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=== Main procedure (pradhana karma) and  post procedure (pashchat karma): ===
<p style="text-align:justify;">The procedure for administration of yapana basti and post therapeutic protocol are same as like therapeutic enema (basti).
<br/>Some clinical research suggests that average retention time of yapan basti is 92 minutes.(Gajanan Kulkarni) </p>
=== Adverse effect and it’s management: ===
<p style="text-align:justify;">The improper administration of yapana basti can lead to following adverse effects like oedema, loss of digestive power, anemia, pain, hemorrhoids, proctalgia/fissure in ano, fever, diarrhea.
<br/>In such cases, patients are treated with medicinal formulations like arishta, kshira, sidhu. All the treatment planned should be aimed at increasing the power of digestion. [Cha.Sa. Siddhi Sthana 2/31]
<br/>Sometime due to its mild nature (mrudutva), the yapana basti does not get eliminated out of body. Then immediately another asthapana basti with cow urine (gomutra) and other sharply acting agents (tikshna dravyas) should be administered.</p>
=== Time of administration ===
Yapana basti can be given at all times and after meal also.
== Practical application and rationale behind using of yapana basti ==
<p style="text-align:justify;">Among all these diseases which are mentined above, there is obvious loss of one or more  components (dhatu) of the body. Moreover, all these dieases are chronic in nature.
<br/>The following phenomena appear in this type of diseases due to the damage to body components that has already taken place (dhatukshaya) and prolonged presence of the disease in the body.</p>
<ol style="text-align:justify;"><li>Vata dosha rages very strongly (vayurdhatukshayatkopo). This overpowered vayu carries pitta and kapha dosha to different parts of body [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 28/60] and gets obstructed by them. Once it gets obstructed there, vayu starts absorbing and emaciating the dhatu present there. [Cha.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 28/61]
<br/>This extension in the pathology of original disease gives rise to more depletion of dhatu (dhatu kshaya) and causing new symptoms or disease.
<br/>It means that the original disease becomes more serious. If we look at these diseases like halimaka, vishama jvara etc., these all are fatal in nature, because such type of extended pathophysiology.</il>
<li>Prolonged disease condition with extension of dosha in all over body involves all other systems in body in disease process. This makes the original disease multisystemic disorder, and this can cause critical condition of the patient. </il>
<li>From the discussion, so far it is clear that the following things happen in all of the above mentioned diseases :</il>
<ol type="a"><li>Great loss of body components in a progressive way</il>
<li>Very strong dominance of vata in pathogenesis due to dhatukshaya and avarana as well.</il>
<li>Multi system involvement</il>
<li>A huge fall in strength of body. (balaadhishthanam aarogyam) [Cha.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 3]</il></ol></ol>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Now considering the treatment of these conditions, there needs to be a treatment that has, nourishment (brimhana), strengthening power (balya), pacifying vayu (vata shamana), anulomana and clearing the channels (srotoshodhan) property.
<br/>Yapan basti hits all these criteria to treat these ailments surely.
<br/>This clearing of channels (srotoshodhana), provides lubrication (snehana), vata anulomana, nourishment (brimhana) and strengthening power (balya). Yapan basti becomes a radical therapy there.</p>
== Things to be avoided during yapan basti therapy ==
Vyayama – exercise
<br/>Maithuna – sexual activities       
<br/>Madya – alcoholic beverages
<br/>Madhu – honey
<br/>Shishira ambu –Intake of cold water
<br/>Rath kshobha – travelling 
== Current researches ==
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