These refer to the plants used for emesis for a disease that originates from the site of ''kapha''; the upper portion of ''amashaya'' (stomach). ''Pitta'' vitiation may not require emesis, but when this aggravated ''pitta'' reaches the site of ''kapha'', then it is to be eliminated through emesis. Different sites or parts of the body are associated with different ''dosha''. So when a vitiated ''dosha'' leaves its own “site” and occupies the site of another ''dosha'', then it is to be treated on the lines of treatment for the latter. [Ca.Ci.3/142] Among all plants enumerated for emesis ''Madnaphala'' (Catunaregam spinosa ) is considered important owing to its lesser side effects[Ca.Ka.1/13] and its strong effect. [Ca.Su.25/40]. | These refer to the plants used for emesis for a disease that originates from the site of ''kapha''; the upper portion of ''amashaya'' (stomach). ''Pitta'' vitiation may not require emesis, but when this aggravated ''pitta'' reaches the site of ''kapha'', then it is to be eliminated through emesis. Different sites or parts of the body are associated with different ''dosha''. So when a vitiated ''dosha'' leaves its own “site” and occupies the site of another ''dosha'', then it is to be treated on the lines of treatment for the latter. [Ca.Ci.3/142] Among all plants enumerated for emesis ''Madnaphala'' (Catunaregam spinosa ) is considered important owing to its lesser side effects[Ca.Ka.1/13] and its strong effect. [Ca.Su.25/40]. |