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|keywords=Adharma, carakasamhitaonline, charak samhita online, Bhojani M. K., Joglekar Aishwarya, Basisht G., Deole Y.S., Paapa, Paapakarma, Aparadha, Durachara, Dushkarma, Dharma-Patana, Dharma-Abhasa, Dharma-Avarodha, Adharma as a cause of occurrence of different diseases, janapadodhwansa, Detrition of paada of dharma, Adharma in philosophical,
|description=The word ‘yapana’ means to sustain or to maintain. The therapeutic enema (basti) intended for sustaining life is termed as ‘Yapana basti’.
|image_alt=carak samhita
<p style="text-align:justify;">Adharma means deviation or not following the righteousness (dharma).  Dharma is one of the four inherent values of the universe (purushartha). It is a factor that controls and regulates the universe (loka). Thus making it a necessary entity for the proper functioning of universe. (Arundatta on A. H. Sutra sthana 1/2). Adharma is often linked with prajnaparadha or karma factor in causing disease. [Cha. Sa. Vimana Sthana 3/20] According to common belief, any act or conduct which was in disobedience to rules of dharma is termed as adharma. In socio-cultural practices, it was declared to be injurious to society and the individual.<ref name="ref1">M.Rama Jois (2004), Trivarga, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhava</ref> The classical understanding of dharma- adharma is different from the religious practices  and belief as it incorporates the multifaceted concepts like duty, morals , code and conduct , way of living , social behaviour and day to day habits.<ref name="ref2">K.L. BHATIA, The Concept Of Dharma: Corpus Juris A Comparative Study Of Law And Morality 05 (Deep & Deep Publications 2010).</ref> It is thus an important factor in disease causation and should be addressed with the various measures mentioned in the Ayurveda Samhita. The contemporary sciences also consider the aspect of human morality and behaviour in causation of disease. A recent study has shown that the human morality has ability to link with the pathogens and cause infectious diseases.<ref name="ref3">Atari M, Reimer NK, Graham J, Hoover J, Kennedy B, Davani AM, et al. Pathogens are linked to human moral systems across time and space. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology. 2022 Jan 1;3:100060.</ref> WHO has stated that the lifestyle diseases or non-communicable dieases are results of rapid unplanned urbanization, globalization of unhealthy lifestyles, ageing population and unhealthy diets.<ref name="ref4">Non communicable diseases [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 31]. Available from:</ref> Many studies have shown that the recent times have witnessed the crisis of morality and moral values due to changing lifestyle and behaviour.<ref name="ref5">Parihar R, Parihar P, Sharma DJ. Decline of Ethics and Moral Values in Present Scenario – An Analysis. IntJCurrMicrobiolAppSci. 2018 Sep 20;7(09):1085–92.</ref> Thus the psychology of morality is an important aspect in maintaining the personal and social wellbeing of any individual in any healthcare system.<ref name="ref6">Ellemers N, van der Toorn J, Paunov Y, van Leeuwen T. The Psychology of Morality: A Review and Analysis of Empirical Studies Published From 1940 Through 2017. Pers Soc Psychol Rev. 2019 Nov;23(4):332–66.</ref> For instance, the Janapadodhwansa chapter [Cha. Sa. Vimana Sthana 3] focuses on the disease occurrence due to environmental and human factors as a result of human behaviour correlated with adharma. <br/>The adharma practices can be related as a cause for higher incidences of genetic disorders , congenital diseases, auto-immune conditions and idiopathic disorders. the root cause of disease is very difficult to process. The gene expression may differ in different indviduals depending on their psycho-physical makeup and epigenetic changes influenced by ones' behaviour. Thus gene attribution is affected by behaviour underlining the role of concepts like adharma in healthcare. <br/>This article attempts to throw light upon few of such aspects in purview of classical and contemporary literature. </p>
|title =  Contributors
|label1 = Section/Chapter/topic
|data1 = Concepts/[[Adharma]] 
|label2 = Authors
|data2 = Bhojani M. K. <sup>1</sup>, Joglekar Aishwarya <sup>2</sup>
|label3 = Reviewer
|data3 = Basisht G.<sup>3</sup>,
|label4 = Editor
|data4 = Deole Y.S.<sup>4</sup>
|label5 = Affiliations
|data5 = <sup>1</sup> Department of Sharir Kriya, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
<sup>2</sup> Department of Samhita Siddhant, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India
<sup>3</sup> Rheumatologist, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
<sup>4</sup> Department of Kayachikitsa, G. J. Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
|label6 = Correspondence emails
|data6 = [], <br/>[]
|label7 = Publisher
|data7 = [[Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre]], I.T.R.A., Jamnagar, India
|label8 = Date of publication:
|data8 =August 25, 2023
|label9 = DOI
|data9 = {{DoiWithLink}}
== Etymology and definition ==
<ul style="text-align:justify;"><li>Monnier Williams dictionary defines the adharma as unrighteousness, injustice, irreligion, sin, immorality, wickedness; demerit etc.<ref name="ref7">Monier-Williams, M. (1872). A Sanskṛit-English dictionary, Page No. 20 , Available from</ref> It is also termed as one of the name of Daksha Prajapati, the son of Bramha.</li>
<li>Vachaspatyam<ref name="ref8">Bhaṭṭācārya, T. V. (1873). Vācaspatyam: bṛhat saṃskṛtābhidhānam. 5 5. Vārāṇasī, Caukhambā Sanskrita Series Office. Available from:</ref> defines it as the actions contrary to dharma or all those actions done contrary to those mentioned in Veda etc. </li>
<li>Shabdakalpadruma also mentions it as sin (paapa ), crime (aparadha), behaviour inconsistent with the vedic and authoritative texts (shruti shastra viruddha achara) etc.<ref name="ref9">RāDhāKāNtadeva, Vasu, V., & VASU, H. (1886).Śabdakalpadrumah , Page No. 37 , Available from</ref></li>
<li>Tarkasangraha mentions that dharma and adharma amongst the 24 types of guna residing in atma, where dharma is resul of Vihita Karma i.e. actions to be properly followed while adharma as the Nishiddha Karma or the actions to be avoided as per the instructions of the Veda texts. (Tarkasangraha verse no. 3)</li>
<li>Dalhana has explained adharma as questionable character (dushcharita) or improper physical (kayika), verbal (vachika), mental (manasika) behaviour. (Dalhana on Su. Sa. Sutra Sthana 6/19)</li>
<li>Arundatta mentions all the hinsadi karma or violence related activities under the umbrella of adharma (A.H. Nidana Sthana 6/8). Ashtang Sangraha also considers bhootadaya (compassion towards all living beings including humans and animals) as greatest dharma contrary to which adharma indicates the violence towards the living beings. (A. S. Sutra Sthana 2/39)</li></ul>
== Synonyms ==
Paapa, Paapakarma, Aparadha, Durachara, Dushkarma, Dharma-Patana, Dharma-Abhasa, Dharma-Avarodha
== Adharma and global health ==
<p style="text-align:justify;">Adharma is an eternal factor affecting the various aspects of environmental and human health. Human activity threatens the earth ecosystem causing the decrease in the non-human occupied area upto 10% by 2050. The land , water and other ecological resources are being exploited to a greater extent causing damage to the environment in general.<ref name="ref10">Kortetmäki T, Puurtinen M, Salo M, Aro R, Baumeister S, Duflot R, et al. Planetary well-being. Humanit Soc Sci Commun. 2021 Nov 2;8(1):1–8.</ref> Human behaviour, growing urbanisation, deforestation, travel, trade and exponential rise in population has effect on the health of planet in general.<ref name="ref11">Chopra R. Environmental Degradation in India: Causes and Consequences. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Volume 11, Number 6 (2016), pp. 1593-1601</ref> It is proven that the global warming, climate change , emergence of pandemics, negatively affects the human health highlighting the interlink between the environmental health and human health.<ref name="ref12">Santos O, Virgolino A, Vaz Carneiro A, de Matos MG. Health behavior and planetary health: A multi-level environmental health approach. European Psychologist. 2021;26(3):212–8.</ref> Environment is not only the origin of infectious and vector-borne diseases, but also the source of medicines, including many antibiotics. Human impact on the environment is increasing the risk of emerging infectious diseases in humans. Over 60% of these diseases originate from animals, mainly from wildlife. Reducing biodiversity may also cause an increased disease transmission. WHO thus launched the ‘Our planet Our health’ campaign as a part of World Health Day celebrations 2022 to promote the importance of conservation of planet for the wellbeing of mankind.<ref name="ref13">Health on Earth: a healthy planet benefits us all – World Health Day 2022 [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 31]. Available from:</ref></p>
== Adharma as a cause of occurrence of different diseases ==
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