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====== 5. ''Turyadi churna'' ======
====== 5. ''Turyadi churna'' ======
One parts of each drugs –truti (smaller cardamom)- Elettaria cardamomum Maton, devadaru-Cedrus deodara Loud., kunduru- Boswellia serrata Roxb, pasanabheda- Cyclea peltata (Lam),
One parts of each drugs –''truti'' (smaller cardamom)- Elettaria cardamomum Maton, ''devadaru''-Cedrus deodara Loud., ''kunduru''- Boswellia serrata Roxb, ''pasanabheda''- Cyclea peltata (Lam),''Kampillaka''- Mallotus philippinensis Muell., five salts, ''yavaksara'', seeds of ''gokshura''- Tribulus terrestris Linn, ''ervaru''(cucumber)- utilissimus (Roxb.), ''trapusa''- Cucumis sativus Linn, ''chitraka''- Plumbago zeylanica Linn., ''hingu''-, Ferula assafoetidaL. ''mamsi''- Nardostachys jatamansi DC, ''yavani''- Trachispermum amami Linn. Two part of ''triphala'' (''haritaki, amalaki,vibhitaki'').
Kampillaka- Mallotus philippinensis Muell., five salts, yavaksara, seeds of goksura- Tribulus terrestris Linn, ervaru{cucumber}- utilissimus (Roxb.), trapusa- Cucumis sativus Linn, citraka- Plumbago zeylanica Linn., hingu-, Ferula assafoetidaL. mamsi- Nardostachys jatamansi DC, yavani- Trachispermum amami Linn. Two part of Triphala (haritaki, amalaki,vibhitaki)
Powder of all the above taken with sours (except saktu- vinegar), meat soup, wine and vegetable soups helps in gulma (phantom tumour) and breaking /dissolving the calculus in the tract. [64-65]
Powder of all the above taken with sours (except ''saktu''- vinegar), meat soup, wine and vegetable soups helps in ''gulma'' (phantom tumour) and breaking /dissolving the calculus in the tract. [64-65]
6. The paste of shigru- Moringa oleifera Lam root which is fried in ghee or oil measuring one bilva, prepared into soup and cooled. Intake of this cold soup along with dadhi manda (whey) and salt helps in dissolving / breaking the calculus. [66].
7 Paste prepared out of root of shobhanjana-Moringa oleiferaLam. Consumed along with water is good in calculus (ashmari) and gravels (sarkara). [67]
====== 6. The paste of ''shigru'' ======
8. Seetopala taken along with equal quantity of yava-ksara is the remedy for all types of dysuria.[67]
9. Method of extraction of the calculus:
Moringa oleifera Lam root which is fried in ghee or oil measuring one ''bilva'', prepared into soup and cooled. Intake of this cold soup along with ''dadhi manda'' (whey) and salt helps in dissolving / breaking the calculus. [66]
1) After drinking non contaminated wine, the patient should travel on a fast chariot or a horse.
Thus, gravels fall out and calculus subsides.
====== 7. Paste prepared out of root of ''shobhanjana'' ======
2) Otherwise it should be extracted by surgeon. [68]
Moringa oleiferaLam. Consumed along with water is good in calculus (''ashmari'') and gravels (''sharkara''). [67]
====== 8. ''Seetopala'' ======
''Seetopala'' taken along with equal quantity of ''yava-ksara'' is the remedy for all types of dysuria.[67]
====== 9. Method of extraction of the calculus ======
#After drinking non contaminated wine, the patient should travel on a fast chariot or a horse. Thus, gravels fall out and calculus subsides.
#Otherwise it should be extracted by surgeon. [68]
Treatment for dysuria caused by obstruction of semen:
Treatment for dysuria caused by obstruction of semen:
If the cause of obstruction is due to the vitiated semen, then the remedies should be decided depending on the doṣha predominant for obstruction (vitiation of semen). [69]
1.Meat soup prepared with the decoction prepared out of karpasa- Gossypium herbaceum Linn root, vasa- Adhatoda vasaka Nees, pasanabheda- Cyclea peltata (Lam) Hook.f.& Thomas, bala-Sida cordifolia Linn., laghupancamula(salaparn-Desmodium gangeticum(L.)DCprishnaparni-Cyperus,brahati- Solanum indicum Linn, kantakari- Garcinia morella Desr.,Gokshura - Tribulus terrestris Linn.), gavedhuka- Coix lacryma-jobi Linn.,Vrscira(svetha –white punarnava)- Trianthema portulacastrum Linn, aindri (redpunarnava)- Boerhavia diffusa Linn, satavari-Asparagus rigidulusNakai, madhuparnii(guduci)-Tinospora cordifolia(Thunb.) Miers, asanaparni (aparajita)- Clitoria ternatea Linn decoction may be used in case of obstructed semen which is predominated by  vāta.[70]
If the cause of obstruction is due to the vitiated semen, then the remedies should be decided depending on the ''dosha'' predominant for obstruction (vitiation of semen). [69]
#Meat soup prepared with the decoction prepared out of ''karpasa''- Gossypium herbaceum Linn root, ''vasa''- Adhatoda vasaka Nees, ''pasanabheda''- Cyclea peltata (Lam) Hook.f.& Thomas, ''bala''-Sida cordifolia Linn., ''laghupanchamula''(''salaparna''-Desmodium gangeticum(L.)DC ''prishnaparni''-Cyperus,''brahati''- Solanum indicum Linn, ''kantakari''- Garcinia morella Desr.,''Gokshura'' - Tribulus terrestris Linn.), ''gavedhuka''- Coix lacryma-jobi Linn.,''Vrshchira''(svetha –white punarnava)- Trianthema portulacastrum Linn, aindri (redpunarnava)- Boerhavia diffusa Linn, satavari-Asparagus rigidulusNakai, madhuparnii(guduci)-Tinospora cordifolia(Thunb.) Miers, asanaparni (aparajita)- Clitoria ternatea Linn decoction may be used in case of obstructed semen which is predominated by  vāta.[70]
2. The above mentioned decoction if taken along with milk or ghee is useful in case of pitta predominance. [70]
2. The above mentioned decoction if taken along with milk or ghee is useful in case of pitta predominance. [70]
3. Food and drinks such as soup etc. should be prepared with this decoction in case of kapha predominance. [71]
3. Food and drinks such as soup etc. should be prepared with this decoction in case of kapha predominance. [71]

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