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<p style='text-align:justify;'>Emblica officinalis Gaertn or Phyllanthus emblica L. is an extensively used herb in [[Ayurveda]] for dietary and therapeutic purpose as well. </p>
|title = [[Charak Samhita|Contents]]  
|title = Amalaki
|header1 = All Sections
|label1 = Section/Chapter
|data1 = Herb database/Amalaki
|label2 = Botanical name(s)
|data2 = Emblica officinalis Gaertn, Phyllanthus emblica L.
|label3 = Family
|data3 = Euphorbiaceae
|label4 = Contributors
|data4 = --
|label5 = Year of publication
|data5 =  2021
|label6 = Publisher
|data6 =  [[Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre]]
|label7 = DOI
|data7  = Awaited
==English name ==
Emblic myrobalan, Indian gooseberry
== Therapeutic Uses3:- ==
Bleeding disorders(Raktapitta), Acidity(Amlapitta), Diabetes mellitus (Prameha), Burning sensation (Daha)
|data2= [[Sutra Sthana]],[[Nidana Sthana]], [[Vimana Sthana]], [[Sharira Sthana]], [[Indriya Sthana]], [[Chikitsa Sthana]], [[Kalpa Sthana]], [[Siddhi Sthana]]
== Synonyms in Charaka Samhita ==
Dhatri (that nourishes like mother), Dhatriphala (fruits from Dhatri), Sriphala (auspicious fruit), Vayastha (that which enhance longevity and delays ageing), Vayasya (that which enhance longevity and delays ageing), Amritphala (fruit with elixir)
== Synonyms in Bhavaprakasha Nighantu2 ==
Vayasya, Amalaki, Vrishya, Jatiphalarasa, Shiva, Dhatriphala, Sriphala, Amritaphala, Dhatri, Tishyaphala, Amruta
== Other varieties / Other botanical names:- ==
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Emblica officinalis Gaertn or Phyllanthus emblica L. is an extensively used herb in Ayurveda for dietary and therapeutic purpose as well.
*      Cicca emblica (L.) Kurz
* Diasperus emblica (L.) Kuntze
* Dichelactina nodicaulis Hance
* Emblica arborea Raf.
* Emblica officinalis Gaertn.
* Phyllanthus glomeratus Roxb. ex Wall. nom. inval.
* Phyllanthus mairei H.Lév.
* Phyllanthus mimosifolius Salisb.
* Phyllanthus taxifolius D.Don
Section/Chapter Herb database/Amalaki
Botanical name(s) Emblica officinalis Gaertn, Phyllanthus emblica L.
Family Euphorbiaceae
Contributors --
Year of publication 2024
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre
DOI Awaited


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