Food and sleep are the determinants of obesity and emaciation. [Cha. Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 21/51] Night vigil causes dryness in body, while day sleep causes unctuousness. This leads to the aggravation of [[vata]] [[dosha]] and [[kapha]] [[dosha]] respectively. Sleeping in a sitting posture does not influence [[dosha]] equilibrium. It causes neither too dryness nor unctuousness. [Cha. Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 21/50] | Food and sleep are the determinants of obesity and emaciation. [Cha. Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 21/51] Night vigil causes dryness in body, while day sleep causes unctuousness. This leads to the aggravation of [[vata]] [[dosha]] and [[kapha]] [[dosha]] respectively. Sleeping in a sitting posture does not influence [[dosha]] equilibrium. It causes neither too dryness nor unctuousness. [Cha. Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 21/50] |