanika
Two times a day Once a day till lacrimation in eyes starts Three to four times per day
Acc. to acharya Charak, there are eight specific times when it can be done


  1. Snatva (After bathing)
  2. Bhuktva (After eating)
  3. Samulikhya (After vomiting)
  4. Kshutva (After sneezing)
  5. Dantanighrishya (After brushing teeth)
  6. Navanante (After nasya)
  7. Anjanante (After applying anjana)
  8. Nidrante (After waking up)

Acc. To Acharya Sushrut four specific times to do[Su.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 40/13]

  1. After brushing teeth
  2. After bathing
  3. After consuming food
  4. After any surgical procedure
Acc. to acharya Sushrut

[Su.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana, 40/13]

  1. After evacuation of urine and faeces
  2. After sneezing
  3. After laughing
  4. After coitus
  5. After anger
Acc. to acharya Sushrut

[Su.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana, 40/13]

  1. After bathing
  2. After day sleep (divashayan)
  3. After vomiting

Preparation of medicated wick for smoking (dhumavarti)

  1. Prayogika dhumapana [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 5/20-24]
    Materials: Harenuka (Aconitum novoluridum), Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla), Prithvika (Ammonum subulatum), Keshar (Crocus sativus), Nakha (Helix aspera), Hriver (Pavonia odorata), Chandan (Santalum album), Patra (Cinnamomum tamala), Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Usheera (Vetiveria zizaniodes), Padmaka (Prunus cerasoides), Dhyamaka (Cymbopogon martini), Madhuka (Madhuca longifolia), Janmansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Agaru (Aquilaria agallocha), Sharkara, Nyagrodha (Ficus bengalensis), Udumbara (Ficus glomerata), Ashvattha (Ficus religiosa), Plaksha (Ficus virens), Lodhra (Symplocos racemose), Vanya (Dioscorea bulbifera), Sarjarasa (Vateria indica), Musta (Cyprus rotundus), Shaileya (Parmelia perlata), Utpala, Shreeveshtaka (Pinus roxburghii), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), Sthauneyaka (Taxus baccata).
    • Make paste of above-mentioned drugs by grinding and adding water.
    • Stick that paste on a shareshika (pipe like structure) such that it’s width should be more in centre and narrow at the ends.
    • Pramana (measurements): angushtha pramana (thickness of thumb)
    • Length: Twelve angula (measurement by fingers approx.21.12 cm). (Acc. to acharya Charak) and eight angula (measurement by fingers approx. 14.08 cm) (Acc. to acharya Sushrut)
    • Dry that varti (wick) in shade and then remove it from shareshika (pipe like structure).
  2. Snaihika dhumapana [Cha. Sa. Sutra Sthana 5/25]
    Materials: Vasa (fat), ghrita (clarified butter), Madhuchhishta (beeswax), Jeevaniya gana drugs (Jeevaka- Malaxis acuminate, Rishabhaka- Manilkara hexandra, Meda- Polygonatum cirrhifolium, Mahameda- Polygonatum verticilatum, Kakoli- Fritillaria roylei, Ksheerkakoli- Roscoea purpurea, Mudgaparni- Phaseolus trilobus, Mashaparni- Teramnus labialis, Jeevanti- Leptadenia reticulata, Madhuka- Glycyrrhiza glabra)
    • Mix the jeevaniya gana dravya with vasa, ghrita and madhuchhishta (beeswax)
  3. Vairechanika dhumapana
    Materials: Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea), Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Hartal, Manah-shila, Gandha agaru (Aquiularia agallocha), Patra(Cinnamomum tamala) etc.
    • Prepare the dhumavarti as mentioned above in prayogika dhumapana
  4. Dhumanetra (nozzle for the smoking)
    Material- Should be made of the same material as bastinetra (Suvarna- gold, silver, ranga-tin, lead, copper, bronze etc).
    • It should have 3 kosha (curves).
    • Base should have a hole of angushtha pramana (.).
    • Upper part should also have a hole of kolasthi pramana (..).
Acc. to acharya Sushruta dimensions for dhumavarti is described:
Prayogika Snaihika Vairechanika Kasaghna and vamaniya
Pramana- kanishthika anguli (breadth with little finger)

48 angula (84.48cm) length

36 angula (63.36) length (Acc. To Acharya Charak)

32 angula (56.32 cm) length 24 angula (42.24 cm) length 16 angula (28.16 cm) length

Drugs for preparing dhumavarti

S.No. Dhumpana Drugs
1. Snigdha or mridu (soft or lubricating)
[A.Hr. Sutra Sthana 21/13]  
Agaru (Aquilaria agllocha), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Nagarmotha (Cyprus rotundus), Thuner (Taxus wallichiana), Shaileya (Parmelia perlata), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Khas (Chrysopogon zizanioides), Netrabala (Pavonia odorata), Dalchini c, Renuka (Vitex negundo), Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Bilwa (Aegle marmelos) majja, Elvaluka (Prunus cerasus), Shreeveshtaka (Pinus roxburghii), Sarjarasa (Vateria indica), Dhyamka (Cymbopogon schoenanthus), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), Kumkum (Mallotus philippensis), Masha (Vigna mungo), Yava (Hordeum vulgare), Kunduru (Coccinia grandis), Tila (Sesamum indicum), Sneha (Oil), Meda (fat), Majja, Vasa (fat), Ghrita (Clarified butter)
2.   Madhyama or Shamana (moderate or pacifying)
[A.Hr. Sutra Sthana 21/16]
Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Prithvika (Ammonum subutalum), Kamal (Nelumbo nucifera), Utpala (Nymphea alba), Nyagrodha (Ficus bengalensis), Udumbara (Ficus glomerata), Ashvatha (Ficus religiosa), Plaksha (Ficus virens), Lodhra (Symplocos racemose), Twaka (Boswellia serrata), Sita, Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Padmaka (Prunus cerasoides), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Kushtha (Saussurea lappa), Tagara (Valeriana wallichii)
3. Teekshna (strong or cleansing)
[A.Hr. Sutra Sthana 21/17]
Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Haridra Curcuma longa), Dashamool (Bilwa- Aegle marmelos, Agnimantha- Premna mucronate, Shyonaka- Oroxylum indicum, Patala- Stereospermum suaveolens, Gambhari- Gmelina arborea, Brihati- Solanum indicum, Kantakari- Solanum xanthocarpumGokshura- Tribulus terrestris, Shalaparrni- Desmodium gangeticum, Prishnaparni- Uraria pictta), Manah-shila, Hartal, Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), Triphala (Amalaki- Phyllanthus emblilca, Vibhitaki- Terminalia bellerica, Haritaki- Terminalia cheebula), Gandha dravya (aromatics), Shirovirechana gana (nasal errhines)


Dhumapana is indicated in following diseases:

  • Shiro gaurav (heaviness in head)
  • Shira shoola (headache)
  • Peenasa (commong cold)
  • Ardhavabhedaka (migraine)
  • Karna shoola (earache)
  • Akshi shola (ocular pain)
  • Kasa (cough)
  • Hikka (hiccups)
  • Shwasa (asthma)
  • Galagraha (sour throat)
  • Danta-daurbalya (weakness in gums)
  • Shrotra-strava (ear discharge)
  • Ghrana- strava (nasal discharge)
  • Akshi-strava (lacrimal discharge)
  • Pootighrana (foul smell from nose)
  • Aasayagandha (foul smell in mouth)
  • Danta-shoola (pain in teeth)
  • Arochaka (anorexia)
  • Hanugraha (stiffness in jaw)
  • Manyagraha (stiffness in Neck)
  • Kandu (itching)
  • Krimi (worm infestation)
  • Mukha-panduta (pale face)
  • Shleshma-Praseka (secretion from mouth)
  • Vaiswarya (change in voice)
  • Galshundi (uvulitis)
  • Upjihvika (ranula)
  • Khalitya (alopecia)
  • Pinjaratva (white hair)
  • Kesha-patana (hairfall)
  • Kshavathu (sneezing)
  • Atitandra (reduced acuity of perception)
  • Buddhhimoha (delusion)
  • Murcha (dizziness)
  • Atinidra (hypersomnia)

Dhumapana provides strength to organs in shiras (head), kesha (hairs), akshi (eyes), karna (ears), swara (voice), and throat.

Unfit for dhumapana

  1. Those are having following diseases should avoid taking dhumapana [Su.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 40/11]
    • Shoka (grief)
    • Shrama (fatigue)
    • Bhaya (fear)
    • Krodha (anger)
    • Visha (toxins)
    • Raktapitta (bleeding disorder)
    • Mada (intoxication)
    • Murchha (unconsciousness)
    • Daha (burning sensation in body)
    • Pipasa (thirst)
    • Urdhva vata
    • Panduroga (anemia)
  2. Unfit for dhumapana: vrudhha (old age), balaka (children), garbhini (pregnant women), durbala (weak), after virechana (after purgation) and niruha basti (enema with decoction), ratri-jagrana (waking during night time), people having alpa kapha in body.
  3. Unfit after consuming: madhu (honey), ghrita (clarified butter), dadhi (curd), dugdha (milk), matsya (fish), madya (fermented drink), yavagu (gruels)

Procedure for dhumapana

  • Person should sit in a comfortable posture and breath normally.
  • Place the dhumavarti in dhumanetra and ignite it.
  • Then the person should inhale the smoke come out from the dhumavarti through one nostril.
  • Exhale the same through mouth.
  • In one round three puffs should be taken.
  • Do the same procedure through another nostril.
  • Inhalation of smoke can be done by nostril or mouth but exhalation should only be done through mouth.

Clinical features of proper dhumapana [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 5/37]

  • Purity and lightness in chest region (hrudaya),throat (kantha) and all sense organs (indriya), lightness in head and supra clavicular region (urdhvajatru).
  • Elimination of kapha and vata dosha.

Clinical features of less dhumapana [Su.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 40/12]

  • Unclear voice
  • Kapha in kantha (throat)
  • Heaviness and stiffness in head
  • Unclear oral cavity

Clinical features of excess dhumapana

Acc. to acharya Sushrut

[Su.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 40/17]

Acc. to acharya Charak

[Ch.Sa.Sutra Sthana 5/38-39]

  • Talushosha (dryness of palate)  
  • Galashosha (dryness of throat)
  • Daha (burning sensation in body)
  • Pipasa (thirst)
  • Murchha (unconsciousness)
  • Bhrama (delusion)
  • Mada (intoxication)
  • Karna-kshveda (tinnitus)
  • Drishti-roga (eye diseases)
  • Nasa-roga (nasal diseases)
  • Daurbalya (weakness)

Clinical features of dhumapana at improper time [Su. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 40/12]

Dhumapana indicated as treatment for various diseases

  1. Vairechanika dhumapana is prescribed in the treatment of krimi (worm infestation), kushtha (Skin diseases), kilasa (Vitiligo). [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 7/ 49]
  2. In unmada chikitsa, if the patient is having peenasa (paranasal sinusitis) and mukhapraseka (excessive salivation), then the vairechanika dhumapana or dhumapana prepared with shweta (Clitoria ternatea) etc, drugs with hngu (Ferula aesfoetida) should be used. [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 9/73]
  3. Vataja pratishyaya (allergic rhinitis): Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Shyonaka (Oroxylum indicum), Erand (Ricinus communis) moola, Aragwadha (Cassia fistula), paste (kalka) of these drugs should be added with madhuchhishta (Beeswax), vasa (fat) and ghrita (clarified butter), and prepared dhumavarti should be used. [Cha. Sa. Chiikitsa Sthana 30/ 136]
  4. Naveen pratishyaya (rhinitis): Dhumavarti made of yava (Hordeum vulgare) saktu and ghrita (clarified butter) should be used for dhumapana. [Cha.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 30/137]
  5. Kaphaja pratishyaya (rhinitis): Dhumavarti made up of pungent (katu) rasa dravya should be used. [Cha.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 30/ 151]
  6. Shiriroga (diseases of head): Dhumavarti prepared from Erandamoola (Ricinus communis), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Kshauma, Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Agaru (Aquilaria agallocha), Chandana (Santalum album) should be used. [Cha.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 30/ 182]

Contemporary approach

Mode of action[1]

The dhumapana, when ignited releases the volatile substances in the nostrils, which are absorbed resulting in vasodilatation and stimulation of surrounding nerves of nasopharynx and the olfactory nerve. This stimulates the endocrine system and nervous system also. Same way when these volatile substances are inhaled and reach lungs, it leads to a soothing effect and eases the difficulty of breathing because of their bronchodilator effect.

Previous research works

  1. Dhumapana: An effective Ayurvedic herbal smoking technique for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 like diseases: In this article, a description of ayurveda procedure dhumapana and its customized preparation method with basic ingredients are described for first-aid treatment of respiratory diseases like COVID-19 and for prevention as well.[2]
  2. Effect of Haridra (turmeric) dhumapana and swasakuthara rasa in tamaka shvasa: A comparative trial[3]
  3. The effect of dhumapana therapy in comparative study of Haridra (turmeric) dhumapana and Behada dhumavarti in the preventive management of tamaka shwasa.[4]

The above-mentioned works have described the concepts and benefits of dhumapana and its effects in treatment of infectious as well as non-infectious diseases. Mainly, it is found useful in the diseases pertaining to head and neck - urdhwajatrugata roga (diseases manifested above the clavicle).

Send us your suggestions and feedback on this page.


  1. Dhumapana Ayurvedic treatment in Bangalore | Ayurvedic Dhumapana Therapy in Bangalore (healingearth.co.in) (last accessed on 6-june-2023, 11:50 A.M.)
  2. Kumaravel, G. (2020) Dhumapana: An effective ayurvedic herbal smoking technique for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 like diseases. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343111210_Dhumapana_An_effective_Ayurvedic_herbal_smoking_technique_for_prevention_and_treatment_of_COVID-19_like_diseases (Accessed: April 14, 2023).
  3. Patil, S. (2020) Sankramma Patil et al: Effect of Haridra Dhumapana and Svasakutara Ras in Tamaka svasa- A comparative study. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manjunatha-Ns/publication/347541615_EFFECT_OF_HARIDRA_DHUMAPANA_AND_SVASAKUTARA_RAS_IN_TAMAKA_SVASA_-A_COMPARATIVE_STUDY/links/5fe1958aa6fdccdcb8ef9e50/EFFECT-OF-HARIDRA-DHUMAPANA-AND-SVASAKUTARA-RAS-IN-TAMAKA-SVASA-A-COMPARATIVE-STUDY.pdf (Accessed: April 15, 2023).
  4. Tawar, V.L.S. et al. (no date) The effect of Dhumpana Therapy in comparative study of Haridra Dhumpana and Behada Dhumvarti in the preventive management of Tamak shwasa, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences. Available at: https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/806 (Accessed: April 15, 2023).