One’s various type of diet leads to promotion of strength and luster only when he knows the wholesomeness according to different seasons dependent on behavior and diet.
One’s various type of diet leads to promotion of strength and luster only when he knows the wholesomeness according to different seasons dependent on behavior and diet.<ref> Ca.Su. 6/3 </ref>
If one follows the regimen as described for different seasons, he never suffers from diseases due to the aggravated doshas under the seasonal impact.
If one follows the regimen as described for different seasons, he never suffers from diseases due to the aggravated doshas under the seasonal impact.<ref> Su.Ut. 64/55 </ref> <ref> BhÁ. Pra. 5/356 </ref>
A man always becomes healthy only when he properly follows dinacharya (day routine), nishacharya (night routine) and ritucharya (seasonal routine) otherwise he will have disease.
A man always becomes healthy only when he properly follows dinacharya (day routine), nishacharya (night routine) and ritucharya (seasonal routine) otherwise he will have disease.<ref> BhÁ. Pra. 5/13 </ref>