The debate among physicians should be held only on Ayurveda and not on any other topic. Here, in detail the statements and counter-statements and also all the arguments have been mentioned in the entire text. After keeping them in mind one should speak something and not anything which is irrelevant, unscriptural, unexamined, inappropriate, confused and unpervasive. He should speak everything with reasoning. All the conflicts of debate if endowed with reasoning, are devoid of malice and promote the medicine due to its property of enhancing the excellence of intellect, because indefective intellect leads to success in all actions. [67] | The debate among physicians should be held only on Ayurveda and not on any other topic. Here, in detail the statements and counter-statements and also all the arguments have been mentioned in the entire text. After keeping them in mind one should speak something and not anything which is irrelevant, unscriptural, unexamined, inappropriate, confused and unpervasive. He should speak everything with reasoning. All the conflicts of debate if endowed with reasoning, are devoid of malice and promote the medicine due to its property of enhancing the excellence of intellect, because indefective intellect leads to success in all actions. [67] |