Basti Siddhi

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Siddhi Sthana Chapter 10.Successful administration of therapeutic enema

Basti Siddhi
Section/Chapter Siddhi Sthana Chapter 10
Preceding Chapter Trimarmiya Siddhi
Succeeding Chapter Phalamatra Siddhi
Other Sections Sutra Sthana, Nidana Sthana, Vimana Sthana, Sharira Sthana, Indriya Sthana, Chikitsa Sthana, Kalpa Sthana
Translator and commentator Bhatted S., Bhojani M.
Reviewer Panse A.
Editors Thakar A. B., Mangalasseri P., Deole Y.S., Basisht G.
Year of publication 2020
Publisher Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre
DOI 10.47468/CSNE.2020.e01.s08.011


This chapter deals with the effective formulations used as therapeutic enema in specific diseases by using disease specific drugs, considering the underlying factors in the disease and the patient. Therapeutic enema is a fast acting safe and effective therapy better than therapeutic purgation. Nourishing therapeutic enema is contraindicated in the diseases suitable for purification and depleting therapeutic enema is contraindicated in weak, emaciated and debilitated persons. Specific drugs can be added to the main recipe of therapeutic enema in accordance to the dosha etc. to make it more effective. In this chapter, three formulations for therapeutic enema each for vata, pitta and kapha; four formulations each for cleansing the colon, for enhancing semen and muscle and for astringent action; two formulations each for stopping excessive discharge, burning sensation, cutting pain in anal region, tenesmus, over action of therapeutic enema; Three formulations for excessive life threatening bleeding; two formulations for bleeding disorder and one formulation of therapeutic enema for excessive urination including diabetes are described.

Keywords : Anabolic enema, Basti vyapad, Jeevadana, Parisrava, Parikarta, Pravahana, Successful and efficacious therapeutic enema, Semenotropic,Tenesmus,Standard basti,therapeutic enema.


In the previous chapter various diseases particularly of vital organs like heart, brain and kidney are described. Vata is the main causative factor for these diseases of vital organs and basti is the best therapy for the effective treatment of vata thereby to maintain the health of vital organs. In the present chapter, effective dosha and disease specific basti formulations are described. Basti can be practiced as a rectal route of drug administration in any disease by using specific drugs in accordance to the strength of the patient, dosha, season, disease and constitution of the patient. It is fast acting, easier and safe cleansing therapy can cause both nourishment and depletion effect on the body by using the specific drugs. It is better than therapeutic purgation as far as safety and palatability is concerned, can be used in all age groups and can produce any desired effect. Contraindications of nourishing enema and purifying enema shall be considered as per suitability of conditions during administration. Formulations of therapeutic enema for the treatment of specific dosha like vata, pitta and kapha and disease like excessive discharge, burning sensation, cutting pain in anal region, tenesmus, complications due to over action of therapeutic enema, life threatening bleeding, bleeding disorder and excessive urination including diabetes, colon cleansing, astringent effect and to enhance semen and muscle tissue are described in this chapter.

Certain drugs should be added later on to the main formulation of basti in accordance to the dosha and desired effect to make it more effective. As a general rule basti prepared from strong drugs should be used in chronic and severe diseases and basti prepared from mild drugs should be used in mild diseases.

Sanskrit text, Transliteration and English Translation

अथातो बस्तिसिद्धिं व्याख्यास्यामः||१||

इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेय||२||

Now we shall expound the chapter "Basti Siddhi" (Successful administration of therapeutic enema). Thus said Lord Atreya. (1-2)

सिद्धानां बस्तीनां शस्तानां तेषु तेषु रोगेषु|
शृण्वग्निवेश ! गदतः सिद्धिं सिद्धिप्रदां भिषजाम्||३||

Listen, O Agnivesha, to the discourse on various highly fruitful and efficacious basti for specific diseases which successfully treats the disease and provides success to the physician.[3]

Disease specific actions and advantages of basti

बलदोषकालरोगप्रकृतीः प्रविभज्य योजिताः सम्यक्
स्वैः स्वैरौषधवर्गैः स्वान् स्वान् रोगान्नियच्छन्ति||४||

कर्मान्यद्बस्तिसमं न विद्यते शीघ्रसुखविशोधित्वात्|
आश्वपतर्पणतर्पणयोगाच्च निरत्ययत्वाच्च||५||

Basti if properly administered in accordance to the strength of the patient, dosha, time, nature of the disease and constitution of the person by using the specific group of drugs prescribed for the treatment of the respective diseases will cure those diseases. No other therapeutic procedure is equivalent to basti as far as its actions like rapid and comfortable cleansing, immediate depletion and replenishment and is devoid of complications. [4-5]

Advantages of asthapana basti (purification enema) over virechana (therapeutic purgation)

सत्यपि दोषहरत्वे कटुतीक्ष्णोष्णादि भेषजादानात्|
दुःखोद्गारोत्क्लेशाहृद्यत्वकोष्ठरुजा विरेके स्युः||६||

अविरेच्यौ शिशुवृद्धौ तावप्राप्तप्रहीनधातुबलौ|
आस्थापनमेव तयोः सर्वार्थकृदुत्तमं कर्म||७||

बलवर्णहर्षमार्दवगात्रस्नेहान्नृणां ददात्याशु|८|

Although virechana (therapeutic purgation) does eliminate the dosha but the drugs used for virechana are katu (pungent), teekshna (sharp) and ushna (hot) in nature, unpleasant in taste and causes duhkha (discomfort), udgara (eructations), utklesha (nausea) and koshtharuja (pain in gastro-intestinal tract). Children and aged person are unfit for virechana, on account of former having not attained completely developed dhatu (tissues) and bala (strength) and the latter due to excessive diminution of dhatu and bala. Asthapana type of basti (decoction based therapeutic enema) in both the cases is most suitable procedure and the one that can produce all the desired actions. This basti therapy instantaneously provides bala, varna (complexion), harsha (exhilaration), mardava (softness) and sneha (unctuousness) to the body of the persons.[6-7½]

Three types of basti and its indications

अनुवासनं निरूहश्चोत्तरबस्तिश्च स त्रिविधः||८||

शाखावातार्तानां सकुञ्चितस्तब्धभग्नरुग्णानाम् |
विट्सङ्गाध्मानारुचिपरिकर्तिरुगादिषु च शस्तः||९||

उष्णार्तानां शीताञ्छीतार्तानां तथा सुखोष्णांश्च|
तद्योग्यौषधयुक्तान् बस्तीन् सन्तर्क्य विनियुज्यात्||१०||

The basti is of three types viz: anuvasana basti (enema with fatty substance like oil etc.), niruha basti (enema with herbal decoction, honey, rock salt, herbal paste and fatty substance) and uttara basti (trans- urethral/vaginal administration of medicine). The basti is beneficial for the patients who are suffering with the affliction of shakha (extremities) by vata, sankuchita (contractures), stabdha (stiffness), bhagna (fractures), vitsanga (constipation), adhmana (gaseous distention of abdomen), aruchi (anorexia), parikartika, (cutting pain in anal region), rug (pain) etc. ushnartanam (patients afflicted with heat) should be given cold basti and for sheetartanam (those who are afflicted with cold) should be given warm basti by using suitable drugs based on proper reasoning. [8-10]

Contraindications of asthapana and anuvasana basti

बस्तीन्न बृंहणीयान् दद्याद् व्याधिषु विशोधनीयेषु|
मेदस्विनो विशोध्या येऽपि नराः कुष्ठमेहार्ताः||११||

न क्षीणक्षतदुर्बलमूर्च्छितकृशशुष्कदेहानाम्|
युञ्जाद्विशोधनीयान् दोषनिबद्धायुषो ये च||१२||

Nourishing type of basti (brimhana anuvasana basti) should not be given to the persons who are indicated for cleansing treatments and to the patients suffering with the diseases indicated for cleansing treatments like obesity, skin diseases and excessive urination including diabetes. Cleansing basti (shodhana asthapana basti) should not be given to the persons who are suffering from consumption, phthisis, debility, fainting, emaciation, dehydration of the body, as well as in those whose life is sustained due to retention of dosha itself.[11-12]

Specific liquid media for enema solution

वाजीकरणेऽसृक्पित्तयोश्च मधुघृतपयोयुक्ताः|
शस्ताः सतैलमूत्रारनाललवणाश्च कफवाते||१३||

युञ्जाद्द्रव्याणि बस्तिष्वम्लं मूत्रं पयः सुरां क्वाथान्|
अविरोधाद्धातूनां रसयोनित्वाच्च जलमुष्णम्||१४||

For aphrodisiac effect and for the diseases caused by rakta (blood) and pitta, the basti prepared with madhu (honey), ghrita (cow’s ghee), paya (cow’s milk) are recommended. For diseases caused by kapha and vata, the basti prepared with tila taila (sesame oil), mootra (cow’s urine), aranala (sour rice gruel), lavana (rock salt) are recommended.

In the preparation of enema solution the ingredients like amla (sour substances), mootra (cow’s urine), paya (cow’s milk), sura (alcoholic beverages), and kvatha (herbal decoctions) are to be added, particularly hot water should be added as it is not antagonistic to dhatu and is source of rasa dhatu (nutrient fluid).[13-14]

Prakshepa (additives) to enema solutions

ऊर्ध्वानुलोमभागाः ससर्षपाः शर्करा लवणम्||१५||

आवापा बस्तीनामतः प्रयोज्यानि येषु यानि स्युः|
युक्तानि सह कषायैस्तान्युत्तरतः प्रवक्ष्यामि||१६||

चिरजातकठिनबलेषु व्याधिषु तीक्ष्णा विपर्यये मृदवः|
सप्रतिवापकषाया योज्यास्त्वनुवासननिरूहाः||१७||

Suradaru (Cedrus deodara), shatahva (Anethum sowa), ela (Elletaria cardamom), kushtha (Sassurea lappa), madhuka ( Glycerrhiza glabra), pippali (Piper Longum), madhu, sneha (unctuous substances like ghee/oil/muscle fat/bone marrow), urdhvanulomabhagah (drugs inducing vomiting, purgation), sarshapa (Brassica camprestris), sharkara (sugar), lavanam are to be added to the enema solution. Among these ingredients which are to be added in which kind of enema and with what kind of decoction will be described hereafter. In disease conditions which are chronic, obstinate and severe, anuvasana and niruha basti prepared with strong decoction and later added with strong ingredients should be used. While in opposite disease conditions (which are mild and of recent origin) ingredients having mild effects should be used. [15-17]

Vata dosha pacifying basti formulations

अर्धश्लोकैरतः सिद्धान् नानाव्याधिषु सर्वशः |
बस्तीन् वीर्यसमैर्भागैर्यथार्हालोडनाञ्छृणु||१८||

बिल्वोऽग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मर्यः पाटलिस्तथा|
शालपर्णी पृश्निपर्णी बृहत्यौ वर्धमानकः||१९||

यवाः कुलत्थाः कोलानि स्थिरा चेति त्रयोऽनिले|
शस्यन्ते सचतुःस्नेहाः पिशितस्य रसान्विताः||२०||

Listen to the comprehensive description of fruitful formulations of basti in different diseases, each one of which is described in half verse as follows:

These formulations contain the drugs which are harmonious to each other in potency and proportion and added with suitable drugs as alodana/avapa (drugs which are added later on to the main formulation).

Three formulations of basti for vata disorders:

  1. Bilva (Aegle marmelos), agnimanthah (Premna mucronata roxb.) shyonakah (Oroxylum indicum vent.,) kashmaryah (Gmelina arboria linn.), paatali(Stereospermum serveolens).
  2. Shalaparni (Desmodium Gangeticum), prashniparni (Uraria Picta), brihati (Solanum indicum), kantakari (Solanum surattense), vardhamanaka (Ricinus communis)
  3. Yava (Hordeum vugare), kulattha (Dolichos biflones Linn.), kola (Ziziphus mauritiana Linn.), sthira (Desmodium gangeticum)

These above three groups of drugs are to be used along with four types of unctuous substances (ghee, oil, muscle fat, bone marrow) and meat soup as basti in diseases caused by vata. [18-20]

Pitta dosha pacifying basti formulations

नलवञ्जुलवानीरशतपत्राणि शैवलम्|
मञ्जिष्ठा सारिवाऽनन्ता पयस्या मधुयष्टिका||२१||

चन्दनं पद्मकोशीरं तुङ्गं ते पैत्तिके त्रयः|
सशर्कराक्षौद्रघृताः सक्षीरा बस्तयो हिताः||२२||

Three formulations of basti for pitta disorders:

  1. Nala (Arundo donax), vanjula (Salix tetrasperma Roxb.), vaanira (Salix caprea Linn), shatapatrani (Rosa centifolia Linn), shaivalam (Ceratophyllum demursum Linn.)
  2. Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia Linn.), sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), ananta (Fagonia cretica Linn.), payasya (Ipomea batata), madhuyashthika (Glycerrhiza glabra).
  3. Chandana (Santaluma album), padmak (Pranus cerasoides), usheeram(Vetiveria zizanoidis), tungam(Cocus nucifera).

These above three groups of drugs are to be used along with sugar, honey, ghee and milk as basti in diseases caused by pitta. [21-22]

Kapha dosha pacifying basti formulations

अर्कस्तथैव चालर्क एकाष्ठीला पुनर्नवा|
हरिद्रा त्रिफला मुस्तं पीतदारु कुटन्नटम्||२३||

पिप्पल्यश्चित्रकश्चेति त्रयस्ते श्लेष्मरोगिषु |
सक्षारक्षौद्रगोमूत्रा नातिस्नेहान्विता हिताः||२४||

Three formulations of basti for kapha disorders are:

  1. Arka (Calatropis procera R. br.), alarka (Calatropis gigantia Linn.) ekashthīla (Cissampelos pariera), punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa).
  2. Haridra (Curcuma longa), triphala (fruits of three myrobelons viz: Embellica officinalis, Terminalia belerica, terminalia chebula), musta (Cypurus rotundus Linn.), peetadaru (Adina cardifolia), kuannatham (Oroxylum indicum).
  3. Pippali (Piper longum) and chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica Linn.)

These above three groups of drugs are to be used along with kshara (alkali), honey, cow’s urine as basti in diseases caused by kapha.[23-24]

Pakvashaya shodhaka basti (colon cleansing enema)

फलजीमूतकेक्ष्वाकुधामार्गवकवत्सकाः |
श्यामा च त्रिफला चैव स्थिरा दन्ती द्रवन्त्यपि||२५||

प्रकीर्या चोदकीर्या च नीलिनी क्षीरिणी तथा|
सप्तला शङ्खिनी लोध्रं फलं कम्पिल्लकस्य च||२६||

चत्वारो मूत्रसिद्धास्ते पक्वाशयविशोधनाः|
(व्यस्तैरपि समस्तैश्च चतुर्योगा उदाहृताः)||२७||

Four formulations of basti for pakvashayavishodhanah (colon cleansing):

  1. Phala (Randia spinosa Poir.), jimutaka (Luffa echinata Roxb.), ikshvaku (Lageraria siceraria Mol.), dhamargava (Luffa cylindrical Linn.), vatsaka (Holarrhena antidysentrica linn.)
  2. Shyama (Operculina turpethum Linn.), triphala(fruits of three myrobelons viz: Embellica officinalis, Terminalia belerica, terminalia chebula), sthira (Desmodium gangeticum), danti (Baliospermum montanum), dravanti (Croton tiglium Linn.)
  3. Prakeerya (Pongamia pinnata), udakeerya (Pongamia glabra), neelini (Indigofera tinctoria Linn.), ksheerini (Euphorbia hirta Linn.).
  4. Saptala (Euphorbia dracunculoides Lamk.), shankhini (Ctenolepis Cerasiformis), lodhram (Symplocos racemosa roxb.), phalam, kampillakasya (fruit of Mallotus philippinensis Muell arg.)

These above four groups of drugs prepared with cow’s urine are to be used as basti for colon cleansing. These four groups of drugs can be used separately or jointly. [25-27]

Basti formulations for enhancing shukra and mamsa (semen and muscle tissue)

काकोली क्षीरकाकोली मुद्गपर्णी शतावरी|
विदारी मधुयष्ट्याह्वा शृङ्गाटककशेरुके||२८||

आत्मगुप्ताफलं माषाः सगोधूमा यवास्तथा|
जलजानूपजं मांसमित्येते शुक्रमांसलाः ||२९||

Four formulations of shukramamsalaah basti (for promotion of semen and muscle tissue):

  1. Kakoli (Roscoea procera wall.), ksheerakakoli (Roscoea procera/Lilium polyphyllum), mudgaparni (Phaseolus trilobus Ait.), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus wild.).
  2. Vidari (Pueraria tuberosa), madhuyashthi (Glycerrhiza glabra), shringathaka (Trapa natans Linn.), kasheruke (Scirpus grossus Linn.).
  3. Atmaguptaphalam (fruit seed of Mucuna prurita Hook.), mashaah (Phaseolus mungo Linn.), godhuma (Triticum aestivum Linn.), yava (hordeum vulgare Linn.).
  4. Jalajanupajam mamsam (meat of aquatic and marshy land inhibiting animals).

These above four groups of drugs are to be used as basti for promotion of semen and muscle tissue. [28-29]

Sangrahi basti formulations (astringent action)

जीवन्ती चाग्निमन्थश्च धातकीपुष्पवत्सकौ|
प्रग्रहः खदिरः कुष्ठं शमी पिण्डीतको यवाः||३०||

प्रियङ्गू रक्तमूली च तरुणी स्वर्णयूथिका|
वटाद्याः किंशुकं लोध्रमिति साङ्ग्राहिका मताः||३१||

Four formulations of basti for saangraahika (astringent action):

  1. Jeevanti (Leptadenia raticulata), agnimantha (Premna mucronata Roxb.), dhatakeepushpa (flower of Woodfordia fruticosa), vatsaka (Holarrhina antidysentrica).
  2. Pragrahah (Cassia fistula), khadirah (Acasia catechu wild.), kushtham(Sauserea Lappa), shami (Prosopis cineraria Druce.), pindeetak (Randia prunus), yava (barley).
  3. Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla), raktamooli (Rubia cardifolia Linn.), taruni (rosa centifolia Linn.), svarnayoothika (Jasminum auriculatum)
  4. Vatadyaaha (Ficus bengalensis Linn. and similar trees having latex), kimshukam (Butea monospermia), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa Roxb.)

These above four groups of drugs are to be used as sangrahika basti. [30-31]

Basti formulations in parisraava (excessive secretions from the body)

परिस्रावे शृतं क्षीरं सवृश्चीरपुनर्नवम्|
आखुपर्णिकया वाऽपि तण्डुलीयकयुक्तया||३२||

Two formulations of basti for arresting parisraava (excessive secretions from the body):

  1. Milk boiled with vrishcheera (Trianthema portulacastrum) and punarnavam (Boerhavia diffusa Linn.).
  2. Milk boiled with akhuparnika (kidney leaved ipomea) and tanduliyaka (prickly amaranth).[32]

Basti formulations in daha (burning sensation in the body)

कालङ्कतककाण्डेक्षुदर्भपोटगलेक्षुभिः |
दाहघ्नः सघृतक्षीरो द्वितीयश्चोत्पलादिभिः||३३||

Two formulations of basti for reducing daha (burning sensation):

  1. Kalankataka (Cassia saphora), kandekshu (Sacharum spontaneum), darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata), potagal (Arundo donax Linn.), ikshu (sugar cane).
  2. Utpaladibhih (blue water lily and other aquatic plants of its group)

These above two groups of drugs along with milk and ghee used as basti relieve daha. [33]

Basti formulations in parikartika (fissure in ano)

कर्बुदाराढकीनीपविदुलैः क्षीरसाधितैः|
बस्तिः प्रदेयो भिषजा शीतः समधुशर्करः||३४||

परिकर्ते तथा वृन्तैः श्रीपर्णीकोविदारजैः|
(देयो बस्तिः सुवैद्यैस्तु यथावद्विदितक्रियैः)||३५||

Two formulations of basti for treating parikartika (cutting pain in anal region):

  1. Milk cooked with karbudara (Bauhania variegate Linn.), adhaki (Pigeon pea), neepa (Anthrocephalus indicus), vidula (Barringtonia acutangula) and added with honey and sugar should be given as cold basti in parikartika by the physician.
  2. Milk cooked with stalks of shriparni (Gmelina arboria) and kovidara (Bauhania purpuria) and added with honey and sugar should be given as cold basti in parikartika by the good physician who have a correct knowledge of therapeutics. [34-35]

Basti formulations in pravahika (tenesmus)

बस्तिः शाल्मलिवृन्तानां क्षीरसिद्धो घृतान्वितः|
हितः प्रवाहणे तद्वद्वेष्टैः शाल्मलिकस्य च||३६||

Two formulations of basti beneficial in pravahan (Tenesmus): Milk prepared with the stalk of shalmali (Shalmali malabarica) mixed with ghee and milk prepared with the resin of shalmali (Shalmali malabarica) mixed with ghee used as basti are beneficial in pravahan.[36]

सिद्धाः क्षीरेऽतियोगे स्युः क्षौद्राञ्जनघृतैर्युताः||३७||

न्यग्रोधाद्यैश्चतुर्भिश्च तेनैव विधिना परः|३८|

Two formulations of basti for treating the complications due to over action of basti:

  1. Milk prepared with ashvavarohika (Withania somnifera or Dipterocarpus turbinatus), kakanasa (Martynia annua Linn.), rajakasheruka (Scirpus tuberosus Desf.) mixed with honey, rasanjana (water extract of Berberis aristata) and ghee.
  2. Milk prepared with nyagrodh (Ficus bengalensis), udumbara (Ficus glomerata Roxb.), ashvattha (Ficus religiosa Linn.) and plaksha (Ficus lacor) mixed with honey, rasanjana (water extract of Berberis aristata) and ghee. [37-37½]

Jeevadana nashaka basti (life threatening bleeding)

बृहती क्षीरकाकोली पृश्निपर्णी शतावरी||३८||

जीवादाने शृतौ क्षीरे द्वौ घृताञ्जनसंयुतौ||३९||

बस्ती प्रदेयौ भिषजा शीतौ समधुशर्करौ|

सद्यस्कैर्मृदितैर्बस्तिर्जीवादाने प्रशस्यते||४१||

तेनैव विधिना बस्तिर्देयः सक्षौद्रशर्करः||४२||

Three formulations of basti for treating the jeevadana (life threatening bleeding):

  1. Milk prepared with brihati (Solanum indicum Linn.), ksheerakakoli (Roscoea procera/Lilium polyphyllum), prishniparni (Uraria picta), shatavari (Asperagus racemosus) and mixed with ghee and rasanjana (water extract of Berberis aristata)
  2. Milk prepared with kashmarya (Gmelina arborea Linn.), badari (Ziziphus jujuba), doorva (Cynodon dactylon Pers.), usheera (Vetiveria zizanoidis Linn.), priyangavah (Callicarpa macrophylla) and mixed with ghee and rasanjana (water extract of Berberis aristata)
  3. Madhuka (Madhuka indica), madhuka (Glycerrhiza glabra), draksha (Vitis vinifera Linn.), doorva (Cynodon dactylon Pers.),kashmarya (Gmelina arborea Linn.) and chandana (Santalum album Linn.).

These above three groups of drugs mixed with honey, sugar, milk of cow, sheep, goat or buffalo mixed with the paste of jeevaniya (life promoter) group of drugs and the fresh blood of rabbit, deer, chicken, cat, buffalo, sheep or goat and administered as cold basti is highly beneficial in jeevadana. [38-42]

Basti formulations in rakta-pitta (bleeding disorders) and prameha (excessive urination including diabetes mellitus)

रक्तपित्ते, प्रमेहे तु कषायः सोमवल्कजः||४३||

Two formulations of basti for treating the raktapitta (bleeding disorders):

  1. Decoction of manjishtha (Rubia cardifolia), sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), ananta (Fagonia cretica Linn.), payasya (Ipomea batata), and madhuka (Glycerrhiza glabra)
  2. Decoction of chandana (Santalum album Linn), draksha (Vitis vinifera Linn.), dhatriphala (fruit of embellica officinalis), utpala (blue lotus) mixed with sugar and honey.

One formulation of basti for treating the prameha (excessive urination including diabetes mellitus):

  1. Decoction of somavalka (Acacia farnisiana wild.). [43]

Basti formulations in various diseases

सर्वाङ्गैकाङ्गरोगेषु रोगेष्वेवंविधेषु च||४४||

यथास्वैरौषधैः सिद्धान् बस्तीन् दद्याद्विचक्षणः|
पूर्वोक्तेन विधानेन कुर्वन् योगान् पृथग्विधान्||४५||

In conditions of gulma (abdominal lumps), atisara (diarrhea), udavarta (upward movement of vata in abdomen), stambha (stiffness), sankuchita (contractures), sarvanga roga (paralysis of the whole body), ekanga roga (paralysis of one limb) and for such other diseases the discerning physician should administer fruitful basti prepared with the drugs appropriate for each disease condition by adopting the method described earlier. [44-45]


तत्र श्लोकाः

त्रिकास्त्रयोऽनिलादीनां चतुष्काश्चापरे त्रयः|
पक्वाशयविशुद्ध्यर्थं वृष्याः साङ्ग्राहिकास्तथा||४६||

परिस्रावे तथा दाहे परिकर्ते प्रवाहणे|
सातियोगे मतौ द्वौ द्वौ जीवादाने तथा त्रयः||४७||

द्वौ रक्तपित्ते मेहे च एकत्रिंशच्च सप्त ते|
सुलभाल्पौषधक्लेशा बस्तयो गुणवत्तमाः||४८||

To sum up:

In this chapter, thirty seven excellent formulations of basti containing less number of ingredients, which are easily available and devoid of discomfort are described as follows:

  • Three formulations of basti each for vata, pitta and kapha diseases.
  • Four formulations of basti each for cleansing the colon, for promotion of virility and for astringent action.
  • Two formulations of basti each for excessive secretion, burning sensation, cutting pain in anal region, tenesmus, over action of basti.
  • Three formulations of basti for life threatening bleeding.
  • Two formulations of basti for bleeding disorder and one formulation of basti for excessive urination including diabetes mellitus. [46-48]

इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृतेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरिते सिद्धिस्थाने बस्तिसिद्धिर्नाम दशमोऽध्यायः||१०||

Thus, completes the tenth chapter entitled as successful therapeutic enema of Siddhi Sthana of the treatise compiled by Agnivesha, revised by Charaka and supplemented by Dridhabala because of its non-availability. [10]

Tattva Vimarsha (Fundamental Principles)

  • In order to attain curative effects, basti should be properly administered in accordance to the strength of the patient, dosha, time, nature of the disease and constitution of the person by using the specific group of drugs prescribed for the treatment of the respective diseases.
  • Basti (trans rectal drug administration through enema) is the fast acting and comfortable cleansing therapy that any other therapeutic procedures. It can lead to immediate depletion and replenishment.
  • The basti is advantageous over virechana (therapeutic purgation) as it can be administered in children and old age with comfortable cleansing effect.
  • Basti is beneficial for the patients of affliction of vata disorders including conditions like sankuchita (contractures), stabdha (stiffness), bhagna (fractures), vitsanga (constipation), adhmana (gaseous distention of abdomen), aruchi (anorexia), parikartika (cutting pain in anal region), rug (pain) etc.
  • Ushnarta (patients afflicted with heat) should be given cold basti and for shitarta (those who are afflicted with cold) should be given warm basti by using suitable drugs based on proper reasoning.
  • Nourishing type of basti (brimhana anuvasana basti) is contraindicated in the persons who are suitable for cleansing treatments and to the patients suffering with the diseases indicated for cleansing treatments like obesity, skin diseases and excessive urination including diabetes.
  • Cleansing basti (shodhana asthapana basti) is contraindicated in the persons who are suffering from consumption, phthisis, debility, fainting, emaciation, dehydration of the body, as well as in those whose life is sustained due to retention of dosha itself.
  • The specific liquid media for preparing basti solution, drugs for preparing formulations and additives shall be decided as per dosha dominance and disease specificity. Basti formulation can be made more potent and suitable to particular dosha or condition by adding appropriate drugs to the main formulation like adding ghee and milk to achieve more aphrodisiac effect.

Vidhi Vimarsha (Applied Inferences )

Apart from selection of basti for treating vata, it should be selected in accordance to the disease (3).

The concept described in verse 4 can be explained with the example that the kshaara basti indicated in the treatment of amavata may not be suitable if the patient is devoid of bala, with the dominance of vata dosha, vata prakriti, and in grishma ritu (4).

During emergency where immediate cleansing or rapid nourishment is required without much preparation basti can be safely used (5).

Virechana drugs are unpalatable and may produce some sort of discomfort and not suitable in children and aged people, whereas basti can be given in all age groups and capable of producing all type of action. When the drug is unpalatable, oral administration of medicine is difficult and rectal administration can be easily done. Virechana may result in severe fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance causing dehydration and subsequent complications hence should be avoided in weak persons like children and aged on the other hand basti may not cause such severe fluid loss or electrolyte imbalance hence it is safe to use basti in any age group; moreover any desired effect can be achieved by basti like by using lekhana basti one can cause lekhana ( weight reduction), by using vrishya basti (aphrodisiac) one can increase the virility.

When the oral root cannot be used for some reasons (e.g. Ca oesophagus, stomach) , basti can be a great help to maintain and nourish the patient by giving yapana, brimhana types of basti. [6-8].

The above principle can be explained by these examples viz. raktapitta is due to excessive heat hence in the treatment cold basti is indicated on the other hand amavata is due to excessive cold hence in the treatment hot basti like kshara basti is indicated (10).

Always one should take a precaution before selecting the type of basti; cleansing basti should never be given in emaciated, debilitated or dehydrated persons because even mild loss of fluid and electrolytes may result in fall of blood pressure and subsequently shock, replenishing basti should never be given in obesity which may cause further increase in weight and adiposity (11-12).

The use of specific avapa can be explained with examples viz. ushakadi gana prativapa is added in lekhana basti [Su.Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 38/82] to achieve more lekhana effect, mamsarasa is added in mustadi yapana basti [Cha.Sa.Siddhi Sthana 12/16-1] to make it more suitable for vata and to enhance its ability to nourish mamsa dhatu. Ushna jala is added in basti because it causes shrotoshodhana and vatanulomana which are essential actions in basti karma apart from its suitability to all dosha and dhatu (13-17).

Dashamula basti for vata disorders, yashtimadhu ksheera basti for pitta disorders and lekhana basti prepared with triphala, alkali and cow urine for kapha disorders are some of the common basti in practice for specific dosha.

Vata hara drugs are used along with fat and meat soup in preparing basti for vata disorders, pitta hara drugs are used along with fat and milk in preparing basti for pitta disorders and kapha hara drugs are used along with alkali, cow urine and little fat in preparing basti for kapha disorders (19 - 24).

Mainly cleansing (both purgative and emetic) drugs are used in colon cleansing basti by effectively cleansing pakvashaya which helps in regulating vata dosha, not only in pakvashaya but all over the body (25-27).

Mainly aphrodisiac and rejuvenating drugs and high protein substances are used in shukramamsalaḥ basti. Few researches were conducted at IPGT&RA, Jamnagar, India on shukramamsalaḥ basti by using some of these drugs to find out their effect on seminal parameters and sexual functioning. Positive effect was noted on both of these parameters (28-29). Ref.

Sangrahika basti can be of use in chronic conditions of atisara to arrest fluid loss and dehydration (30-31).

Both parisraava and daha are mainly due to pitta hence milk based basti are advised for these conditions further for effective management of daha ghee is added and mainly pitta hara drugs are used (32-33).

In parikartika to manage cutting pain and promote healing cold basti of medicated milk with honey and sugar is advised (34-35).

Piccha basti is described for the treatment of pravahika, one of the main ingredients of piccha basti is shalmali (Ca. Ci. 15/225-229); shalmali is rich in mucilage content which helps for wound healing. The disease pravahika is correlated with ulcerative colitis and in clinical practice piccha bastiis given in ulcerative colitis shown encouraging result in terms of reduction in symptoms like tenesmus and mucus and blood discharge with stool. Shalmali is rich in picchila (slimy) property which causes ropana (wound healing) and reduces pain hence used in pravahana in which there is painful mucus discharge with stool (36)

Nyagrodh and similar plants are rich in tannin hence used as astringent to stop diarrhea. In atiyoga of basti there will be excessive diarrhea in order to stop it mainly grahi (astringent) drugs like nyagrodh etc. are used. Atiyoga accounts for depletion of dhatu as well as aggravation of vata; to arrest elimination of dhatu astringent drugs are selected and they are administered through medium of milk which is nourishing and also pacifies vata (37-38).

Mainly rakta basti is prepared by using pitta shamaka, jeevaniya drugs and fresh blood of animals. In jeevadana and raktapitta there is aggravation of pitta and excessive loss of blood from the body. Based on the principle of dravya samanya the fresh blood of specific animals is used along with other jeevaniya (life promoting) drugs as rakta basti to make up for severe blood loss, faster than any other remedial measures, it is a classical example of application of fundamental principle of samanya (38-43).

Basti can be used as rectal route of drug administration in any disease by using specific drugs in accordance to the disease and disease specific basti can be designed. (44-45).

Further reading

  1. Charak,Charak Samhita, English version published by Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic society, Jamnagar, india, 1949
  2. Charak. Charak Samhita. Edited by R K Sharma and Bhagwan Das, VI th Volume, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit series;2013. p.--.
  3. Chakrapani, Charak. In: Vaidya Jādavaji Trikamji Achārya, Editor. Charak Samhita.? ed. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal publishers, 1992.

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